I need some encouragement


I have been really good about working out on a regular basis, but last week, the inlaws came to visit and I only worked out one day. They left on Saturday, but since then I have been battling migraines and have come home from work to take naps on the couch. This is the first day in a week that I do not have a migraine (just switched medication). I want to start tonight with something like Power Hour, but I just keep thinking how I will be out of town late next week and again this is going to interupt the workout routine. Just looking for words of encouragement because I am so scared I am going to stop altogether. At my doctor's visit, I was weighed and I am 3lbs. over my target weight which isn't a big deal, but I don't want to go back into the old habits of not excercising.

Hey Beth!! I used to get really guilty feeling when that darn thing called life got in the way of my workouts!! But when you work a 50 hour week, have two kids, two dogs and a husband and house to try to take care of sometimes the workouts just have to wait. I love working out, but right now I can only squeeze it in very early in the morning and some days I just can not get out of bed, the sleep is more important. I think whatever you can get in is better than nothing...all your weight loss is not going to suddenly materialize back on your hips from missing a couple of workouts. And I know you will get right back on track as soon as you can...you'll have to answer to all of us if you don't!!!! Like Cathe said on another post the other day(this made me grin...she is so sweet)..."I'll be here when you are ready"...or something like that. Take care, Donna.
Yes, do whatever you can. A brisk walk, a swim, upper body, whatever you have time and energy for. It makes a difference, it helps, it feels good and sometimes, it's all you can do. Don't worry, in the grand scheme of things, it's just a blip on the screen.

You can get back into a program when time permits.
I agree! There are times when working out takes the back seat to other things. Do what you can and add on gradually as you feel better and have more time. And don't beat yourself up. You love exercise and all it's benefits. You'll return to full steam in your time and it will all be just fine!
Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi

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