I need your help Cathe


I am wondering why I have such a difficult time finishing Imax2. I tried it but never finished it, it was just a bit hard with all the hopping and jumping I got so lost. Is this an initial reaction if it is your first time using it? I consider myself moderate to advance stepper. Do you think I will finish and improve through time? I just want to make sure if this workout is really suited for me.

In addition, I already have Imax2, Upper Body Pyramid, Lower Body Pyramid and Bootcamp. Can you please give me a suitable rotation if possible just using the above videos? Also, which among all your New Intensity series or even your old videos targets the stomach area?

Hi Tatum! IMAX 2 is the same format as IMAX 1 in that you will do a 32 count step combo and repeat it 6 times before you go into the blasts. Perhaps use other tapes for you workouts for now and simply watch IMAX 2 to get familiar with the choreography. It should start to look familiar to you as it is a very patterned workout.

Many of our old and new workouts contain abdominal workouts. Since there are so many, you would be better off looking at the workouts descriptions from our home page. We also have a workout called AB HITS which is 60 minutes worth of solid abdominal work (but it is designed to be done in small sections, not all at once).

A total body fitness rotation for the workouts that you have listed would be:

Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Pyramid Upper Body
Wed: Brisk 40 minute walk/run
Thurs: Boot Camp
Fri: off
Sat Pyramid Lower Body
Sun: off (or a 40 minute brisk walk/run)

Good Luck:)

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