I tried on my 'skinny' jeans this morning....


...and it wasn't pretty! Although they fit looser in the waist and hips, they were tighter than tight on my thighs - blech!

So I have decided to try and only do lower body floorwork without heavy weights for a while. Today I did the floor work from GS: legs and PS: Legs.

I also know that PLB has leg floor work. What other Cathe leg workouts have floor work?

Thanks for your help...

Hey Tammy! It's a bummer that your pants aren't fitting right all over, but it's great that they are looser in places!!! L/G has floor work in the ankle weights portion and Body Fusion has great floor leg work. Good luck!

Tammy, you and me both. I've used GS-Legs for almost 2 months now, and my pants are tight in the thigh area. So I'm laying off weighted squats and lunges for a while. Last weekend I did pure floor work using the stability ball segment from PLB, the ankle weight segment in L&G, and the floor work in GS-Legs. The whole thing took about an hour approximately, and I had a nice sore in my hamstrings and hips the next day. I'm thinking of adding the leg conditioning drills from KickMax to floor work as well. PS-Legs also has a good floor work segment.

For an intense non-weighted lowerbody workout how about this mish-mosh:

KM warm-up and combos
LM blasts only
KM leg drills and stretch

I did this on Sat and I was dripping with sweat and my legs were fried. It is low impact, but about 80mins. long.

Try it, see how it works for you.

Nice mish-mosh, I'm going to have to give that one a try! I have some knee issues and have over the years had to do alot of floor work for legs. Here's a list of some of my favorites both Cathe and non-Cathe...

-floor work from PS Legs&Abs
-LG ankle weight work
-GS Legs floor work (excellent!)
-leg drills from KickMax
-floor work from FIRM volume 1
-PLB floor work
-Karen Voights Great Weighted Workout floor work
-Margaret Richards Home Improvement (think it only comes in VHS but the best floorwork I've found in awhile)
-Margaret Richards Triple Threat

Good Luck!
Hi girls! I just want to comment on the weighted leg work. Oldfirmie, I also used to do The Firm workouts and I stayed in great shape using them. Think back to the much older tapes...when the workout leaders would have you doing lunges/squats with the weights on our shoulders...they always used 10 pound handweights...for a total of 20 pounds.

Now, with Cathe workouts, you need only look at Cathe's thighs to know that if you use heavy weights like she does, you will have thighs that look like hers. I never use weights as heavy as Cathe and crew because I don't want those overly large thighs or large arms either. When selecting the weight you are going to use you have to consider the weight of the barbell itself also. I never use more than 20 pounds of weights for leg work. It worked perfectly for me when I did The Firm workouts and that continues to be a good weight for me when doing Cathe's so I don't bulk up my thighs.

One thing I will do sometimes is start out leg work with a 20 pound barbell and then switch to a 15 pound weighted bar that I have. As long as you are achieving muscle fatigue, you are working the legs. Adding more heavy weight (I think Cathe uses 45 pounds sometimes) is going to increase the size of your thighs.

And it's all about the physique you are trying to achieve. Fitness models/competitor's have those huge thighs and they are quite large on the upper body as well. They get that way lifting heavy. Just keep that in mind and alter your workouts according to the body type you are wanting for yourself.
so i can modify cathe's workouts as they are... to lower weights for lower body.. get just an effective workout.. and be happier with my legs?

i've been contemplating slim series to slim out my bulking thighs.. it would be great if i could avoid the boredom (as i've read) of SS and keep doing cathe (who i love) and get smaller thighs (i haven't been happy with them for a couple months now)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Oh definitely keep doing Cathe...just lower the weight you are using. It isn't how heavy you can lift, it's how many reps you can get through using correct form. If you're contracting the correct muscles during the exercises, you will feel the burn even if you use no added weights at all.
I have noticed this in my thighs as well. I am more defined, and in some areas am smaller, but my thighs seem bigger?? Its very frustrating. Before I never used more than a total of 20 pounds for leg work and might go back to that, I rarely used weights at all for legs! I relied mainly on running and pilates to keep them slender, I just wanted more definition, but not bulk!

I am definately thinking of not using weights on the lower body for awhile and seeing how that will help......I wish Cathe would come out with a HIGH rep workout for lower body that doesn't use weights or very very light weight - that would solve all our problems! Ha!

(I don't want to have to order the Slim Series either, but I hear the results are fabulous!)
i can actually do them (squats, etc) with proper form, with the higher weights... which i guess is how i got my muscular, bulky legs! however i'm gonna take the advice and go back to a 20 pound barbell! just like i had to resort to lighter weights for my shoulders!

same thing for lunges and other "standing" type exercises? how about plie squats? lower weights? or keep the heavier for plies?

if lighter.. what would you suggest for the others? 5 pound dumbbells maybe?

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
>(I don't want to have to order the Slim Series either, but I
>hear the results are fabulous!)

I had the same problem and I did cut back on my weights and my jeans don't feel as tight. However, what is the "Slim Series"? Is that an old one? Does that one include Leaner Legs which I am strongly considering, but have a DVD player in the work out room. I would have to spend $90 to get LL. :-(

leaner legs is a cathe workout... slim series is a good times workout.

i like leaner legs! has a lot of floor work!

i don't know much about slim series cuz i don't have it... but it's a high repetition, low weight workout, from what i've read about it!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Same problem here as well. I think I am going to back off on the leg workouts (i.e. GS legs) and just do cardio to keep my thighs from bursting through the seams of my jeans. There is so much intense legwork in the cardio parts of the Hardcore Series that for right now, I think I'm going to put GS legs on the back burner. I think that lowering the weights for lower-body exercises might be a good idea in my case as well. I suppose it's a good problem to have, but a problem nonetheless.


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