I want another baby- am I nuts??


I just had my 3rd baby 3 months ago and DH and I had agreed when we got married 3 kids and that is it.

I had a hard time with my 3rd pregnancy and right after had the baby blues BIG time.

Lately I am having a strong desire that once I lost my weight (92 lbs to my goal) I would like to have a fourth child. I am thiking about 2-3 years from now i would love to get pregnant again. DH is a little more leary but at least he is not saying a definate no. he says 90% no, but hey its a start :)

So am I totally nuts for wanting a 4th baby one day?? I just love beinga mom so much and adore my kids so much I want one more. I just know my family and friends would think I am totally nuts. But in my opinion if we can afford it and provide love for the child it is our decision, right??

I would love to hear from others who have 4 or more kids.


... I think that's very normal. It's hard for me to imagine never having a baby again... and I'm not the biggest fan of pregnancy that you ever met. I just love being a mom.

After #1, I thought, "I can't imagine what my life was like before I had Aaron."

After #2, I think, "I can't imagine what my life was like before I had Aaron & Robby."

So, the logical next thought is... if two is this good, maybe three would be better! LOLOL

I dunno... I think the money fairy would have to visit us before I could be persuaded to have another. I'm staying at home (at least that's the plan) until the kids are in pre-K or Kindergarten... so the more babies, the longer we have until we have a steady 2nd income.

Hee-hee... and then I had this thought that I could get pregnant and not know it (I'm nursing & on a progesterone only pill) because I haven't had a period yet... and I PANICKED LOL.

My only advice is not to forget to enjoy the one you've got :)
I feel the same way!!!!

Oh my goodness! I was just wondering if I should post about wanting to have another baby :-wow :-wow :-wow ...and there you go and beat me to it!!!! :-jumpy

I just had my baby boy six 1/2 months ago and I have been thinking of another one...I also have 3 children, like you!

It must be our mommy hormones gone nuts!

However, when reality kicks in...oh, well..we would have to move to a bigger house and that is not possible for a few years...and then the $$ and the private school situation....Yes, we must put the children in private school, and so many other things since I work full-time outside the home! :-sad

My hubby and I just look at each other and then decide that this is it..."schedule the vasectomy...}>" until I come up with the subject again!!! ;-)

I think we need psychological help!!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
RE: I feel the same way!!!!

Hehe runathon, your right, I think it is our mommy hormones running nuts! We too would need a bigger house or an extension. I think for now the best thing is to enjoy my baby and other kids. Hey I'm 33 so I still have time to decide. Not gonna make any life changing decisions right now!!

I read somewhere that after a baby- your brain sends out hormones making you desire more kids. It is part of perpetuating the human race. After all- after the pain of childbirth its amazing we have more than 1 kid!!

Enjoy your new little one also :)
I don't think so

But then again, I'm expecting number 5, so maybe I'm not the one to ask. :) Seriously, I think that some people are put together in such away that they SHOULD have more kids than the average and some people aren't. However, probably right after having a baby isn't the time to decide one way or the other. Wait until the hormonal dust settles, and then see how you feel.

Erin and ?

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