I love sweet potatoes!!!


I had a baked one last night with some parkay fat-free/calorie-free spray "butter" and some freshly ground black pepper:9 :9 :9 AND I'm still thinking about it--isn't that sad??;( Just thought I'd share--it's just that kind of Friday!!:7
I love sweet potatoes with cottage cheese, maybe a dab of butter, spinkled with Lawry's salt.:) It's hard to find real sweet potatoes where I live for some reason(Utah). They always sale Yam's as sweet potatoes. I have to go to Good Earth or other health food stores to get them. The main groceries stores do stock them during the holidays though.
I am so glad you created this post! I have been asking a bunch of people over the last week if they have ever baked a sweet potato because I'd really like to try one. None of them have ever done it, so I have been at a loss. I have only had my Mom's Thanksgiving sweet potatoes with the bourbon and the marshmellows and I don't like them at all, but I thought maybe I'd just try a plain old baked sweet potato and maybe I'd like it more. Aren't sweet potatoes usually really big? And what's the best way to bake them?


I worship the sweet potato. A simple way is to cut it up into big chunks, put it in a covered casserole dish, and bake in the oven for a long time, depending on the size. Large ones can take up to an hour, at 350 degrees; smaller ones might only take 40 minutes. It's done when you can easily insert a fork into the potato.

A cooked sweet potato is like a pound of clay. There are so many things you can do with it; simply sweeten or spice it up; put it into a pie; make a soup by pureeing in a blender and adding some kind of soup stock until it's as thin as you like it(serve with a dollop of sour cream for added yumminess).

Mmmmmm. My lunch today is leftover Chicken Soup and Potatoes. It's a crockpot soup using sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. Soooooo yummy!

We had them for supper last night too! They are so filling and satisfying. I doctored my with the butter spray and have to sweeten it up a bit with some brown sugar.

You can also "bake" them in the microwave. I make a few slits in them with a knife and then put them in a covered casserole dish with just a bit of water covering the bottom of the dish. Cook them for about 10 minutes and then let them sit (covered) for a few more minutes.

We have them about once a week.
We also love winter squash (butternut and acorn), but I have to put waaaay too much butter and brown sugar to consider it healthy!

Have a great Friday! Yeah, the sun is shining here in mid-Missouri!

I recently worked with a nutritionalist from South Carolina. She suggested I eat sweet potatoes with pure maple syrup and a dab of real butter. Now that was goooood! I never thought of eating them with salt and pepper, but that was amazingly doable as well.

I love this thread. It will give more ideas of what to do with that versatile potato. :) I've learned a lot already. ;-)

Edited to add, acorn squash is good this way as well.:p
Katie, bake or roast sweet potatoes just like a baked potato. Scrub, pierce the skin in several places with a knive or fork, & roast for about an hour depending on size. I use a hot oven, 450 degrees, but down to 350 works too. Cover your baking pan with foil for easy clean up. The sugars in the sweet potato tend to leak out.

They are so sweet that we just eat them with salt & pepper. Leftovers never go to waste so bake an extra.

We had sweet potato fries last night. Hot oven, a bit of olive oil sprayed on them, salt. Serve with chipolte mayonaise if you like some zip.

Butternut squash has a similar texture & sweetness. It's my favorite winter squash.

Hi Ladie,

I use them in my soups also, but if I'm in a hurry I cook it in the microwave. I just wrap a small one in seran wrap and nook it for 3 to 4 minutes and there you have it.

They sell them at my grocery store already pre-wrapped for the microwave. That's what I did last night. What's the difference b/w a sweet potato and a yam?? I thought they were the same thing.
I love them too. I don't eat them much anymore, but I used to eat them daily.

My favorite way to prepare them was to either bake them in the oven or microwave them, then cut them in half and sprinkle cinnamon on them and then broil them for about a minute. You could also add a little brown sugar if you want.

i LOVE sweet potatoes but only eat them on weekends after i've done a long bike ride to burn a ton of calories.. cuz even though they are VERY good for you and VERY healthy.. let's face it.. they have a ton of calories before you even add anything to them!

hubby's and my fave way is to peel them, cut them up, then microwave them... mash them slightly and add some sugar-free maple syrup and top with reduced fat whipped cream! to die for! YUM!!!!!!!! (and still healthy, albeit calorie filled!(
I love sweet potatoes! Sweet potato pie, mashed sweet potatos, sweet potatoes with crab....love them with everything!

Sweet potatoes are the bomb! Body For Life has them in a couple of recipes and I love them baked. They have such flavor on their own that you don't need to doctor them up (much) to really enjoy them.

One evening I was throwing a soup together and didn't quite have enough regular potatoes but I had one sweet potato left. I chunked it up and added it. A delightful discovery! Yum!!

I also used to get some small "butter potatoes" years ago, but cannot find them anymore. They were SO good, and tasted like there was butter on them...but you didn't add any butter. I wish I could find these somewhere now:(
I'm not sure what the difference is or if they just have different varieties. I don't like the one that I think of as a Yam. They are really sweet and are dark orange inside and out and are quite big. Think Thanksgiving dish with marshmellows. LOL!
The ones that I concider a sweet potatoe aren'nt near as big, more like a potatoe, but tapered on the ends. They are light yellowish on the inside and the skins are not as orange as a Yam. They aren't as sweet. More like a cross between a Yam and a white potatoe. It's sometimes hard to tell If you've got an orange or yellow inside without cutting them open. I much prefer the yellow type.
Anyone know how many calories sweet potatoes have? I didn't think it was really that much more than a reg. potato.........am I wrong? Mindi
Are you going to marry them?? HA HA I could'nt resist when I saw your topic. I really like them to, but ya know I have not bought them in a long while. It just seems like the only time I get them is around thanksgiving. I think I will buy them on my next grocery shopping day. I had a good sweet potatoe roll recipe that I had served with soup that was really good. NOW if only I can find it??? Wish me luck!!
DH bought some from the farm down the road yesterday...they were small...like baby sweet potatoes! He roasted them in the oven & served them au naturel...I just picked them up off my plate & ate them as is...SO good! No toppings required.:9

Hey - great for your eyes! Try baked sweet potato fries. They're mighty tasty. I'm into pumpkin and squash myself. I'm making butternut squash soup this weekend. Got the recipe out of Shape and am dying to try it.

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