<--- I like to move it, move it

<---waves howdy gals to Kali, Rogue, Judy and Nancy.:)
<---hopes <---hasn't forgotten anyone!:eek:
<---says PHEW, Tear It Up is done.
<---had no time for Cathe cardio so will do it at nap time.
<---wonders how Nancy gets away w/never cooking for DH!?
<---thinks Nancy has got it made in the shade!;)
<---actually doesn't mind cooking but doesn't like to do it every night so doesn't.
<---'s DH is cool with that.
<---wonders if she'd even care if he WEREN'T cool with that!? :p
<---thinks Debbie is a wonderful woman. If <---were going away for a week and taking Joey with <---, <---would leave DH with a house full of steak umms, frozen pizzas, hot dogs, tuna fish, etc. and he would deal! }(
<---is eating 2nd breakfast now.:9
<---then must move on to 2nd cup of coffee.:9 :9
<---winks at all you ladies(can't wave b/c arm is too sore:p )
<---has do cleanmax today for party tomorrow
<---tells Sandy that Kali means Bed Bath and Beyond
<---thinks Deb's lasagna sounds yummy
<---made oatmeal but can't eat it
<---hopes everyone has a lovely weekend
<---needs coffee!!

<--waves Hi to everyone in Catheland:)
<--will need some of that sleep tomorrow
<--working second shift tonight
<--joining Wendy with the laundry max x(
<--won't let DH cook often
<--clogged artaries..if he did :eek:
<--on second cup of java
<--would like to join Wendy with 2nd breakfast
<--must go deal with stubborn 4 year old x(
<--waves bye

<---cannot believe how long this thread is already!
<---says no way she can remember everything ^^^
<---is so happy for Shelley that she has a short work day
<---hopes Debbie has a great visit with her mommy and thinks the June Cleaver look suits her well. <---thinks she has one lucky DH!
<---tells Tammy to dress warm and ask to have her desk moved to the back of the office;) :eek:
<---bows to those that can do Cathe step W/O's as she looks through her Leslie Sansone DVD's to see which one it will be today
<---is soooooo excited because this is her DH's LAST night on call (has been on call since the Wednesday after Christmas), and thinks he will spend a lot of time catching up on much needed sleep this weekend.
<---was so sad that Michelle Kwan had to W/D from the National Championships:-( but hopes they will let her go to Torino:)
<---was so happy that Sasha Cohen made it through her program without falling on her @$$ :)
<---thinks Sasha is breathtaking on the ice
<---will have figure skating butt glue all weekend and probably won't post much over the weekend

<---waves wildly at all Catheites and is also in the Friday Jean Club at work:)
<---hopes Judy's dr. appointment gives her an A+
<---hopes Cath gets to come back to the states SOON!!!
<---tells Nancy <---and DH also have 3 day weekend - HOOOORAAAYYY:7
<---says wait - DH has FOUR day weekend b/c he's off on Fridays
<---tells Rogue maybe <---should be doing Jan rotation too but <---doesn't have nearly enough of the workouts ;(
<---wonders why Jes can't eat her oatmeal
<---admits when <---used to travel <---would make enough food ahead of time for DH for <---'s 10 day trips and would also make enough to freeze for parrots
<---'s DH didn't ask for it but <---thought it would make his life easier since <---was leaving him with dogs and parrots:eek:
<---is sooooo nice:7


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

<--is not happy at work right now!x(
<--is glad it's Friday before a much-needed long weekend
<--has lost 2 of the 11 pounds gained (!) since RT this year
<--thinks chocolate banana swirl cake sounds yummy! :9
<--thinks Susan is nice
<--better go now since <-- is feeling grumpy and hates her job!!!x(
<---is in the Friday Pajama Club at work;-)
<---if only this "work" pays anything
<---Mama needs new Rykas
<---is doing LaundryMax, HomeTherapyMax, NaggingMax, LateBreakfastMax and PlanningMealsMax while typing
<---wonders why she's not crazy yet
<---stepped on the scale first thing today
<---gained a pound
<---took out the measuring tape
<---lost some quarter inches in places
<---hates measurements and numbers
<---high fives Laura for lost 2 lbs.

<-- jumps up weakly to shout "good morning girls!"
<-- did Rhythmic Step on 4" bench and knees still "iffy"
<-- loves my new Ryka N-gages
<-- hopes everyone has a great Friday
<-- is sooo impressed with all the girls who get up early and do Jan rotation
<-- wishes Jane and daugher a terrific shopping day
<-- making chicken fried steak for the carnivores (DH, DS, DS, DD) tonight and I can't eat any!
<-- Lasagana sounds awesome!
<-- has a sudden desire for a Vegas getaway
<-- might try Muscle Endurance today
<-- says "bye for now!"
<---tells Jane that <--- is impressed that Jane is hanging tough with the January rotation
<---was very afraid of the Jan rotation and wrote her own which is 15% less evil
<---'s rotation is working 'cause <---broke the 135 plateau that <---has been banging her butt into for the last TWO YEARS
<---is feeling great and even getting a little cut
<---has Miss Lily sick from Kinde today and up all night crying and having a little kinde kid fever
<---had cable out all day yesterday
<---needs Debbie aka June Cleaver out here in pearls and heels to prepare a tasty meal for <---'s family who will be getting takeout pizza tonight if they are lucky


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.

<--- wonders where everyone disappeared to?
<--- loves Advil
<--- gets to leave here in t-minus 1 hour 40 minutes
<--- wishes she had a long weekend
<-- yawns "Good Morning, Lovelies"
<-- hasn't read this thread yet and realizes most of you are eating lunch by now
<-- loves Fridays!!!
<-- sold another book on half.com yesterday and has packed it all up
<-- has to do some sort of workout this morning
<-- is thinking maybe High Step Challenge is a good one
<-- can't wait to get the UPS Cathe Package today!!!!!!
<-- donates platelets at 11:00 this morning
<-- should probably think about getting a move on that workout first
<-- will go read all the posts, but wanted to say hi first for some reason
<-- is now looking at more Cathe workouts on ebay.
<-- can't believe herself over this Cathe lady
<-- mutters to herself and wanders out of thread
<--- tells Susan that Martin Luther King Jr., although famous, was not a leading light in the Canadian political landscape;)
<--- is beyond bloated
<-- politely reminds Shelley that she may be bloated, but she now has less than an hour at work!!!!!
<---waves to Susan, Michele,Melissa, Amy and anyone else she may have forgotten.
<---just finished lunch.
<---ate very wierd conglomeration of baked sweet potatoe, cottage cheese and some crackers.
<---thinks it was tastey though.:9
<---needs coffee and then off to do cardio.
<---skips out of thread with empty coffee cup in hand.
<--skips, bounces, and backflips into thread ... <--shouts YIPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<--'s DH finally got orders for Annapolis!
<--can now make plans to move to NY (while DH is away) and is hoping to be home in a month if possible!
<--feels like Tigger! bounce, bounce, bounce!

Cath :)
<---is sooo very happy for Cath!
<---gives Cath a ^5!!!
<---tells Cath <---didn't hear her say YIPPEE!
<---asks Cath to say it again for <----!;)
<---is so happy for Cath:)
<---thinks it would be very hard to live so far away from friends and family for very long
<---knows DH would move to Germany in a heartbeat if he didn't have so many obligations here
<---is VERY thankful for DH's many obligations;)
<---may want to live abroad one day but not now--and not permanently
<---would NOT want to live in Germany though
<---will shut up now


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