I-Max 1 vs. I-Max 2?


Okay, all you VHS'ers:

Intensity-wise, how would you compare I-Max 1 to I-Max 2? Tougher? Not as tough? Describe the aerobic and anaerobic intervals, please.

I probably should put this on the Video Discussion board, but I'm too lazy to go over to that site again!

And . . . how does Cardio+Weights stack up to Circuit Max?

And . . . describe Boot Camp!


I thought about you as I did Imax 2 for the 1st time last Friday night! :) YOU are gonna love it! I actually just did it again this morning and I swear it was harder than it was on Friday! I modified every interval from #3 on to just stay in the game!
It is a different sort of tough. There are no intervals that are straight air born jumps or straight plyo jacks, they are dispersed throughout the interval in a routine! Which you might think makes it more doable, but NO! It actually has me on the verge of hyperventillation 1/2 way through the interval, and gasping for whatever air I can get in through my mouth, nose, ears, whatever. My floor actually has wet spots on it from where I was dripping during the workout this morning, and lets remember this is a standing routine! How did the floor get that wet?
I'm telling you I cannot honestly remember the intervals 1 by 1, they are still a blur, but I can tell you about #9! Cathe actually tells you at the start of the aerobic phase, "hang on to your hats," and she means this! The aerobic phase is anaerobic enough for me, but the actual interval is 7 long hop turns, 3 giant plyo hops straddling the step, 3 jacks turning, 8 plie jacks, and you repeat the entire sequence from the 7 long hop turns a total of either 5 or 6 times, I've made 3 and can barely march in place at this point! And #10 I like cause it's LAST! Here is a fun little V-step routine for the aerobics, then a rhythmic L, 7 power squat turns deal which revs up the heart, but after interval 9, who cares? It's last! :)
Oh, and I believe it's #5 with the fancy fast footwork! 2 power 3's on alternating legs, and 16 fast foot switches straddling the step, this is repeated a total of 6 times, I've gotten to 4 and have to breathe for the last 2 repetitions. But in general, it is any "intensity junkies" dream workout!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
Here's my BootCamp description from the other day:

I vividly remember each torturous cardio "circuit" and all it's trimmings!

#1-and this was after an active warm up no less!, a jacks, 1/4 jacks, airborn circle jacks combo for like 8 repeated patterns, finishing with ALL airborn circle jacks!
(and really, it's kind of a rush, the kind that makes you say, "yeah baby! that's the way to work it!) But pace yourself, that was ONLY #1!
#2-sumo squats jumping from side to side (lots of load on the legs if you squat deep)(but an easier one in my opinion)
#3-a combo of jumping jacks and jabs from side to side,plyo jacks w/2 jumps, and 2 plyo jacks, for like maybe 8 or so repeats. (feels endless!)
#4-Cathe called them speed skaters (lateral jumps from side to side)
#5-*(a toughie)-squat thrust climbers, which were: a squat thrust,2 scissors, jump your feet in, jump to your feet. They wind the devil out of you, and there are either 6 or 8, not sure at the moment my heart was beating in my head at this point, then you get a break (say this with sarcasm!), and you do a series of air born jumps!, then return for another set of 6-8 squat thrust, 2 scissors, jump to your feets! (Without a doubt, the longest 1 min in the world!)
#6- a set of 28 sequencial power kicks. That's 28 on each leg!
#7-speed bag arms/knee lifts combo (like in CK), knee smashes/fast chambered kicks combo (not hard, but by this time your energy is draining big time!)and you finish with a series of air born jumps! (oh yay!)
#8-ice breakers w/jump (also like in CK) (and again, a really long 1 min because you are tired and winding down big time by this point!)

This thing made Imax 2 look like a good cardio workout! 1 minute is a LONG time!

Once I recover I'm sure I will appreciate this more, but for now, my thighs are tight, they hurt, and I'm soaked from sweat, so I'm going to shower and recover some more!

And I now know that not only is Cathe not from this planet, neither are her crew! This workout was meant to end our earthly population as we know it!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Gotfit@38, Getnfitter@39 . . .

Donna - I knew you'd come thru for me.

All I can say is . . .

ooo baybay

thanks, i think


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