I think my cat just had a seizure



Some of you know that I rescue cats - and I've posted recently about an animal cruelty case (Sandy).

My oldest female cat, Gracie, who is about 13 years old went outside earlier. She's been inside for years, but lately I've been letting several of them out because theres too many! Anyway, she went out, and then she came in briefly and ran back out again (I check on them frequently when they're outside.) Then, my husband checked on the ones that were outside and Gracie came in. She came into the office and was on the back of the computer chair. She was crying, but she's very vocal so I didn't pick up on anything. My husband came in the room and Gracie did that "yodel" cry. I said "is she okay, she doesn't sound good." Tom thought her claw was caught - he freed her and sat her on the floor and she stiffened up and bowed to one side and her head kind of drug the floor. It TOTALLY freaked me out. She was like that for maybe a minute or two and now she appears to be fine. I'm weirded out and bawling my eyeballs out.
So sorry to hear about your Gracie (((hugs)))

I had a beagle that would have seizures. Apparently they are predisposed to them, which I did not know until my vet informed me of that. She would have about 1-2 seizures per year. He said he could medicate her with anti-seizure medication if they got more frequent but didn't recommend it until it really became a problem. We chose not to medicate her and we just gave her comfort when she would have one. Her eyes would get big, she would drool, she would stiffen and shake a bit, and sometimes be incontinent. But, it would only last a couple of minutes and she would come out of it fine. It is scary for them since they don't know what's going on, but I didn't want to have to medicate her on a daily basis for a condition that didn't rear it's ugly head much.

I remeber her first seizure and I was really freaked out. After I talked to the vet, I felt much better. I would call your vet and let him/her know what happened. They can probably shed some light for you.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes....

Hugs to you and Gracie :) Hope everything turns out ok. Definitely call the vet in the AM; do you have an emergency vet you can call and just pick their brain tonight so that you can get some peace?

Gracie seemed fine when it was over. It was spooky. I honestly thought she had ingested poison or something; got injured and was getting ready to die when I saw that. We called our vet's emergency line, and they recommend that we crate her to make sure if she had another seizure that she wouldn't fall. Now she's sitting in my lap. Tom's taking her to the vet today for blood work, so hopefully we'll know more this afternoon. :(
Hi, I hope all is well with your kitty now. My dog did this to me twice this year so far, it is so frightening!! I bawled like a baby both times. They were 3 months apart. Hers happen in the middle of the night when shes sleeping. The vet said to just watch her and write down the dates and duration times. He told me they couldn't do much until they were more frequent, but it is common in her breed to have random seizures, yikes. I hope your kitty is resting and happy!! Good Luck!!
My cat has seizures. About once a week now. She's been on anti-seizure meds for most of her life. She had a horrible bout of seizures when she was about 18 months old and almost died. She went on the meds then and she's 6 now. I give her a pill twice a day. She goes everywhere on vacation with us because she needs her meds.

If I am present at a seizure, I will gently pin her to the ground and talk to her. She comes out of it ok and is actually pretty clingy (unusual for her) after a seizure. They are becoming more frequent (used to be only once every 6 weeks or so), so I know at some point we'll have to let her go, but right now, it's just part of our lives.

Ongoing seizures in cats are rare, but I would definitely check it out. Hope it was just a one time thing.

I had a cat who had seizures. I didn't pick up on it at first because they were so subtle, then they got more intense. The vet thought it might have been because she had kidney problems, and internal organ problems can cause seizures.

Once she got on sub-Q fluids, the seizures went away, so that may have been it.

I hope whatever Gracie has, it's easily treatable.

Lots of good and healing vibes going your way.

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