I Need A Swift Kick in the...

""I think cardio needs more of a reward than just knowing your heart is healthy. Something more immediate. With weight training I can see the muscle developing and it makes me want to do more. But what's the incentive with cardio??""

Nancy Dear & Michelle Dear- One very good incentive is to keep belly fat (menopause fat) to a minimum. WE all need to weight train and do cardio. I know, I know , I know you did not want a lecture....

The reward is NOT immediate, but if you slack on the cardio, the consequence will come faster that you want!

Do did you do you cardio?

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]


What helps keep me motivated to exercise (or get up early, or clean the house, or....) is to refuse to negotiate with my inner voice. I schedule a time to do something and I refuse ask myself, "Should I exercise now?" If I ask I can think of many reasons not to: I could wait until tomorrow, I worked really hard today, I don't really need that many days of cardio. Instead I just tell myself, its time to exercise and go do it. (I'm not saying it always works). Once I start, I seem to be OK.

Another approach is to use an easy DVD when you really lack motivation or energy. Do a Beginner or Intermediate DVD. You'll still get some benefits and you'll maintain the habit of exercising.
OMG! Thats to funny! I knew it had something to do with not wanting to do cardio...some people never change~! hehe!:+
C'mon Michele. Inquiring minds want to know: did you manage to get your butt in gear and do the cardio?

I just finished 45 min on the elliptical. It's fun once you get going, it's just that getting going can be t-o-r-t-u-r-e! :p
>C'mon Michele. Inquiring minds want to know: did you manage
>to get your butt in gear and do the cardio?
>I just finished 45 min on the elliptical. It's fun once you
>get going, it's just that getting going can be t-o-r-t-u-r-e!

Yep! I did it!! Okay so lets see here...I posted this thread at around 2 PM EDST, and I finally got around to doing my workout at about 7:30 PM :eek: . I did CCV1 -- not very ambitious, I know, but when I looked at my stats afterward I was all OMG!! I went about a 1/2 mile farther and burned more calories on my elliptical than I ever have before with that particular workout. :D

So why do I do procrastinate!? Seriously folks, I have such a hard time getting going. It's just like you said, Amy--I'm fine once I get started, but getting started is pure torture. That's why I posted this thread--because I was counting on y'all to encourage, cajole, and shame me into doing it -- lol!

I was on a roll for awhile. Back in the fall I was working out religiously 5 to 6 days a week for a solid 3 months (SO unlike me)--then, right after the holidays, it all went to he!! in a hand basket and I've had trouble rebuilding that momentum.

SHELLEY - Here's a {{{{{big squeeeeeeeezy hug}}}}} for you. I know yesterday was a tough day for you. :*

AMY - Hello! I haven't seen you around here in ages! Where you been, girl? Oh great, so I haven't seen you in forever and you post just so you can yell at me -- Lol!!! It's good to see you :)

JANIE - You were right -- I was glad I did it. I should listen to you more often. :7

CHASTITY - The time really does go by pretty quickly once you get going. That's especially true whenever I do CC workouts! So tell me, do your little dachshunds like to give you a good tongue bath after a workout? My little wieners really enjoyed lapping up the sweat. :7

SPARROW - You're so right, and I don't think of my health often enough. Odd for a nurse, I know, but it just annoys me to no end that I don't get the endorphine high everyone else seems to get when they do cardio x( . Oh -- sorry about stealing your banana. :p :7

BEAVS - Your post literally made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants :eek: :7 . You know me so well. ;)

TeTe - YEOWCH!!! Wait a minute...you still have your Doc Martens? I'm reporting you to Stacy and Clinton. :p

LAURIE - I love the sound effects -- HA! Thank you for the loving kick -- it worked -- I did my d@mn cardio! :7

NANCE - I HEAR you! I know cardio is important for my health, but there's no immediate gratification. I don't get the endorphine highs, and it doesn't change my appearance -- weight lifting does that for me. When I hear people talk about how they LOVE cardio, it's as if they're from another planet -- really! I just don't get it. *SIGH*

CUZ - I honestly don't know what I'd do without Cardio Coach. It's really the only thing I like. It was truly my lucky day when I discovered Coach Sean and his wonderful voice...er...workouts http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/love016.gif

tneah - Why don't I get high!? I never get a high from cardio -- never x( . I'm so annoyedjealousflabbergasted by you cardio junkies :p

LEANNE - Ha! You cracked me up. If you like funny posts with lots of cute icons, then you need to visit the Haters check in. August wins the blue ribbon for the best and most original use of icons ;) . She's an absolute hoot!

ROBIN - Awwwwwww...I love you, too. Sincerely :*

JUDY - I would KILL to have your discipline. Maybe I need to move in with you for, oh, a year, or maybe 5 years :p . Your point is well taken, and I DO have a bit of a post-menopausal belly http://www.kidcorral.ca/forum/images/smilies/gaah.gif

PAT - Hello and welcome to the forums! Your points are well taken. I really should plan my day and STICK TO IT! My tendency to procrastinate is the stuff of legend, and I've been known to do workouts at 11 PM just because I put it off all day :eek: . Yes, I'm that bad ;(

LORI - Well hey you! Oh yeah, I haven't changed a bit, but you wouldn't love me any other way. :7

AMY - So, how do you like your elliptical? Despite my general hatred for cardio, I do LOVE my elliptical. It was the best investment I ever made in my health. Now I just have to get back into the habit!

Thanks everyone! Your encouragement and overall good cheer was just the kick in the arse I needed yesterday. Thanks for playing with me. :*

Edited to correct egregious typos. :eek:
That you did it all is impressive to me, Michele. Hands down, I'm the laziest Catheite on this forum. Judy, I have a belly alright, but it's the same belly I've had my whole life, and if anything, I have to admit it's the smallest it's ever been, although it STILL shakes like a mound of jelly and hangs down to the floor when I do planks. x( x( Sorry for the visual. :p

I've met you and there is no way your 'belly could hang down to the floor' while doing planks. silly woman!

But I know what you mean. I have some loose belly skin that doesn't look so good while doing planks. Thankfully I only do them alone at home!

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]

>AMY - So, how do you like your elliptical? Despite my general hatred for cardio, I do LOVE my elliptical. It was the
>best investment I ever made in my health. Now I just have to get back into the habit!

Michele, I LOOOOOOOVE my elliptical. I've had it for almost 4 months and I use it several times a week and am not at all sick of it. It's the greatest cardio machine ever! I know I should do some step and other cardio but to be honest I've been ignoring all my great Cathe cardio dvds. It's just so nice to just be able to hop on and go, knowwhatimsayin?

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