I must be missing something


I really tried to like Pilates. I just don't. Am I the only one? I love the pilates Cathe incoporates into her ab/core work. I guess because she moves more quickly. Now, granted I only have a few pilates videos, but I know if I get any more they will just collect dust. The breathing, and slow, controlled movements drive me nuts. I guess I'm one of those that needs to move when I exercise.
I took a Pilates class with friends for about 6 months, and I liked how I felt after the class, but the class itself was pure torture!!
I would rather watch paint dry than do that anymore--so I guess you're not alone, I want more intesity than that.

I tried two pilates tapes and did not like them at all. I didn't feel anything from them and I also don't understand the hype.
Maybe its targeting beginners.
I've never been able to get into Pilates, Yoga OR Tai Chi. Maybe it's the slow, controlled (can you say "boring"?) movements? But the Pilates leg circles also caused my hips to crack in strange ways.

I DO like Karen Voight's pilates-inspired workouts, which are not pure pilates (why I like them, I suppose),but which contain some ab work especially from Pilates.
Denise Austin's Pilates for every body is pretty good. But I'm not a pilate person either. I like to move!!! yeah I get bored quickly as well. Plus I just think you gotta get your heart pumping ya know?
Pilates is one of those things that you like it or you don't.:) But it isn't designed to be fast paced, get your heart pumping type of exercise. It is desgined not only to help build a better core, but to help you relax and lengthen your muscles; using your power house to do so. We live in such a fast paced, stressed out world, that it is getting harder, difficult and seemingly impossible to step back, slow down and relax to ease some of the tension. That's one of the main reasons why my doctor insisted that I do Pilates everyday. Works for me and a flatter abs as an added benefit.
There are some videos I bought though that I rate in the 'ugh' category. But some I really find soothing and relaxing. I love the music in Karen Voight's Core Essentials for example.
I kickbox, step, tread, heavy lift total body, heavy lift split and circuit train all in a weeks time. I personally need to add a relaxing element in my life to stop the brain from spinning out of control. ;-)
With me it isn't that it's slow or boring...I haven't figured out exactly WHY I can't get into Pilates or Yoga. I actually bought the Pilates infomercial set and previewed it...it didn't look that bad, but I just can't get into it. With Yoga I think it's almost a rebellion thing with me, lol, everything is Yoga, Yoga, Yoga--I just can't seem to get into it. I'm always looking for more stretching/soothing type tapes, you'd think I'd be all over these...
I feel the same way..I can't get into Pilates at all. I like some of the ab exercises, but I don't feel like I am working hard enough. I prefer an athletic stretch as well. If I ever do yoga(which is rare) it would have to be Bryan Kest Power yoga. At least with his stuff I know I am getting a little bit of strength and deep stretches. His stuff is pretty tough.

It's not for everyone, what form of exercise is?

Actually once the movements are mastered, one can move quite quickly thru a workout. Hard to believe, but we actually break a sweat in the intermediate class I attend, especially when we're using stability balls.

I love how I feel after a pilates or yoga session. Energized, stretched, & balanced. It might be an age difference. At 46, I don't want to be drained everytime I work out. I also find I need to work a lot harder at flexibility & balance, which I don't get from traditional workouts. I don't really care about music, with some exceptions that drive me up the wall.

As for breathing, as Moira Stott says, "just breathe". Meaning don't worry about breathing patterns, just remember to breathe.

I don't feel like I have done anything after a Pilates or Yoga class. I have friends who have totally reshaped their bodies using one method or the other and they look amazing. I have only tried Hatha yoga and wonder if Ashtanga style would provide a better workout. One person mentioned Bryan Kest's yoga tapes, would you guys recommend him over Baron Baptiste, or is there someone else better?

I think yoga would be a good rest day exercise, I just don't know what kind to do.
I would recommend Bryan over Baptiste..IMHO I think he is harder and I think if done regularly you will see results. I have Bryan's 3 series set Sweat,Tone and Energize. I am the type of person that has to be in the mood to do yoga. It's a great series though.


You are not the only one. I bought a yoga tape once and I was bored to death. I thought the instructor as on some type of drug. I love the pilates and yoga moves, but I dislike the videos. They move entirely too slow for my taste.
I know this is one of those "don't knock it til you've tried it" thingies, but my interest in Pilates and Yoga (as well as all other "mind-body" disciplines, a phrase I'm seriously sick of) is flickering at best. I think Pilates is at best a fringe discipline that has gotten promoted to death in the commercial fitness arena, so there's a fashion-statement thing along with it.

As a stand-alone session, I doubt I'll ever enjoy Pilates or yoga or whatever. My way of getting to serenity is to do a peak-performance cardio+strength session and let the endorphins and newly oxygenated blood do the rest.

Well, I'm glad some of you share the same sentiments. I haven't slimmed my abs anymore than doing traditional ab work. I don't feel it the next day. I actually tried Bryan Kest's Power Yoga and could only laugh at the whole thing. It's just not me. So I will stay with intense Cathe, because that really works for me. And yowza, do I feel the abs in Bootcamp.}(
As with any genre, not all pilates or yoga videos are well done. The disciplines of pilates and especially yoga are quite varied, and videos reflect this, some of them being commercial, entry level swaf and others being demanding and polished routines that would take a commitment to work up to. For those whose intial experience with these disciplines is unfulfilling it just may not be their cup of tea, or it may be that they weren't exposed to the right teacher, style, etc.

For me, there is just as strong a mind-body connection when I do Cathe as when I do yoga, because it is my personal philosophy that the mind and body are one. It is just as possible for the body (and/or mind) to derive benefit from yoga and pilates if that is not one's philosophy.

The point I'm really trying to make is to each his own. You aren't missing anything if you don't care for pilates. Sometimes the dread factor is worse for me when I do pilates or yoga than when I do IMAX, precisely because of the concentration required. It is easy for me to jump around and sweat like crazy, it is hard for me to face the slow and deliberate movements or stretches. It's a form of self-discilpine that I enjoy, but that doesn't mean it's suitable for anyone else.

I bought a lot of Pilates tapes and just couldn't get myself to appreciate them until I tried STOTT pilates. But this one is even more clinical than the ones I hated ... the only thing was it made sense. The movements were actually linked to the breathing. She didn't just bark at you to breathe. Now this doesn't mean I enjoy PILATES. But they are amazing for the CORE. If you run you would appreciate just how quickly they kick in. Ofcourse 10 minutes of regular crunches on a swiss ball would be more time efficient...much like weighted squats and lunges are over lying leg lifts without weights. But you need some variety in small doses.

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