I order things online so much...

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! My UPS man knows me too... he recognizes my SUV and waves. If the garage door is open, he comes through there rather than walk around to the front door. Thought I should explain how the UPS man knows my vehicle. :) I feel so much better!


~I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.~
I have known our cc # since my oldest was born, and now he's 12. I get a letter the other day that the bank is making the card platinum and that the # is going to change. I even know my electric (SRP) account #, and all 3 of my kids socials.
. The last time I went to a mall,
>I spent 2 hours looking, and ended up getting nothing!
>And what store can you go to where you are searching for
>something specific, find several options in several price
>ranges, and it's in-stock?
>I also have this strange feeling that when a box comes to my
>door, it's like getting a gift!


Ohhh, my word! Me too except, I would have certainly found shoes. As far as the gifts...LOL! Yes, someone please remind me this IS NOT a gift. I WILL have to submit a payment.

ALONE??? Girlfriend, I am right there with you! I buy everything online now. Soon we'll even be buying our food groceries online. I kid you not.
Yup! I am on a first name basis with both the UPS and FedEx drivers. The FedEx driver will bring my package to my office if no one is home.

LOL! Nancy - my husband works for a supermarket that offers online grocery shopping. It is becoming increasingly popular as time goes by.

I've only met my UPS man once, since he usually delivers when I'm at work and leaves the packages on my porch. He also usually just leaves them even when I'm home. One day, I came home right as he was driving up, and he said something like "So I finally can put a face with a name. I'm here all the time, and I've never seen you."

I also used to be able to detect the presence of the UPS truck without having the doorbell ring, because of a very distinctive squeek to the brakes. But they either oiled the brakes or are using a new truck, as I can't hear it anymore!

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