Ideas for ab exercises with a bruised tailbone?


Does anyone have any ideas for what a person could do for ab work if they have a bruised tailbone?

I've never had a bruised tailbone, but I'm guessing to hurts to lie on your back, right?

How about planks and hanging leg raises?
Marcia---OUCH! I hurt my tailbone about 4 years ago while snow tubing with the BFF and I thought we'd be the cool parents and build a ramp/jump and go off it to.....the plan worked, until I got a lot of air and my tube flew out from underneath me and I landed HARD on my tailbone. OUCH! I was VERY sore for about 2 months.


I did a lot of standing ab work, stability ball work (crunches on the ball don't require you to put your tailbone area on can 'sit' higher if needed), planks and breathing work. Hope that helps some, and FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!
I second the idea of stability ball work. Side-to-side wood chops (I believe this is in the Supersets/PushPull DVD), crunches, roll-ins, etc. Planks. If you're at the gym, hanging/roman chair crunches and back extensions.
Thanks for the ideas. Thank goodness it's actually not me that has the bruised tailbone, it's one of the ladies in my aerobics class. I was hoping for some ideas and you guys came through as always.

Thanks a bunch! ;)
tailbone excercises and troubles

I have recently been thru the mill in health problems that ALL STARTED with tailbone pain,,, I had started excercising to the Jillian Michaels dvds, and one of those ab wheels you push forward on the floor.. right after the ab wheel i noticed tailbone pains at night. Over a period of three months that tailbone pain became horrendous.. I had mri, xrays done. Nothing found. some degenerative mild disc disease nothing unusual they said for 50. Then I decided to try and end that tailbone pain that then radiated upwards basically to the joints in my rear end. good luck travelling , which i did a lot next. Thats why the shot was my next idea.. The day after the steroid epidual shot, my tailbone didnt hurt so much as lower back, went to a chiropractor. I noticed my right arm , right foot, and right side of my face all went numb in the next three days.. ends up I am in the hospital they are telling me they are worried about a stroke. No stroke. I am home now 2 weeks after all this garbage. I started excercising today, after reading up. I bought the foam cushion for the injured tailbone, and use it when I am on the computer. and during any excercises that I did on my back I just put it under me. I have been at the physical therapist, she said just bend your knees , while laying down, and put ur butt in the air and squeeze. that does nothing for me lol. I started back to a few leg ab excercises. The plank I saw on the net is the one to do. I found a good video at this website Hope that helps. Dont do that ab wheel, the chiropractor said he injured his back really bad doing that excercise. good luck to everyone with the tailbone pain. I have it still, but the FOAM cushi0n ring helps me and tons of ibuprofin every single day.
There a lot you can do without doing crunches or other lying-on-the floor work: moves that IMO are more effective anyway. The Ultimate Ball Workout from Supreme 90 has hardly any moves where you are lying on your back, for example.

I'd go with lots of plank work and stability-ball and gliding disc (or paper plate) moves.

For stability ball: roll-ins, pikes, plank with feet on ball, plank with one leg lifted, plank with hands or forearms on ball, rollouts with forearms on ball (either from knees or from toes), 'witches caldron" (plank with forearms on ball, rotating the arms in a circle).

For gliding discs: pikes with feet on discs, mountain climbers with feet on discs, planks with feet on discs and moving one foot sideways and back.

You might also try some standing work: weighted wood chops, or rotating alternating overhead presses, or alternating punches making sure to angle the punches to in front of the opposite shoulder.

Of course, if any of these moves hurt your tailbone, don't do them.
I see you've gotten some great responses Marcia...hope your friend is better soon! Jrock50, so sorry to hear about your problem. I hope you find a solution very SOON! That's awful! HUGS!
Would work in a pool be better? I sure hope you feel better soon. My grand dad had a terrible tail bone injury (shattered falling off the back of a truck.) and was never able to sit comfortably again. Take care of yourself and just don't do anything that hurts (I know, that wasn't helpful was it?) I know the hardest thing for any Cathlete to do is rest but I think thats the best course of action for right now. No Chinese splits or horse stances either!



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