I ordered PUB/PLB


Hi All,

After using a video tape (from Fit TV) for the Pyramad Upper Body and Lower Body for over a year I decided it was time for the DVD.
Now I can do the premixes or just one upper body part at once
and it will be much easier to find it on the DVD. I find lately that
as I progress with strength training I like to focus on one body
part such as back,
biceps or triceps and give them an extra workout day.
I also really like the floor work on PLB and will do that as
a separate work out too. It is a
good feeling to get stronger and more defined at my age 45 yrs but
it does require more intense work spent on each body part. Luckly
I have Cathe to help out with that!!

I am looking forward to receiving this DVD.


I love this workout...particularly the PUB because it doesn't use the barbell. I just find the dumbells much more fun and easy to use, not to mention that you don't have to adjust the weight all the time. Have fun!


P.S. There is also a PUB/PLB Bonus Combo workout on the DVD. Its a great workout so you should try it out.
Hi Liz,

Thanks for your input, I will try the premixes.
I always feel it the next day when I use the
pyramid workouts, a little sore but in a good way.
I feel like it was time well spent on a workout.

Another great thing about the DVDs it's like getting
multiple workouts on one disk.
PUB always leaves my chest muscles sore and PLB always leaves my hamsrings sore...two awesome workouts. Enjoy!
I just did the Bonus Combo today for the first time in a while. Great workout, and you really can push it considering the reps.
Do youthinkthe PUB/PLB are good for muscle building or leaning out? I'm not so sure, but they seem like great workouts. I watched PUB on Fit TV.

Have Fun!


It feels like the pyramids are more for definition of the
muscles, kind of an endurance with muscle building or
defining in one workout. They are great workouts and
get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time.
I have been able build muschle using PUB. At times, I use it 3 day a week and I can definitely tell the difference. I try to rotate it with GS back, chest, biceps and Muscle Max now. PUB is my favorite upper body workout. I don't use the PLB. I just don't like all those leg presses, so I usually don't do it. When I decide to work the lower body, I prefer to do a total body workout.
I really enjoy PUB/PLB. I do PUB on Wednesdays, PLB on Sundays and Muscle Max on Fridays.
PUB always gives me bicep/tricep DOMS and the PLB always gives me hamstring DOMS.

Love it!!!

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