<--I never meant to be so bad to you

<--tells Dani it's a troll
<--was trying to figure out a way to report the post
<--would not click on the link
<--it's probably porn:confused:
<---tells Dani it definitely looks like spam
<---just reported it
<---has nothing better to do on a Friday night ;)
<---adds that all you have to do to report a post is click on the little exclamation mark in the top right corner of the post
<-- says "<-- knew you guys had all the answers!"
<-- thanks for the info on the yellow ! to report
<-- is procrastinating doing w/o
<-- is in workout clothes, but has yet to "step away from the computer"
<-- better get to it so can later prove to Liann that she is not alone in not having anything better to do on friday night either! :(
<-- will be back! :)
<---pops back in and says her tooth hurts :(
<---says in fact the entire upper left side of her mouth is sore
<---is feeling very biotchy too ;)
<--gives Dani a gentle nudge and says go w/o girl
<--wonders what she decided to do
<--wonders if Liann has some good meds to take for pain :cool:
<---tells Catherine she wishes, but they didn't give her anything
<---says it wouldn't be so bad, but they dinged her gums up pretty bad, so the whole area is pretty unhappy
<---will go down some Advil and see if that helps ;)
<--says YEAH! I did it!!! :D
<--says Thanks for the nudge! <-- needed it! :eek:
<--did Muscle Max for the first time and biceps are shaking as <-- types!
<--says hope Liann's Advil kicks in soon.
<--wonders if Liann could get some ambusol (SP?) or some other numbing OTC med that would help gums?
<--hopes she gets some relief so she can sleep
<--seems to have right shoulder up at ear lobe and tighness in neck and shoulder from last nights military presses!
<--watching the rest of the Prez debates...:confused:
<--oh whatever! it's all lies anyway!
<--getting hungry so will go rummage through kitchen to see what <--can find.
<--bombed healthy eating at lunch...
<--went to Fuddruckers for first time with office chronies and ate FRIES AGAIN!!!:(
<--will find cottage cheese and fruit for dinner...
<--better go before <-- runs out of room here!
<--needs to do some endurance work
<--will have to plan ME soon
<--is glad Dani likes it
<--thinks the biceps are killer
<--also hopes Liann feels better after advil
<--is also watching the "Debate":rolleyes:
<-- still hasn't worked out
<-- had a beauty of a workout planned, but you know...:rolleyes:
<-- is debating purchasing a new watch that has an interval timer option :confused:
<-- always gets distracted during training and <-- makes them uneven... 30 seconds on one side... oh! Stop! 50 seconds on the other side :eek:
<-- thinks maybe 4DS kickboxing, then ITR interval premix, then 4DS back and biceps:eek:
<-- loves it when DH works late :D
<-- has to go to DH's great aunt's (<--think that's who she is) birthday party tomorrow :(
<-- thinks it's about TWO HOURS away and DH doesn't know what time it is and he hasn't called his mom to ask for the past 3 days <--'ve been asking :mad:
<-- may have to dedicate the Kbx workout to him ;)
<-- asks for suggestions/comments/concerns on the watch: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...t_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance
<---watched the debate for about 2 minutes and had to leave
<---knows she should watch it, but can't stand debates
<---says it makes her skirm seeing two guys go at each other
<---will have DH fill her in on it later ;)
<---also thinks the watch is snazzy
<---high fives Dani on her workout
<---might pick up some ambasol (has no idea how to spell it either) or orajell tomorrow if the tooth is still aching
<-- forgot to say before how sorry <-- am about Liann's pain :(
<-- thinks that sux a lot
<-- didn't even realize the debate was tonight
<-- doesn't think you'd know <-- know stuff, huh :p
<-- just bought a watch at Target about three months ago, though
<-- shouldn't be spending extra money, really
<-- will buy it tomorrow :)
<---supposes the party is over for the night ;)
<---says a thunderstorm just snuck up on <--- and has to go take the doggies out in it now
<---hopes you all have a good sleep
<---will "see" Ame tomorrow in spirit during Press and Play :)
<--says <--gave up on the debates ~ hate it when they talk at the same time! SO RUDE!
<--will wait for DH to explain like Liann
<--just remembered that <--had recorded Greys Anatomy! SAVED BY THE DVR!
<--better get through the 2 hours before DH gets done playing guitar upstairs!
<--'s DH HATES <--'s shows...
<--would rather watch grass grow than watch DH's military channel or another episode of Mega Machines! :confused:
<--likes Amy's watch!
<--bought a Gymboss interval timer last week from Amazon.com for only $20but hasn't used it yet.
<--says arms are still shaking from w/o... can you say fried bicepts?
<--had cottage cheese and cantelope for dinner with a side of pistachios
<--so far not impressed with Greys Anatomy... oh dear...
<--have not gotten into CC so will miss out on this months CC challenge
<--tomorrow a new day...
<--will definately have DOMS tomorrow
<--says nite nite to Liann and everyone...

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