I need help!!!


New Member
I am in trouble here, ladies!! I am 5'5' and 200 pounds, having gained 20 of it in the last year. Two years ago I had to have my 2nd knee surgery and have just not bounced back. I am walking 2 miles twice a week, but that is about all now. My knee still gives me grief and I have to wear a brace to do the walking, but it gets done. My biggest problem is time and probably motivation (because don't they say you find time if you have motivation?). I am work 6 hours a day in a job that has a pretty strict turn-around time. By the time I'm done with that, the family is home and wanting dinner, time, etc. This week I'm busy planning a very hetic suprise party, so will not have any time to really start anything until the 15th or so. I have a zillion tapes, but not the new Cathe's (I have preordered the new beginners step/scupt DVD), including older Cathe, Firm, Leslie Sansone, Kari Anderson, Kathy Smith, and even some Denise Austin. I used to love Cathe's step, but I'm afraid it's probably too hard for me now (I'd love to do Wedding Tape again!!), and there's that time thing. I have been trying to find workouts 30 minutes or less, for both the time factor and my now out-of-condition factor. I've basically been trying to ride my recumbant bike and maybe do a few reps out of Joyce Vedral's 12-minute workout book.

I am trying to watch my diet. My doc is willing to let me try phentermine if I want. I feel the answer has to lie in finding something that I can be successful with in terms of diet and exercise. I have tried Atkins, South Beach, Dr. Phil, etc. and do really good at the beginning of the week.

We are going to the Carribean at the end of April and I'm afraid I'm not looking forward to it much. The week on the sailboat would be nice if I could at least look decent in a swimsuit.

This is long enough...if anybody has ANY suggestions at all I would be so appreciative. It's becoming obvious that I'm not doing so great on my own.

Thanks! Peg

Don't lose hope! If you want to lose the weight bad enough, you will! I joined WW in December and have lost 17 pounds. I have pretty much stuck to the plan and incorporated as much exercise as I can. Right now I exercise 7 days per week, 30-60 min each time. Sometimes all I do is walk, other times I do a video. I only recently discovered Cathy (on FitTV) and find she is not only fun but challenging and her exercises work!:) I felt like a klutz when I first did her videos but am slowly catching on and find it alot of fun. Just set your mind to it and you can accomplish your goal! I envy you getting to go to the Caribbean! Even if you don't lose alot of weight, please enjoy yourself and HAVE FUN!

Hi Peg,

First, please give yourself some credit for walking! I can't imagine having knee pain and how difficult it must make things! Also, I am sure that when you think about exercise, you have some anticipation issues because you know that your knee is going to hurt. Working and having a family to take care of is no simple feat, so I admire you for even thinking about exercise.

The first step is the hardest. I'm on fitness hiatus right now and fell off wagon for a few days. It is hard to get motivated to go at it again, but I know that once I do, I will feel a lot better. My advice is to find healthy foods and workouts that you like. I no longer try to stick to a diet I know I will hate, and I don't force myself to eat things that I don't like. I try to eat as healthy as possible and make it a way of life, not a chore. As for exercise, Cathe's videos are tough, and even now, I'm intimidated to start up again and am thinking, "But what if I can't get through it?" Start slow and try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Instead, try to say, "Okay, I'm going to workout today, but if I need a break or can't finish, so be it, at least I did something, and I'll do even better the next time." Even if you decide to go for 10 minutes, that's an accomplishment. If you start out really small, you may be able to convince yourself that hey, 10 minutes isn't so bad, it'll be over in no time. If you prefer the morning, evening or afternoon, choose which one fits you best.

Reading others' posts is also a good motivator. Sometimes the road seems so long and almost impossible, but it's not if you try to view it day by day. None of us are perfect, and not everyday will be perfect. Good luck in getting started! You can do it, and you will do it! If you're having a tough time, post your thoughts, and I'm sure someone else who has gone through the same thing can help you feel better!

Peg, I just want to say this, tell your family that you have to take some time for yourself everyday to exercise. Are your kids big enough to help with chores or cooking?
Also did you talk to your doctor about the pain in your knee when you walk, and what did he say, is it something he says will go away over a period of time when you exercise it?
I just want to encourage you to keep up what you doing and add to it as you can......
God bless .... Rhonda :7
Hi Peg, I had knee surgery over a year ago.. My knee has been meraculously fine, until last week. I think I just hyper extended it a bit doing a front kick. But it hurt and was a little swollen.
Anyway, I am guessing that you have been to physical therapy? Is the pain coming from your muscles around your knee, or inside of your knee? Because I would guess that if it's the muscles, you are probably just favoring it and the muscles are getting sore when you use them. If it's coming from the inside I would suggest you go see your doctor again because you aren't supposed to have any pain, I wouldn't think at least, after the doctor fixed what was wrong. Maybe something else is wrong now? Maybe your miniscus has a tear in it? If that was what was wrong in the first place, it can happen again very easily.
Sorry, I don't have a whole lot to tell you other than that.
as far as time, absolutely you should just talk to dh and tell him what great results you could have from him just watching the kids for one hour everynight while you workout. He would love the results I'm assuming, and you would feel better about yourself, therefor, maybe making you a better person to be around. Just a thought, but I know that when I'm feeling like I need to lose weight I'm not a very fun person to be around, I'm down, kind of cranky, don't have a lot of energy, etc.. So, if he would be willing the rewards to him would pay off, and to you too. But it always helps if you can make it seem like he's the one that gets the rewards! ;)
Good luck to you.


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