ideas for a new series


Hi Cathe!

I have a few ideas for your next series. I just did the new DVD's and liked them mostly because of the new moves. I must admit though that I like the music in the intensity series much more. I think that is why Imax-2 is so popular - the music is rock based and seems to be almost mood altering and just pushes you though it. You don't even notice the time with music like that, even though it's not an easy workout! So even though the music on the new DVD's is good, I would suggest pepping up the music a bit with familiar rockin songs.

At first glance, I was also was a little annoyed that the DVD's were so long - since I only have an hour to work out a day. Then, I noticed the premixes offered. I just love the ability to pick and choose the time on the workout!! What an awesome feature - Thanks for that!

Variety is the spice of life. Mix variety with rockin music and you have an awesome combo. Since you have such an educated and creative crowd buying your DVD's maybe you could ask for their help in coming up with new and original moves. Perhaps offer a free DVD, Cathe bucks to use on your website, or even a mention in the credits for anyone who sends in ideas on new moves that you use in a future DVD. I would love to send in a video of moves that you could consider for use in the new series. You would likely get some great and unique strength and cardio moves this way. For me, the most fun part of getting a new workout is trying out the new moves. If I got a new Cathe workout that had nothing but new moves I would be blown away!! How fun would that be?!? Not to mention the fact that your fans could all get involved in the making of your next series. What a powerful bonding experience this could be for us all. I get excited just thinking about it.

I would emphasize the importance of using a limited amount of space, since most of us probably work out in our living rooms. I would also emphasize the importance of safe moves. For example, I don't like to do side jumps on the step because I think the risk for falling is high and I also don't like to do push ups on the ball, especailly with sweaty hands. My thoughts are that moves that have some risky aspects to them should be done at the beginning of the workout before fatigue that causes poor form sets in and concentration wanes.

It would be great to get a new workout that has a great chest workout without pushups or a leg workout without squats or lunges! I know these are great exercises for these muscles - but I can always go back to the other workouts to do these. I just would like to see more variety.

By the way, I also like the brief perceived exertion breaks in the workouts. It gives me time for a quick sip of water and perhaps time to get my equipment ready for the next segment.

I hope you truly consider this idea. It would not only be fun to be somewhat involved in helping to make the workouts but it would be even more exciting to purchase and do the new workouts, knowing that they would be extremely fresh ideas from you and from fellow Cathe addicts. Thanks for the workouts!!!!! You truly are the best!


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