I tried creating my own rotation.... First post on this...


Ok... so this is the VERY FIRST rotation I've created on my own.. I figured Cathe probably isn't going to be able to help me this time around so I'd create my own.. bieing hte extremist I am... I went a little bonkers. In order to group up my DVDs and get most of them in (and I didn't get ALL of them in...) ... I had to do 5-4 week rotations which broght me to the middle of December... so I decided until the end of December I'll make a "BEST OF" rotation from the others... so that part, obviously isn't done.. cause I've done maybe 20% of the workouts in these rotations... All 5 rotations are based on the biggere concept of doing heavy weights for my upper body once a week, and my lower body every other week.. so one week is just upper then the next week is total body... Plus I figure this brings me right to when Hardcore is released!! WOO HOO!! -- I figure the "Best Of" and Hardcore pending release is great motivation to do this.

Anyway, I'd love to get some advice, but I feel bad posting the whole thing on the different boards I visit. So I'm going to post the first two rotations and then if you'd like to see the rest, you can email me at [email protected] and I can send it to you in my word table format... but I'd love a bunch of feedback!! Thanks!!

Week 1:

Cardio- Step Blast/QFSB Abs
AWT/Circuit- Total Muscle Shaping/Firm Abs #2,3
Cardio- Rhythmic Step/Body Fusion Abs Add-on (SB)
UBw/Cardio- UBsc and First 3 combos of Rhy. Step.
AWT/Circuit- Cardio and Weights w/Abs
Cardio- Step Max/Core Foundations

Week 2:
AWT/Circuits- Circuit Max
All Sculpt/Cardio- Body Sculpt/ Basic Step (on 6 inches)
Cardio- Rhythmic Step/Ab WO#7 (ab hits)
AWT/Circuit- Total Muscle Shaping/QFSB Abs
Cardio- Step Max/Ab WO#6 (ab hits)

Week 3:
UBw/Cardio- UBsc and challenge/blasts of Step Blast
Cardio- Step Blast/Body Fusion Abs Add-On
AWT/Circuit-Cardio and Weights w/Abs
Cardio - Step Blast/Firm Abs # 2,3
AllBody Sc/Cardio- Body Sc/Amazing Ball Choreography
Cardio- Rhythmic Step/ Core Foundations

Week 4:
AWT- Circuit Max
Cardio- Step Blast/Ab WO#1 (ab hits)
AWT/Circuit- Total Muscle Shaping/ Ab Sculpt
Cardio- Step Max/Body Fusion Abs add on
UBsc/Cardio- Upper Body Sculpt/Combos 1, 2 finished combo of Step Max
AWT/Circuit- Cardio and Weights w/Abs

Week 5 (second rotation):
Cardio- Kick, Punch, Crunch w/Abs (SB)
Awt/Circuit- Complete Body Sculpting/QFSB Abs
Cardio- MIC
AWT/Circuit- Cardio Sculpt w/Abs
ALLsc/Cardio- LBscII (on SB)/Upper Body/Core Conditioning premix of KPC w/ SB Abs
Cardio- Step Heat w/Abs

Week 6:
AWT/Circuit- Step Jump Pump w/ABS
Cardio- MIC/Abs WO#2 (ab hits)
AWT/Circuit- Cardio Sculpt w/Abs
Cardio- Step Heat w/Abs
UBsc/Cardio- Pyramid Upper Body /Amazing Ball Choreography
AWT/Circ.- Complete Body Sculpting

Week 7:
Cardio- KPC W/Abs (SB)
AWT/Circuit- SJP w/Abs
ABsc/cardio- LBscII (on SB)/UB I/ Step and Interval Blast of MIC
Cardio- Step Heat w/Abs
AWT/Circ- SJP w/Abs
Cardio- MIC

Week 8:
AWT- Complete Body Sculpting/Core Foundations
Cardio- KPC w/ABS (SB)
Ubsc/Cardio- PUB/Basic Step (6 inches)/ Body Fusion Add On Abs
AWT/Circuit- Cardio Sculpt
Cardio- Step Jam w/ Firm Abs #2,3
AWT/Circuit- High Step Circuit w/ Abs (SB)

Thanks for looking!!!
Something. hehe
It looks like you worked very hard on this.
I am not too familiar w/rotations & am going to give one a whirl when Cathe posts her August rotation.
Yeah it took a while and this is only the first half of it LOL...

Thanks for posting! I would just looooove for someone with more experience to say what they think.. even if they think it is horrid or how am I going to learn how to do these things :)
RE: I tried creating my own rotation.... First post on ...

Hi. I have a couple of comments :)
1. I can't follow a rotation for more than a couple of weeks. It is too boring for me to have to do what I'm scheduled to do. So I usually plan out my week this way:
An example of a week where I want to focus on one body part per day, 3-4 cardios, and 3 core work sessions:
Monday: cardio and back
Tuesday: legs and core
Wednesday: cardio and Chest
Thursday: bis and core
Friday: cardio and shoulders
Saturday: cardio, tris and core
Sunday: rest
Then I just pick a video and plug it in each day. This works for me.

2. I think you may be overworking your core. Just like any muscle group, it's nice to give it a rest inbetween sessions. Try spacing them out and focusing on 3-4 times per week.

3. What are your goals? You have a LOT of cardio going on (from what I've read. I'll be honest and say that my eyes hurt from reading your rotation! :) I can't seem to get through the whole thing :) )

4. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with any of the workouts you listed other than the Cathe stuff, so I can't judge the intensity of them. If they are as intense as Cathe's workouts, I would say that you may be heading for burnout by doing this rotation.

5. You might want to think about spacing some of your workouts a little differently. For instance, in week#7 & 8 you are doing kickbox workouts the day before and/or the day after weight (circuit) workouts. Your muscles may need more recovery time to be able to work efficiently and get the most out of your workout.

6. I understand that you have created separate rotations here, but I have a suggestion (again based on myself and my tendancy towards boredom). Maybe rather than using only Rhythmic Step, Step Blast and Step Max as your only cardio choices during the first rotation, why not mix it up a bit more. You could do some kickboxing or hi-lo during that first rotation, so that by the time you're done with it you're not sick of the same combos.

7. This is basically reiterating my first point, but I would suggest taking off the specific tape you are going to use, and just going with the category. In other words, if you are supposed to do a cardio workout one day, just choose the tape you want to do for cardio.

Sorry if the feedback wasn't what you wanted/needed. Hope it gave you some ideas!
RE: I tried creating my own rotation.... First post on ...

Hey Wendy!

Thank you for taking so much time to give such great feedback. I know I'm going to forget something here ... I like your idea of plugging in only the type so that I can choose whatever DVD I want by type. The reason one I did this by batches is because there were so many DVDs I had gotten all at once and hadn't done yet... but because of a boredom/mental burnout fatigue I am definitely going to keep your suggestion in mind. This way if I do find myself burning out on the DVDs for any one rotation I find I don't like I workout I haven't done yet, I can change as long as I stick to the type planned for that day. Or if I'm having a hard day motivationally, I know certain workouts I like to do will motivate me, as long as it is the same type scheduled for that day. Thanks! The other workouts that aren't from Cathe are from The Firm series-- they are not NEARLY as intense. They are a good workout, mind you, but they are not Cathe.

I will keep in mind about overworking my core... I wasn't sure if that was possible, so I'm glad you brought it up. My mom has degenerative disc disease so building up my core is something that is very important to me, but I definitely don't want to over do it. As for my other goals, I specifically went for mostly cardio/Circuit/AWT workouts because I felt that weights were bulking up my lower body. However, I do think they are beneficial for my upper body once a week...

All this great feedback (from you and others) has reiterated a very important point to me. Although I want to make and follow through on the committment I've made to myself, I know that this is not set in stone. I have not yet done alot of these workouts and therefore don't know how well or just how my body will react to them (good or bad). So I must allow myself to modify without filling a sense of failure or defeat. I have to listen to my body while getting to know these workouts and modify (just as I constantly modify my Cathe workouts while I'm doing them!!!!) to make the rotation most beneficial for me.

Thank you again for all your time! Your advice is most appreciated.

RE: I tried creating my own rotation.... First post on ...

Hi Susan,

Glad that helped! I also forgot to say that I was impressed with how much work you did creating your rotation, especially since it is your first, and we're not even seeing the whole thing!
Yes, modify, modify, modify. That is so important, as is listening to your body. When I first discovered Cathe (oh those many years ago!) I did neither, and have ended up with bad knees because of it. I worked out too many days per week, and I tried to do every move the way Cathe was doing it. I used weights that were too heavy, and I unconsciously competed with others on the forum who were posting their rotations. Ugh, how I regret that now!
Good luck to you :)
RE: I tried creating my own rotation.... First post on ...

Thank you Wendy! And if it is ok... I'd love to be able to post to you guys with any questions I have as I go, where would I do that?

RE: I tried creating my own rotation.... First post on ...

Hi Susan,

I think you'd be most likely to get responses in the Open Discussion or Video Comments and Questions forums. I rarely visit this rotations forum, and I notice the others are usually more active.

Also try videofitness.com--either in the general discussion forum or rotations, modifications, etc. forum.

Good luck :)

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