I Tried Spinning......................


Well, this past Saturday, my girlfriend, who is a spin instructor at our local gym, took me as her guest to her spin class. I did it again this morning at 5:45 am. What a workout--I am hooked!!! Now the question is--do I join this gym for the Spin class??? Seems like a lot of money for a class, but I really thought it was an awesome workout! It really could break through my plateaus! I don't think I would use the weights there ( I love Cathe too much and don't like the meat market feel at the gym) but I might try other classes there.......What should I do??????????????

i would see what other classes they offer that you can fit into your routine. we have contimplated the YMCA b/c the variety of classes they offer. spinning,step,pilates,use of the pool, treadmills,steppers. etc etc.

i went to a gym a few times here that was only $15 a month. no trainers or anything like that so you had to pretty knowledgable to be there. i loved it b/c i really showed up in the gym. while all the GUYS were chit chatting this gal was busting butt.i got more respect at that gym then anywhere else for my determination and know how. but i got an opposite feel at the Y's weight room. when i was taking the tour all these meat headed looking guys checking me out, offereing "to teach me the ropes of lifting". plz like they had a chance and they have knowledge that i don't already know LOL.

well before i ramble away. list the pro's and con's and the other activites they may have of interest for you.it might be worth it at this gym or it might be better to shop around at other gyms for prices and quanity/quality of classes the offer.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Another alternative is to shop for your own spinning bike and get spinning DVD's. Since you are accustomed to working out at home, and you don't like the "meat market" feel at the gym.
Just Do It! :)
that is a great option. i have seen some dvds floating around on the internet for spinning. and dynamix music makes cds just for spinners, although i would still up for the interval ones myself.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
There is nothing like a live class that you love. I belong to two gyms *just* for spinning. I also own a spin bike which I love but I'd much rather be in a live class if I can. I'm not thrilled with the music on the spin vids/dvds. I have recently tried the cardiocoach on my spin bike and it works great but, again, the music isn't for me.

I don't think they have month to month--when there's a special, it's $50 to join, and something like $30 a month, and I think you have to make a year long commitment.

Anyone else do spinning and see great results? I just feel so spent after doing it--I just love working my body to exhaustion in a new way. But I can't help thinking about all the additional Cathe tapes I could get with that same money!!!

Oh, I am so torn!!!

That's a lot of money. I pay $19 for each of my memberships - having both makes it worthwhile for me. One is actually a Ballys membership that isn't advertised. I told them I was only going to spin one day a week and needed the cheapest possible deal. I can only go three days a week for that price which is fine because the classes I like are only on weekends. The other is a local gym that ran a special - unlimited days/classes for that price. After years of spinning, it's very easy to get bored with the same instructor. I love checking new people out. Running and spinning are my main cardio sources.
$30 a month is not bad if the location and class times are good for you. I have been thinking of the same thing too - just to take some spin classes to shake things up. I am not looking at joining for the long term but for something to help me reach my goal. Do they have a shorter time that you can join for? If it is a good gym with lots of classes, $30 is reasonable. But you might check out what other gyms in your area offer and the cost.
I used to go to the gym for spinning a few years back, then was on a crazy schedule that I could not incorporate the classes. I started running and then hurt my right knee and had issues with my low back. I decided after research to buy a spin bike and get the DVD's of spinervals. What a difference it makes!! Yes, this spinning does break through plateaus and really works on one's endurance.

I don't know what your schedule is like, but getting a bike may be a thought. It is worth every penny.

I love my spinning bike and my dvds. Lately I've been making up my own "classes" with my own music and that's a lot of fun too. Either way, you can't go wrong with spinning. Mari
Can you get a free trial membership for a week of so? Try that and see if you like it enough to buy a memebership. Sounds like a great way to meet other fitness minded people.
Thank you so much for all your wonderful words of advice.

Ladies (those of you who own a spin bike)--how much are we talking, do you like your bikes, and if so, what bikes do you have???? And what DVDs do you like for spinning?

I wish I could say I'd meet fitness-minded people, but I'm not that optimistic--for the most part, I live in an affluent fishbowl kind of area (think Wisteria Lane!!!), so I don't think I'll be bonding with too many people. BUT my girlfriend who teaches the Spin class is AWESOME and she obviously is there alot. She said I could go in with her and do her class whenever I want for free, but after 2 classes I am sort of feeling like she could get in trouble if she keeps getting me in without a membership and I do not want to risk getting her in trouble.

Thanks, again Ladies!!

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