<--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramamine...

<-- me three :p
<-- waves GM to Lorie and Robin
<-- will wait another hour and then take the doggies for a long walk
<-- doesn't want to powerwalk at 3 am
<-- this shall be interesting - 6 dogs at once (Maverick is staying for a week)
<-- needs to get some tea
<-- thanks Lorie for her email and <-- will try to call her later
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous day
<--waves good morning to all of youse early risers
<--is :eek: the most at Carola up at 3:00 am :eek:
<--hopes RT roomie got back to sleep
<--wonders if Robin is working today or just up early?
<--'s back is much worse today x(
<--did nothing but take Muffie for a walk yesterday
<--will be babying it this week
<--just got Strike Zone and now doesn't know when <-- will be able to do it
<--knows it could be much worse and will just rest and stop whining about it :D

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--is up
<--me four
<--is also walking her dog today and doing LM 1-4 and some Abb work
<--wonders how in the world Carola walks six dogs at once?:eek:
<--is thinking Carola is a dog whishper(reminds <--of the show dog whisper,he walk alot of dogs at once)
<--is off to do the java dance;-)
<--hopes all has a terrific tuesday:7
<--is glad carola got <--'s email and is sending more hugs {{{}}}
<--is sorry roomie's back is not doing well and gently remids her to take it easy
<--is sorry robin did not sleep well also
<--waves to miss amelia and hopes she is enjoying the cooler temperatures
<--managed to do cc3 and an extra 23 minutes on the elliptical
<--now has a day full o' meetings and packing later
<--HATES packing and ALWAYS takes way too much!
<--- sends a big pot of coffee to Carola, Robin, Lorie and Amelia!!
<--- thinks they need it!
<--- is sorry to hear Catherine's back is still bad - but glad she's being sensible and resting!
<--- says the sun is shining here again today and is feeling the call of the tennis again
<--- may bbl :*
<---waves Happy Tuesday to all
<---did IMAX2 this morning, which always makes <--- :D
<---is especially :D when Interval 9 is over :p
<---sends Lorie a blankie and a pillow so she can take a nap
<---sends a blankie and a pillow to Robin while she's at it
<---and Carola
<---thinks y'all are a tired bunch today!
<---has missed Carola and is glad to see her here
<---sends ((((HUGS)))
<---is sorry Catherine's back is bugging her :(
<---would pay money to see Amelia's java dance ;)
<---hopes Ronne enjoys the sunshine!
<---would love to enjoy the sunshine, but alas, <--- is stuck in the office x(
<---has some drawing revisions to work on this morning, so <--- better get moving on that... get the work done NOW, play for the rest of the day :p
<--wonders where Lorie is going?
<--also had trouble getting to sleep last night
<--sends GIGANTIC hugs to Miss Carola
<--has 2 more sleeps till vacation
<--keeps thinking they will have to take <-- to the airport by ambulance :p
<--is stressed out by all the demands of clients and partners
<--is going on vacation anyway ;)
<--will tell them there is no cell phone service on Vancouver Island
<--hopes that's actually true
<--feels a bit guilty for whining
<--should be counting her many blessings
<--is rambling from sleepiness and needs more java
<---waves good morning
<---sends energizing vibes to all who need them
<---is sorry about Catherine's back
<---hopes it gets better soon
<---is glad Nancy has only 2 more sleeps until vacation
<---thinks she deserves a relaxing vacation
<---said the rest of DS's bday party went well, despite the extra guests and early arrivals
<---had more than enough food for all
<---hopes Emily can sneak out of the office for a little bit of sunshine
<---hopes everyone has a wonderful day

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<-- tells Nance there is sure to be no cell reception on Vancouver island if your cell phone happens to be in NY...
<-- worked the bootcampers hard today :)
<-- kept reminding them to think about why they signed up for Extreme Week }(
<-- could actually get a lot more out of them after <-- said that!
<-- is always surprised when something <-- say actually *works* LOL
<-- gets to use medicine balls tomorrow :+
<-- isn't quite sure how we'll use them for 90 min but whatever
<-- told them we'll have an exhibition for the regular bootcampers about what the extremers can do now :p
<-- loves bootcamp
<-- did 4DS bis and tris yesterday
<-- is always AMAZED at that woman's bicep strength
<-- also (((((Carola)))))
<-- never feels like <-- made the "("s even on the hugs x(
<-- has been mildly amused by the hotheaded thread lately
<-- has an opinion but yeah right if <--'m gonna post it over there! ;-)
<-- thought Canada Day was the 7th for some reason
<-- is uber unhappy about Catherine's back
<-- updates youse: George is on the chair again so it's only a matter of time...
<-- did have coffee, too
<-- does have some tuna juice he doesn't know about though }( }( }(
<-- thinks hey, all's fair in love and war
<-- isn't quite sure which the chair battle is :D
<-- almost did post in the hothead thread when NACHOS were mentioned
<-- can't keep quiet when NACHOS are involved
<-- loves NACHOS
<-- is telling you, now he's getting up, turning around, and he only has about 5 inches back there and he is a big cat...
<-- is glad Beth's party went well
<-- asks how the fitness diva is doing today
<-- can't figure out what workout to do
<-- thinks <-- should do Mindy's med ball madness to get ideas for tomorrow
<-- apologizes yet again for the massive novel
<-- is going to cave and give him the chair... :p for now... }(
<-- will catch ya later :*
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<---won't tell Nancy that there is even cell phone service in parts of Yellowstone these days
<---would love to try Ame's extreme bootcamp class
<---would probably die after 20 minutes
<---has to go search for the hothead thread
<---is falling asleep here and needs some controversy to wake me up

ETA<---found it
<---:eek: :eek: :eek:
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<-- LOL at Robin's reaction to the HHT
<-- agrees completely
<-- tells Robin you too can try out one of the things we started with today: run back and forth the WIDTH of a basketball court, turning around when you get across each side. Don't worry about touching the ground since it isn't a suicide. Each trip counts as one. Try to make 17 trips in ONE MINUTE.
<-- found that yesterday on turnstep.com
<-- appreciates that place as a good spot to sometimes find great ideas!
<-- also uses it to figure out what Cathe's talking about sometimes with the step diagrams
<-- sent an email to the extremers just now to remind them what a great job they did today :)
<-- thought that was nice
<-- is really on the way to the library now...
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<-- is dancing out of HHT into OAL humming "Kumbaya"
<-- thanks everyone for the hugs
<-- wouldn't know what to do without you guys
<-- hopes Catherine's back will get better soon
<-- really, really wants to see Amelia's java dance
<-- tells Amelia doggies are forced in a strait jacket, tied together and dragged across the park - just kidding - I just started walking with them when they were 4 months old and they keep following the pack (well, Shiloh most of the time unless he gets bent out of shape about another dog in a 5 mile radius) if there wasn't a leash law <-- wouldn't even need a leash for Pepper and Tuxedo
<-- waves hello to Lorie and tells her that <-- will call after Lorie's vacay since Lorie has a full schedule today
<-- wishes Ronne lots of fun at Wimbledon
<-- tells Nancy to leave her phone at home and enjoy the vacay
<-- wonders if Emily's work is done and she can come back and play
<-- is glad Beth's DS's birthday bash went well
<-- is LOL about Amy and George's game
<-- also would LOVE to try Ame's bootcamp <-- would probably collapse after 2.5 minutes
<-- wonders if Robin is awake now
<-- has a really BAD headache today
<-- needs to go get a haircut tomorrow <-- looks like a floor mop
<-- needs to buy a new outfit and shoes for the interview
<-- needs to clean up the house
<-- will head out before <-- gets too needy :+
<-- waves Ciao for now
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<---is ROFLOL at Carola's doggie walking with straight jackets
<---probably won't be trying Ame's basketball court non-suicides anytime soon
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<--zooms in to say hi
<--beep, beep
<--isn't sure what's going on with Carola but sends many hugs
<--'s co-worker is out today so <--actually working
<--zooms out again
<--beep, beep
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<--- is intrigued to go peek at the HHT
<--- tells Ame that <--- wouldn't last 2.5 seconds! (beat that Carola!;) )
<--- almost got knocked over by the zooming Suzanne
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<--is home from work
<--wanted to say hello
<--also had a terrible night's sleep
<--must force myself to go for a walk now or <--'ll fall asleep
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<-- assures everyone all y'all would do juuust fine in bootcamp!!!
<-- thinks it's 95% in the 'tude and youse all have it
<-- just got back from the 'brary after 4.25 good hours there
<-- has done all assigned tasks for today! :)
<-- is liking these meds, overall... :)
<-- heard back from the bootcampers after the email <-- sent them, how cute are they??
<-- is going to make that quinoa thing for lunch, despite it being 2:37pm and it will take an hour to make :eek:
<-- thinks it will be tasty! :9
<-- is going now, but <-- expect to bbl!!! :7
RE: <--i tried everything short of aristotle to dramami...

<---is proud of Ame and the way she is tackling her liberry work
<---is glad the meds are helping
<---is all done with GS BS&B and needs dinner
<---leftovers x(

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