<--- I like to move it, move it


<--- yawns, stretches and surveys the Cathe empire
<--- wonders if Cathe knows she has an empire?
<--- says "5:45 a.m. and all's well"
<--- is incredibly happy that it's Friday
<--- finishes work at 1 today and has a lot to pack into her afternoon
<--- hopes Robin has a nice day off today
<--- gets to wear jeans to work today
<--- loves being comfy:)
<--- is off to start her day
<-- waves a good morning to Shelley and everyone in CatheLand
<-- slept and slept and slept last night
<-- went to bed at 8 and slept through 'til 5:15
<-- has been sleeping very well this week
<-- thinks the January rotation has something to do with it
<-- hit the wall yesterday on interval 9 of IMAX2 but kept going
<-- thinks even half of IMAX2 after LowMax is evil!!!}(
<-- has to give <--'s glutes and legs a pep talk for MIC (hi/lo only) and L&G's today
<-- doesn't think glutes and legs will be in any mood to listen!!!:eek:
<-- yells TGIF!!!!!
<-- has a wonderful Saturday planned with DD and shopping
<-- says TTFN


<-- tells Shelley <-- finally tried cottage cheese and WW noodles for lunch yesterday and loved it!!!
<---says mornin' Jane & Shellers and all that follow!
<---is happy Shell has a short work day
<---hopes Jane's bum listens to her }(
<---will rest today as have lots to do before trip tomorrow
<---will be making lasagna and chocolate banana swirl cake for DH to have at school while <---is gone
<---says I feel line Mrs. Cleaver today ;)
<---is joyfully sipping Dunkin' coffee <---bought yesterday
<---has playgroup this afternoon
<---is done blabbing for now
<---sings "Join us & the choice will be made...unless we kill the lie as a nation....just one fix"

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---waves good morning to Catheland.
<---hopes Shelley's work day goes by fast.
<---is glad Jane was able to push through that wall she hit yesterday!
<---wonders where Debbie is going?
<---is loving her coffee this morning.
<---is doing laundry-max and will be doing so all day long.
<---says YO coffee SISTA!
<---tells Wendy <---is going to MD for a week tomorrow see <---mommy :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---waves good morning to all in CatheLand
<---wants to wear jeans to work...but can't:-(
<---is going to have a cold day @ work, as they are going to put in the new plate glass window
<---thinks Jane is an amazon woman
<---may have to do this month's rotation in order to get some sleep!
<---tells Debbie to wear a nice dress and some pearls while she is making that lasagna and chocolate banana swirl cake
<---thinks chocolate banana swirl cake sounds yummy:9 :9
<---is going to join Wendy w/a cup of coffee
<---waves mornin' to cathelan
<---is enjoying a quick few minutes alone before the rat race is to begin
<---couldn't be more happy that its friday,can sleep a little late tomorrow,stay up a little later tonight
<---is off to enjoy the last few minutes,good day to all


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<---tells Debbie to have a super time w/her mommy!:)
<---tells the Boybster to have a super time with his grammy!:+
<---tells Tammy to dress warmly today.
<---also tells Tammy that <---has been lucking out big time with the weather here. It's been in the 50's a few days lately and is going to be again today!!! It was 46 when <----woke up at 6:15 this morning! :7 :+ :7
<--waves hello shouting TGIF!!! yippppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
<--also wore comfy jeans to work today :)
<--gives Jane hi 5 for workouts .. sending <<good vibes>> for L&G today!
<--is also trying Jan. Rotation but <--is a day behind
<--wishes Debbie good luck w/cooking and getting ready for MD
<--wishes Wendy good luck w/LaundryMax!
<--likes Tammy's CardioCoach quote
<--has to get in a workout and bill paying before <--heads out for coffee get together w/friends this pm
<--'s DH was told that our orders for our next assignment (Annapolis) may be coming today ... fingers crossed!
<--if orders come soon <--may be going home to live in NY for a few months .... soon! :)
<--had yummy vanilla coffee this am :)

Cath :)
<---waves hi to Kassia
<---tells Wendy it is in the 50's here too, so it could be so much worse!
<---has to go work out now or <--- is going to be late for work
<---says Ciao!
<---waves to Cathe and Kassia.
<---thinks if Cath DOES make it back to NY/MD that she should consider joining in on a GTG with <---, Kali, Robin, Sandy, etc.!
<---thinks that would be super cool!:7
<---hopes Kassia comes in FIRST PLACE in the rat race!;) :p
<--tells Cath no immediate plans for the GTG yet...waiting for warmer weather!:)
<--will be posting about it though once the planning process begins!
<--- has finished L&G already and will hop on bike shortly to spin
<--- has 'Female' Dr. app't early today x( <---hopes for no problems
<--- wishes Debbie an super visit w/ Mama
<--- sends Shelly nice thoughts for a Friday afternoon off
<--- wonders how Jane feels after today's L&G and MIC 1/2 combo.
<--- hopes Wendy conquers Mt. washmore
Judy "Likes2bfit"


<--- says good morning to all the Cathe friends.
<--- is envious that Shelley gets to leave at 1 today.
<--- is also wearing jeans to work! Yeee aahhhh!
<--- wants Jane to throw some of that sleep time to <---!
<--- is not doing the January rotation maybe <--- should start.
<--- is wondering when <--- will be able to convince Wendy to do <---'s laundry max!?!?!?
<--- spent a good part of 10 minutes yelling "leviosa" followed by "dropyurahhssa" to shake self awake.
<--- stopped when <--- could here the marbles banging around in head.:eek:
<--- was worried for a minute that there were no marbles and only air!:eek: :+ x(
<--- must now go find some coffee. . .
<---says banana swirl cake, check.
<---says now must do lasagna.
<---getting lots accomplished this AM! WOO!
<---says artery clogging party at <----house, stat! :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---joins all who are sipping coffee graciously
<---does not have to travel to the Beyond for the next 3 (count em) THREE DAYS!!! YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
<---is getting pumped about the Pittsburgh/Indianpolis game Sunday
<---hopes Jane doesn't suffer too horribly during that split today
<---hopes Debbie has a wonderful time visiting her Mommy
<---is happy for those who got to wear jeans today to work
<---thinks it would be great if Cath could GTG w/ us!
<---tells Tammy to bring a sweater to work
<---gives a shout out to Wendy! What's happening Woman?!
<---has cardio kicks on rotation but doesn't have it, thinks a super long SB/SJP premix is in order
<---going for a ride on our Harley today w/ DH since the weather is going to be beautiful! Can't wait can't wait!
<---off to suck down another coffee and workout
<---says peace out TTYAL

<--flashed on a mental image of June Cleaver BEFORE Debbie mentioned it
<--DH has not had a home cooked meal since he's been married to <-- except when he cooks it himself
<--is jealous of those who are wearing jeans today
<--has dress-down Friday but jeans are verboten
<--tells Tammy to drink a lot of hot coffee all day to keep her warm
<--has a 3-day weekend!!!!!!!!!!
<--asks if anyone else has a 3-day weekend for MLK, Jr. b-day?

<--waves a sleepy good morning to all in Catheland
<--is thrilled <--actually made it to Friday
<--feels like this was the longest week ever...maybe because it's <--first week backx(
<--is happy for Shelley's short friday!!
<--tells Wendy we need to start putting together a plan for the next fabulous GTG:7
<--tells Nancy <--have a 3day weekend too!! Yippee!! <--'m away for 2 weeks, work a full week then have a day off......wow it should always be like this:p }(
<--tells Debbie <--want to join artery clogging party at her house:9
<--asks Kali what is the "BEYOND"???!!
<--wants to yell "Expelliarmus" to all work on my desk:eek:
<--is still LMAO at Rogue's "dropyurahassa" spell!!
<--is asking that someone send <--a pumpkin coffee IV drip PLEASE!!!
<--am getting sleepy....very...very...sleepy

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