I moved this thread from Ask Cathe

Carolyn, I am imploring you to REINSTATE your quote! Political correctness has gotten completely out of hand and absurd, and the only way to stand up against it is to, well, stand up against it :) Use your quote. Scream it from the rooftops, paint it on the side of your house if you want. There is nothing offensive about it. What's offensive is the idea that some people believe that just because they don't understand something, everybody else has to tip-toe around them.

This reminds me of the controversy a few years ago, when some guy in DC was asked to resign because he used the word "niggardly" in a meeting, and everybody screamed that he was a racist. No, he wasn't a racist. They were just too stupid to know the meaning of the word.

As someone from the Carribbean, I never use the term African-American. My neice was jsut visiting from Paris for the very first time and for three weeks she was an African_American? just because she is dark skinned? Ridiculous.

That being said the replies to the post are angry and full of rage.
What Carolyn innocently wrote, should not have inspired so much anger, whether or not you are defending her.

And unless someone's last name begins with an N, . that word in any form is never acceptable. When I first came to this country I was called that word. I actually had to look it up, because I had never heard it growing up. Never.

So yes that person should have been fired for using that term.

That "n" word (niggardly) that Govtgirl talked about is not a racial slur and has nothing to do with race. Although it has a phonetic similarity to THE "n" word, it is actually an adjective meaning "stingy". That's why it was ridiculous that the guy was called racist for using the word.

Thank you Amy. I just googled the word and got the definition. I actually was not familiar with the incident until today. And I will also read up more on the oroginal qoute by Alice Walker.

There was also a paragraph from Mr Howard. " I have learned from this situation. I used tho think it would be great if we could all be colourblind. That's naive, especially from a white person. A white person can't afford to be colourblind because they don't have to think about race everyday. A black person does.
Can you imagine someone being so gracious after people like myself ignorantly thought he was being a racist.
Ignorance is a very very bad thing. So let us learn from each other.
I totally agree Judy. That was gracious of him, but what he said is also so true.

On another note, I hate that my poor sister (who has the flu) had to get singled out, and I'm sure she finds it weird and embarrassing to be in this position. But you have all been so smart and understanding about it so I'm sure she'll be thankful (she's asleep now hopefully since it's the middle of the night in Germany). I also thank all who responded for being so supportive of her!

Wow--I just got done reading the original thread.

Trish k--I think that you are pole-vaulting over mouse turds. I'm floored that you even made this an issue. This forum is composed of a lot of really great ladies. We don't always agree, but we tend to give one another grace and freedom to express opinions.

Here's my take. I always thought the quote was equating meat-eating with slavery and with male oppression of women. As a meat eater and occasional leather wearer, I don't agree with the equivocation, but Carolyn is certainly entitled to her opinion and it never occurred to me to ask her to remove it.

Carolyn--It was very gracious of you to take the quote down, but I think you should put it back up. You chose it for a reason and your posts would seem incomplete without it. Take care.

<<Carolyn--It was very gracious of you to take the quote down, but I think you should put it back up. You chose it for a reason and your posts would seem incomplete without it.>>

I agree with Maggie and what others have said.

I think this should have been handled privately rather than posting on the Ask Cathe forum, but that is just my humble opinon.

Carolyn, I hope you get well soon!!

I was fortunate enough to hear Alice Walker speak a few years ago and that quote is one if favorite quotes of all times, as a vegan and feminist! LOL She is one of the strongest black female leaders of our time. Getting caught up in rhetoric is an easy way to skirt the deeper issues that exist.
That quote by Alice Walker should be listened to and honored. It is talking about equal rights and compassion for ALL beings...cannot get better than that!!!
I don't think it is insulting and really refers to any group that has been treated as "property". It is actually a good reminder to respect everyone.

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