I posted below about "high risk". Miscarriage again :-(


Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your kind words in my "high risk" post. I had blood work done yesterday, and my HCG levels are on the very low end of where they should be, and I have more blood work on Friday to confirm that the levels are going down. I'm cramping and generally not feeling good. In fact, it's very depressing. I'm 35, this will be my 3rd miscarriage. I have a 4 year old son, which I'm SO grateful for. They will now do genetic testing on me. Has anyone been through this and had a successful pregnancy? Is my son destined to be an only child? My husband will be 40 this year and we just feel like we're getting so old :( I was up all night last night thinking about it, and finally got to sleep before the ol' alarm went off. I'm so bummed. - Sarah
RE: I posted below about

Sarah--I am so sorry this has happened to you again. I am praying for your comfort and wisdom for the doctors that they can figure out what is going on.

Take care
RE: I posted below about


(((HUGS)))). My heart is breaking for you. I am so very, very sorry. I do know of women who have had multiple miscarriages between children. My private doctor and his wife had 3 miscarriages between their 1st & 2nd child... they now have 3 children. One of my colleagues DD had 2 or 3 miscarriages between her 1st & 2nd child... and one after the 3rd child... I think they are still trying for #4. There is hope.

I am so very, very sorry and you ARE in my prayers.

Thanks for the thoughts


Thank you both for the kind thoughts and for giving me some hope. I'll see what the genetic testing turns up. I'm glad the chemical miscarriage was caught early before it caused me any more heartache. It just really took the wind out of my sails yesterday when I got the call. I'm glad I had been sort of mentally preparing myself for the worst. Thank you!!! - Sarah
RE: I posted below about

I hope everything works out for you. My first pregnancy was a blighted ovum. I had a D&C when I should have been 10 weeks. My 2nd pregnancy was a success. I miscarried my third pregnancy. I had seen the heart beat at 6.5 weeks, but the baby died shortly after (I found out at 10 weeks and had another D&C). I have a 2 month old from my 4th pregnancy. I want three children, but I'm wondering if I'll follow the same old pattern... It's been a very emotional and physically stressful road. Both times, I was just told it was simply bad luck...who knows though. They sent what was left from both D&C's from the lab, but they couldn't tell anything since my body had held on to them for quite a while after the pregnancies stopped progressing.

I wish you the best.
RE: I posted below about

Sara, my heart goes out to you and your husband. My MIL also had 3 miscarriages and ended up having 8, yes 8, healthy children. Take care and don't give up hope.

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I just wanted to post too and let you know that you are in my thoughts - I'm sorry that you are going through this, and I hope you keep up the courage and strength to get through this and keep up your hope!!
Thank you so much.

I just gave blood for my second blood test to see how far down the HCG levels are. I'm sorry you've experienced many of the same things that I have. It's such a roller coaster ride of emotion. Pregnancy is such a time of joy and worry. I hope you are able to have another baby to add a 3rd to your brood. Good luck to you and yours, and thank your for the kind thoughts. - Sarah
Thanks, everyone!

Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts. I've got a pretty thick skin, so I'm dealing with it OK. The initial news was the worst. I just am so thankful I have my son, and if it doesn't work out for me to ever have any more babies, I guess that's how life is. Not fair. :-( I will keep trying for another year, I think, then I think I might just be getting too old. :-( I wish I had started having babies earlier, but school, career, etc, just got in the way. Thanks to everyone here. I'm going to start working out again this weekend - back to life as I knew it, I guess. - Sarah
RE: Thanks, everyone!

Sarah I'm sending more hugs and prayers your way. Please know that you are NOT old. I could list off all the friends I have that have had NUMEROUS children in their 40's AND 50's, but it would fill this page up. I also have many friends that have had multiple miscarriages at your age and gone on to have 4 and 5 more children afterwards. Hopefully the doctor's can discern the problem. Many times it's hormonal and can be solved. Please keep us posted!

RE: Thanks, everyone!


my heart breaks for you. it sounds as though you are trying hard to think thru this, and i am sure that will carry you far. but know you are in my prayers. no one should have to go thru this, but i hope you are finding comfort in family and friends. keep us posted.

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