I saw Cathe on Discovery Health!



HI Cathe-
As I am typing this, Step Works on Discovery Health is on! It's kinda neat to see your vid on TV! Which videos are Discovery Health going to use?

Congrats on entering the TV world! It's sure a great way to introduce your style to more people!

Lesia (who is glad she's got the whole tape to do)
Thanks for the update!

This morning a member also told me that she saw one of the PS tapes featured over the weekend. I think its a neat new and interesting concept. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and support.

So far the videos that they have edited for TV are the PS series, Interval max, and Step Works
On satellite?

Lesia, do you have a satellite dish? If so, can you tell me what transponder Discovery Health is on? My husband tried to find it for me a few weeks ago but didn't have any luck. Thanks!
Wow Lesia!

I can't wait until we get our new satelite up (next Thursday) because cable out at the new house is horrible. I remember seeing the segment on Lifetime so this is cool, but like you I like having the tape in my collection; however, it will show the public Cathe and that's super. I can't tell you the number of people whom I know regularly work out at the gym on machines (like treadmills), borrow a Cathe tape, and it wipes them out!

Discovery Health On Satellite

If you have DirectTV the Channel is 313. If you want to know when Cathe shows will show up, then go to www.discoveryhealth.com and click on Daily Programming. The name of the program is called Custom Fit. It gives you a daily breakdown of what is on. It shows Step Works as today's program.

Happy Stepping!
Don't have Direct TV, unfortunately :(

We have the old-fashioned big horkin' take-up-half-the-backyard satellite dish.
If anyone else has one of these dinosaurs and knows where to find Discovery Health, please let me know!

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