I just got my new series of tapes....have only done upper body so far..and LOVE IT!! I always love Cathes tapes!!! I am an advanced exerciser and love the challenge and new ideas that Cathe comes up with. My idea is this:......I was wondering if Cathe could do a tape for upper body that uses all those little muscles...the different angels....that we tend to neglect. I know that variety is the key to success....especially when lifting weights. I tend to do alot of the major muscle groups and never know what kind of exercises to do that hit all the different angles of the muscles. OR.....if any suggestions out there. Otherwise.....I just love Cathes tapes......they are the best "at home" tapes ever. I taught in a health club for 9 yrs and was so glad to find Cathe after I "retired"....shes my challenge!!
Thanks so much,
I just got my new series of tapes....have only done upper body so far..and LOVE IT!! I always love Cathes tapes!!! I am an advanced exerciser and love the challenge and new ideas that Cathe comes up with. My idea is this:......I was wondering if Cathe could do a tape for upper body that uses all those little muscles...the different angels....that we tend to neglect. I know that variety is the key to success....especially when lifting weights. I tend to do alot of the major muscle groups and never know what kind of exercises to do that hit all the different angles of the muscles. OR.....if any suggestions out there. Otherwise.....I just love Cathes tapes......they are the best "at home" tapes ever. I taught in a health club for 9 yrs and was so glad to find Cathe after I "retired"....shes my challenge!!
Thanks so much,