I need help w/ a rotation!! I've never done one before....


I'm mainly a runner, but after just finishing my first marathon, I need a new goal!!! ;-)

Here is my Cathe collection so far all on DVD... (waiting til Christmas to buy more! :) )

Muscle Max
Gym Style series (BSB, C&T, legs)
KPC & L&G (just got this one & haven't done it yet!)

I'm taking this week off from anything strenuous to help my body recover. I'll start next week adding in weights again, I cut back a few weeks before the marathon & I miss it!!!

I still plan on running probably 3 days a week. I love cardio so that's easy for me. ;-) I'll do speedwork one run (interval training), a tempo run (probably 5-6 miles) & then a longer run (but probably no more than 8 miles, no races to train for til a half next year). I also bike one day a week for an hour or an hour & a half.

I guess my goal is to add muscle & get more defined. My legs are pretty darn solid & strong from running, but I could use a little help in the butt area. ;-) And definitely want to define more of my upper body!

OK, is that too much to ask for in a rotation?? I just hate not having a training plan, I'm used to a running training plan for training for a half of full marathon, so I need something to keep me focused!! I don't have a lot of the other DVD's that are listed in the other rotations & don't have a step either (I use my stability ball as a bench which works my core even more).

Thanks for any help & suggestions!!!
Hi Jess!

I like to run alot as well and I find that I need to lift heavier than most to maintain muscle since I run and do other cardio quite frequently.

Since you are recovering from your marathon, I would suggest not even hitting the weights too hard for a few weeks still. I do rotations every now and then, but mostly it just depends on what I'm trying to accomplish. Perhaps do Muscle Max a couple of times/week initially and then the next week try to do PUB/PLB each 2 times during the week. After that, if you are feeling pretty good, I'd say go for for the GymStyle workouts and rotate through them and just add Muscle Max one day during the GS week to allow you to hit each bodypart twice a week.

Fitness Freak (Debbie) is the queen of rotations and she has some awesome ones. You may have to sub, but I think you may be able to find something that works for you.

Like I said, not a big rotation person....I do better with instinct training. If you have specific training questions, please let me know.

Thanks for the advice, Marietta! I was just reading how it probably isn't a good idea to do a lot of weights for at least a couple weeks after a marathon. I think I'll probably do what you suggested & start w/ MM- one of my favorites anyway!! And definitely PUB. I'll let you know if I have any questions!

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