I want FIT tv - Dish Network


I was wondering if anyone else had tried to get FitTv for Dish Network.

I have put in several request, but they told me a lot of request would have to come in before they would try to get it.

Has anyone else with Dish Network put in a request?

We used to have Dish Network but switched to Direct TV because they offer NFL Sunday ticket, which my husband adores. We couldn't be happier with Direct TV. Maybe you could switch if you're not under a contract. They have FitTV and now you can get TIVO with your subscription. (We just added TIVO and it's great!)
Unfortunately, I am under a contract.:-(

It would cost me over 200 dollars to cancel. They got me on this one.
I've put in requests 3 times now.
Response is always the same...."I'm sure Management is looking into it." AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!
where do i put in a request? call? somewhere on their website? i have dish and would LOVE to get fittv!

just tell me where to request and i'm there!
Yes, I did too! They said that they would consider my request. That was over the summer. I wonder if I should put in another request?


Hi Sara, Right now I have Comcast and wondering If i should switch over to Direct TV. Did you ever have Comcast? and if you did can you compare the difference for me so I can decide if I should go with Direct TV. TIA:)
I also put in a request a few months back and got the obligatory "we'll consider it" message in return.

For Pete's sake, I wish they'd just ditch one of the dozen useless shopping channel's and give us this one. x( x(
RE: Sara?

Barbara, I would stay with Comcast. DirectTV has glitches etc... I never had a problem with my Comcast, ever.
Dish is actually working out pretty good except for the no FitTV part.

I went through the 1-800-333-3474 number on my bill. I selected programming on the menu and told them I wanted to request the channel. They put the request in....you might also be able to put a request in via their webpage.

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