idea for a new "cathe" tape



I just got my new series of tapes....have only done upper body so far..and LOVE IT!! I always love Cathes tapes!!! I am an advanced exerciser and love the challenge and new ideas that Cathe comes up with. My idea is this:......I was wondering if Cathe could do a tape for upper body that uses all those little muscles...the different angels....that we tend to neglect. I know that variety is the key to success....especially when lifting weights. I tend to do alot of the major muscle groups and never know what kind of exercises to do that hit all the different angles of the muscles. OR.....if any suggestions out there. Otherwise.....I just love Cathes tapes......they are the best "at home" tapes ever. I taught in a health club for 9 yrs and was so glad to find Cathe after I "retired"....shes my challenge!!
Thanks so much,

i would love to see cathe do an all stability ball tape. I have yet to find one that is like a gym workout. I think she is the only one who would come close. In my opinion the ball is the way to go to get all those 'little' muscles. it may not look like a workout, but it can be intense. I use the ball with my weights and there is nothing better for your core muscles. I would be in heaven if cathe would do a tape of this kind.

Since both of these workouts really call on core strength, what about a "Fit to the Core" series of 3 workouts on one DVD? I'd love to see more stability ball/medecine ball work from Cathe (even though I don't have my new DVDs yet, I'm sure she does a great job with it!). I'd also like to see a functional fitnees workout, like the ones you describe. Have you both posted your ideas in the "video suggestions" section of the site?
Hi Kathryn,

No, I haven't posted this idea on the video question forum yet, but i am thinking about it. I would just die if Cathe answered back....LOL

Hi Kathryn....I forgot to mention in my last post that I love the idea for the name of the video series....Fit to the Core.

Hi all,

I really, really want a Cardio Kicks 2, with lots of power drills. In fact I would like it to be interval-like.

Cher, if you go to the home page, you will see at the very top to the right, a suggestions box. If you click on it, you can suggest to your hearts content. Got to hand it to Cathe - she is always listening to her fans !!!!!!!

Anna :)
Hello everybody!

Wow I haven't posted on the forums for more than a year, but I lurk weekly LOL. Anyway I had to reply to this one. I know Cathe has a section for suggestions, but I'm afraid nobody pays attention to those because they're almost 1,000 so I have never posted in there. I agree with the idea Anna suggested. I just got the new videos and I'm still on the previewing phase. I like the fact that Cathe never repeats herself and my body likes it too, but just previewing the new videos makes me think about the next round of videos that Cathe should produce. Like Anna, I think Cardio Kicks 2 is a must and I would love it to be interval like maybe Cardio Kicks 2: Interval Madness or something like that. I also would love to see a 15-15-15 tape as a follow up to CTX's 10-10-10, Slow and Heavy series 2 (with a count change like the one Cathe suggested on the original series --maybe 2 counts for the positive movement and 6 counts for the negative-- ) and Pure Strength series 2. LOL One can only hope!!!

P.S. Hugs to everybody... Donna, DebbieH, etc I hope you remember me hehe
I love the 15-15-15 idea!! or maybe 20-20-20!! AAHHH!!! :)

I would love a Cathe video that was called "drills" or something like that, that was a short video that would be a bonus on a dvd, where you go through a series of drills that would strengthen your cardiovascular system. I know when I played tennis in high school, we had to do drills on the tennis courts that left me breathless-zig zag running (in and out, side to side) or plyos in some kind of pattern and have to run to the back of the room..
I know it sounds like torture, but maybe some video like that would be a good conditioner or something?

Also, I would love to see a Cathe video with hi/lo for almost all the video, or half hi/lo, half kickbox!


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