<--- Ice Ice Baby

<---rubs eyes and asks, It's morning already?
<---slept well last night for the first time in six days
<---is always impressed by Kassia's optimism
<---thinks it's great that Kali has own account (I call that F-U money -- got that right... it means what you think it means.;-) )
<---all this running makes her a bit guilty about laying low on the cardio lately
<---really has to lift weights today
<---isn't looking forward to it
<---congratulates Wendy for another pound lost
<---wants to escape to Hawaii with Sandy;-)
<---wishes Shelley, Evily, Angie and Dani well on marathon
<---should go chug some caffeine

<---laughs because <---also has the old up-yours account!!! :p
<---watched Lost with DH and thinks that they need to stop trying to find a way off that island and just be grateful that they live in paradise (Hawaii, no surprise) and get to eat papaya and seafood!
<---clearly doesn't get the point of the show
<---also needs to get butt moving on weights
<---has Viper on the docket today, will do for the first time!
<---will modify it so there is only upper body worked
<---needs a neck massage

<--pokes in ... waving white flag ... ducks from flying nerf bat
<--says... wait, wait can <--come back in now? <--worked out!
<--did BodyMax for first time ... yowza! ...
<--will go back and take a much needed shower!
<--will try to jump back on before DH gets home and takes over internet :)
<--is intrigued by up-yours acccount idea ..heehee!
<--tells Missy that <--recently went through massage school to keep self busy while DH was in school so <--would happily give her a neck massage (although <--thinks cyber-massages may not quite cut it ;-) !!)
<--off to take my shower now!
<--gosh am I a procrastinator today!
<--yikes! was that a nerf bat! ***ducks***
<--see you later :)

Cath :)
<---wonders if where everyone went?
<---is scared because <---is the last poster on several threads
<---tells Cath that any massage will do!!!
<---thinks it is time to remove booty from this chair
<---has had SO MUCH FUN doing Christmas shopping online, yeehaw!
<---only has a few gifts to run out for, and then <---is done
<---rides out on spirited white gelding

<---has messed up setting on her pc somehow and can barely see the words on the screen
<---hit Michaels and Hobby Lobby and will be doing a bit more decorating today
<---had fun with gm
<---needed lots of drinks afterwards and HAD lots of drinks
<---will try to get deco pics up later
<---needs to mow grass too
<---better get busy!

<---waves hello to Amy, Melissa, Missy, Emily and Pinky!:)
<---tells Cath that YES, she is allowed back in thread since she completed her work out for the day!:p
<---is about to go work out <---self!
<---is thinking of doing step from the classics dvd.
<---needs to do ab work too.
<---will fit in weights if there is time.
<---is off like a dirty shirt!}(
<--slips back in as DH popped off internet for a minute ...
<--thanks Wendy for allowing <--back in :)
<--must go make dinner now!

Cath :)
<--- just got out of an unexpected meeting
<--- is x( because her boss came back from Hilton Head today
<--- wonders why he can't just take a minute off work
<--- is leaving at 1, no matter WHAT!
<--- might have told him that she has an appointment she has to go to so MUST leave at 1!;)
<--- is anxious to start her weekend
<---hopes Shelley gets to leave work early
<---is tired from GS-BSB/SJP & KPC abs
<---thinks that doing May 2005 rotation might not work this month
<---thinks Cathe's shorter workouts route is the way to go
<---will think of ways to modify her routines
<---has up-yours accounts for a long time (yes, plural... never put eggs in one basket and all that)
<---got the idea a long, long time ago from a domestic abuse article in Glamour magazine
<---thinks the idea is good even without the abuse issues
<---wants to know what y'all got online:)
<---wonders what Jes got from Michael's and Hobby Lobby
<---is thinking of taking the kiddo shopping today
<---hopes the crowds won't trigger his SI dysfunction
<---knows he has a handle on it now, but is still worried

<---pops back in after doing 1/2 of Step Jam, BC upper body only, PLB stability ball work and Cardio Hits Ab work.
<---thinks ^^^ was a great total body burnin' mish mosh that <---came up with!}(
<---is eating now.
<---just ate a bit of left overs from wednesday night's dinner.
<---is going to look for MORE food now!:9
<---is VERY hungry!!! }(
<---still needs to shower, feed Joey and go grocery shopping today!:eek:
<---doesn't know if <---can fit it all in before going to <---'s mom's for a visit. <---has to try though.
<---tells PInky she got some holly berry sprigs, toothpick holders, coffee mugs, another wreath and some mini trees with burlap bases, cause three trees werent enough!!
<---made snowflakes for the windows today and thinks they look cute
<---is going to download more christmas music from itunes today cause <---has listened to all her cds 100 times now!
<---is doing a workout later NO MATTER WHAT!
<---doesn't feel like cooking:eek:
<---ate very badly yesterday(not sugar but alot of fat!) and has to pay the piper
<---has to get back to decorating:7

<---says hi again
<---great w/o & plans going on today girlies
<---had a great spin class.
<---thinks instructor was on speed or something :eek:
<---legs were on fire after
<---says came home and did BC though b/c didn't feel like expelled enough heebie jeebies
<---says well the heebies are done jeebying now ;)
<---feels good and contented
<---has to fold laundry soon. whee.
<--- says glug glug glug goes the coffee

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---is back with more food!!! }(
<---is eating veggie burger and l/f cottage cheese. :9
<---tells Debbie BC after spinning sounds EVIL!:eek:
<---is reminded by Debbie that <---needs more coffee before rest of <---day can begin!;)
<---is doing the happy dance because DH is bringing home pizza for kiddos!
<---is going to try to make Indian dish, punyabi, for myself... looks delicious! It has chickpeas, garlic, ginger, and curry over rice, mmmmmmmm:9
<---throat and ears feel better after working out - isn't it funny how that works?
<---wonders where everyone is this evening, and what big plans there are for you all
<---is going Saturday night to finish Christmas shopping and eat Greek food, my favorite dish spanikapita, with DH
<---really hopes that DH got <---the food processor <---so desperately wants, along with mandoline!
<---loves kitchen inventions to make cooking and preparing easy!
<---is off to clean little Logan-monster's messes

<----waves good evening to all in CatheLand
<----hopes everyone had a great day
<----is catching up on all of today's threads
<----feels as if she is always trying to catch up
<----made herself brown rice and veggies for dinner
<----'s kids and DH had pizza
<----is going to try to go xmas shopping tomorrow
<----thinks if she says it enough times it just may happen
<----thinks it is also time to put up the xmas tree

<--- had a wonderful afternoon and evening with her beautiful daughter
<--- did a killer workout - Interval Max, chest work and Coremax 1
<--- did 5 sets of 10 push-ups ALL ON HER TOES!!!
<--- needs a hot shower in a big way
<--- wishes she was at Emily's tonight:(
<---went to costco and food store tonight.
<---didn't buy much food though. WTF!?
<---finished decorating, took pics and has them up in <---picture trail under "holidays and special occasions".
<---isn't a very creative or fancy decorator but it will do.
<---doesn't have Pinky's talent.
<---can't wait to see Jes' decoration pics!!!
<---will surely be impressed by them as well!
<---ate 4 cookies tonight. :eek:
<---doesn't really care because <---RARELY eats cookies!!!
<---will shut up now!:p

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