I checked this video out of the library and did it this weekend for the first time. It was very well put together in my opinion and would be a great addition to the infamous Tank Top Rotation as it only works biceps, triceps and shoulders. It has 2 15 minute workouts which are really only 10 minutes of actual work. I did both workouts back to back, so a total of 20 minutes of arm work. It's a great workout to do when you need something quick but still want to feel like you worked your arms. I do almost exclusively Cathe for strength and use 8-15 lbs for most exercises. For Tamilee I used 5 lbs for side lateral raises (can do 8 with Cathe b/c the reps are a bit slower), and for the majority of the other exercises I used either 8 or 10 lb dumbells except for some of the bicep exercises I went up to either 12 or 15 lbs.