I LOVE my Barbell


I resisted buying one for sooo long as I'm new to Cathe (as of Jan) and was spending enough money just on her workouts. Then I caved and bought a crappy "screw on" one that took forever to change weights....it was cheap and I thought I was getting a great deal. But, I finally bought the Troy Lite Bar that so many people have recommended and I am soooo glad I did. I can't believe how easy it is to change weights and I love that the weights are rubber coated (or whatever) and that they have little 2 1/2 lb. add on weights as well. I love being able to go heavy on deadlifts, which I wasn't really able to do before with 15s being my heaviest dumb bells. I enjoy working out so much more when I'm using the same equipment as Cathe. It's so funny, many times I won't think twice about buying a pair of shoes for $80.00 (which often wind up sitting in my closet untouched except for a few times a year)yet I'll resist making a purchase for something (like a good barbell) that I know I'll use a few times a week.
That Troy Lite is sure a keeper is it not? :) Congrats!

I replaced an old Firm padded bar just for the Troy Lite bar and it is a wonderful piece of equipment that is so essential to my workouts.
who sells the troy lite bar besides online shops? the shipping cost kills and i'd like to be able to just pick it up from a local shop.
I love the Troy Lite as well.
In fact, I have TWO of them (to not have to change weights so often in PLB). And some 1 1/4 pound plates to boot (that they don't seem to sell anymore...lucky I got them when I did).

Ella: you can always try going to a local sporting goods store (like Dick's) and ask if they can order it for you. That way, you'd save on the shipping costs.
I purchased my Troy Lite bar from fitness1st.com and they were really friendly and helpful and charged a reasonable rate for shipping. I would call them and talk to them personally because they will really work with you. Their numver is 1-800-421-1791.


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

thanks for telling me about fitness1st.com- i just ordered the troy lite set and some ironwear ankle/wrist weights. great price!!! tyty!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Troy Lite Bar set!!! <3

I wont lie, I was very hesitant to order it because the shipping was just sooooo much money. After expressing my thoughts to a dear friend, she reminded me that it was investement towards my health and if it would make me happy and add to loving to workout, then I should purchase it. I am so glad she expressed those thoughts to me. She was right and I ordered it that evening! :7

I had a problem ordering it online and had to call them directly. They were so nice! To my surprise, they even arrived rather quickly. Everytime I use my Troy Lite Bar set I get this big smile on my face. It really was the best decision and investment I ever made. :7

To everyone hesitating because of the cost of shipping, I say GO FOR IT! You will not regret it - this I promise!
>who sells the troy lite bar besides online shops? the
>shipping cost kills and i'd like to be able to just pick it up
>from a local shop.

Fitnessfirst! :7

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