I think I'm a Step Moron!


I just did BodyMax for the first time over the weekend. I almost died! The step routines almost killed me! I kept getting lost. I also don't have a lot of room in my studio that my fiance and I share (little to none actually). Cathe was all over the place with some of those routines. I think I'm really an idiot when it comes to Cathe and stepping. I've done stepping videos before (the old Reebok's are my favorite).

Is it just me or does anyone else have difficulty with her step routines?


P.S. We won't even get into the Cardio Kicks that I tried for the first time this morning. I had one foot in the grave!
I agree when I first did BodyMax I didn't know where I was especially after doing the blast Cathe's on one leg I'm on another!!

What I do is when I do an new Cathe tape I watch it a couple of times before then do it, then I will try and watch it (especially the bits I can't get right) and try and work out her footwork ha ha ha. I give myself 4 weeks then do something I'm more familiar with (stops me throwing out the tape and my machine) when I do the tape again I find that I have improved.

Cardio Kicks did it last night won't discuss the first bit my legs where complaining all day as they knew what I would be doing in the evening but got to the end!!


I like your suggestion. I think I may have to try that - with all of Cathe's cardio workouts! The strength training I have no trouble with. It's just the cardio that I have the trouble. Thanks!


if you are new to Cathe and Bodymax is one of your first vids, then I am not surprised! It really is not one to start out with. The pace is probably the fastest pace Cathe uses for step on any of her tapes. I have gotten injured doing it, but I have no trouble with any of her others.

Why not take it down a notch and give yourself some time to get used to Cathe's intensity, pace, choreography? Try StepFit, Rhythmic Step for example. And remember, you don't have to do all of Body Max: just the bits you are ready to do and then work up to it.

Good luck and no, you are not a step moron, just a humble human being doing her best! Take heart!

Aside from watching it a few times before doing it, you can also do the steps on the floor without using the step. If I can do her tapes any can, I trip on my own 2 feet all the time, Karen
Don't feel bad, I'm a Step Moron too, but I prefer to call myself "uncoordinated" instead!
I know it's not step, but just to tell you how uncoordinated I am, I get so proud during the warmups on the PS series when I can almost do exactly what Cathe is doing!
I just learnt the moves on body max step at the weekend. (I too find the choregraphy quite tricky.) I put the step on the lowest level, and learnt the foot work by rewinding over and over. I didn't worry about adding the arm movements at this stage. I don't think I got a proper workout from it, I just used the time to learn the moves.

I recently bought the Classics DVD and Cardio Hits in spite of the fact that I purchased them on VHS years ago and, frustrated at my inability to do them, sent them to my sister, the aerobics queen, who loved them! I have slow mo'd them and reversed them on DVD and I can actually do them now after 5 years of trying and a dogged persistance to master them!! Never give up and never surrender! You CAN master those moves. Just don't give up!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
I agree with Karen 100%! If I can do Cathe anybody can. I couldn't even do the warmup to Maximum Intensity Strength when I started Cathe and now I almost have Rythmic Step down. Just take it slowly and master a little at a time. After awhile, you'll start to get Cathe's choreography. Once you get it, you'll feel like a superstar!!!! Good luck!:D
RE: Hey Bobbi!

I probably should have said "rewound" but DVD's don't, do they? I ended up doing a two hour step class trying to get a section of Step Fit. When it was over and I was so pooped I couldn't imagine ever stepping again! I reversed it one last time and realized that Cathe was cuing me to straddled OUTSIDE and I was straddling INSIDE and ending up on the wrong foot. Duh! Once one thing was thrown off, it messed the whole thing up. I am as tenacious as a bulldog and I finally got it! I am taking today off!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
body max is one of the first stepl tapes i did at the 6 inch level. I surprised myself that i could get thru it at that level and almost died at the 8 inch level. Try that. Also, i started with Cathe several years ago (also with the rebock tapes), many of the steps she uses now were taught step by step before and assumes you know them. I think starting with some of the earlier tapes and working your way to the newer ones will give you more confidence. In rthymic step, i still cant exit to the front of the step after the heel shuffles, but im always on the right foot to start the next routine.
I'm another step klutz but I got it.I too started with Bodymax and was very discouraged-I put it away except for the weight training.I took the advice of fellow on line fitness pals and started with Gilad,Kathy Smith & Keli Roberts.That was one year ago.I am now stepping with Cathe and master her routines fairly quickly.I have not yet tried Sep Works or Rythmic Step which I am waiting until I have done every other cathe step tape.Stick with it and you will get it.Cathe is easy choreography compared to some of the others.It took me 8 times to master.Marco Prolo's Step Quest.I will never try that Christi Taylor woman.I know I would be so frustrated that it wouldn't be worth it.

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