I used to only sweat like this with Tae Bo


Today I did Kick Max, and really focused on my form, which put me a step or two behind Cathe. When I first watched the video before attempting it, I was a little concerned that it would not get my heart rate where I needed it to be. The only workouts that used to do that for me were TaeBo, because of the sheer speed of the workout. I noticed Cathe's KB workouts didn't involve as much speed, therefore I didn't think I'd work as hard.

Silly me...I sweat like never before today after Kick Max, and that included a lot of modifications during the blast segments..no jumping at all for me today.

I guess if I tried hard enough to find the answers as to why this is as effective as it is, I could come up with something. Instead, I choose to chalk it up to Cathe's expertise!!

I needed this one today!!

If the Kick Max worked out for you, wait till you try KPC. I usually don't sweat much from Kick Max and TaeBo but KPC will defiantly does and see great results.

I ended up giving away all my TaeBo tapes.
Hey there I do not have Kick Max yet as I am new to Cathe but I can see it is a must have. I find that I sweat A LOT with her workouts and I did sweat with Tae Bo just not as much as I am now. I am so in love, love, love with Cathe's workouts and truly look forward to each workout(kinda dread too cuz I know she is gonna kick my but);-)
I love her smooth, fluid movements that are fun and challenging at the same time. She is excellent at cuing and this a nice change for me after Tae Bo...I am not bashing it just love the better cuing. I have not done step aerobics since college in the late 80's and I did not even realize how much I missed and enjoyed it. I love kick boxing to so I have been torn about which one of those to get x(

So sweat away Mr. Jerry with the expert and marvel at how much water can roll off of one body :7 I chase my kids around when I get done and threaten to give them big, squishy, sweaty hugs }(

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