Ice Cream Lovers of the world "unite"


I cannot thank Honeybunch enough for turning me on to Healthy Choice ice creams! Whatever this "thing" is with me and ice cream, a new "thing", cause I never was an ice cream eater before this summer, but Healthy Choice is low fat (2g/serving).


So far I've tried: Tin Roof Sundae (an experience in decadance!),
Cappuccino Mocha Chip (some words may not be in order there!), and Cookies N' Cream (insert Homer Simpson drool!)
I'm scared to death there's going to be some: "ABC Special Report" saying, "Healthy Choice lying to customers-ice cream is really NOT low fat!"
They really are that good, and I am totally an "all or nothing" type of person. If there's an aftertaste, a "taste" that takes getting use to, etc., I'll just do without whatever the food is. Like I don't do veggie burgers, it's a dbl qtr pounder w/cheese or nothing! PU-LEEZE!
Anyway, anyone else have any low fat "finds" to share?

Your posts are fun & put a smile on my face. I think of you binging on oranges almost everytime I see one. I always chuckle to myself when I think of that post... I'm waiting for Peter Jennings to report: Ben & Jerry's really isn't full of fat. Eat the pint without guilt. A recent study proves it won't clog your arteries or put pudge on your hips.. The nutrition labels are wrong...
I love ice cream and always eat it during summer months. Healthy Choice is the tastiest low fat ice cream I've tried. (I'd like a low fat version of Breyer's Almond Joy). Yum!! Breyer's neopolitan is good. I can't remember if its yogurt or light? It has slightly more fat and calories than HC but tastes good. I don't always check the fat & calories. What I don't know won't hurt me.. I know thats not true, but that way I can make up my own calories and not feel guilty.. lol. Sad but true. Edy's makes a good low fat ice cream w/ orange sherbert. I know you like oranges. Thanks for the laugh!
Have you tried Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches? They are lowfat and delicious. Their website is Since my dh and I tried them we are hooked. I like it because I don't have to worry about scooping a little too much ice cream in the bowl. Yes, I love Healthy Choice ice cream too! My favorite is Rocky Road!!!

Donna M
Second here for Skinny Cow sandwiches. I have NO control when it comes to ice cream, so if I buy a half gallon- doesn't matter if it is Healthy Choice, it will be gone in 4 servings, not 16!!!! Imagining 16 servings in fact is very hard!! So, I find that if I buy Skinny Cow, I somehow feel alot more glutonous if I reach for another sandwich. Crazy, but you know how the mind works sometimes!!:):)
Hey, so glad to help! I'm one who refuses to give up sweets, so these low fat varieties are a miracle to me.

Around these parts we have Edie's, Pierre's, and a local dairy who makes a good sugar free/fat free ice cream (Superiors, all you folks in NE Ohio).

Healthy Choice ranks right up there for their flavors, their coupons (that not many have) and their PINTS! I wish every company had pints!

I'm new to the forum (and to Cathe videos)and I must say you guys are awesome! I can't believe I finally found people who have the same questions, and issues that I have!

I'm just like you Donna, I never ever used to crave ice cream, I never used to eat it at all, but since I've lost over 30 lbs., all I can think of is ice cream! I also eat the Healthy Choice variety and think it's the best for your buck. My all time favorite is Mint Chocolate Chip and I think the Healthy Choice version is actually better than the Dreyer's full fat variety. I did a taste test! I also love the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. If you want variety, you can make your own healthy sundae. Buy plain vanilla fat free Healthy Choice ice cream and top it with sliced strawberries. It's excellent! Oh, one more thing, if you are a really sweet tooth and/or you love caramel, then you have to try the Healthy Choice Praline and Caramel, it is loaded with caramel and it's soooo good!

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