I know I'm anal - does anyone else do this?

L Sass

I hate time changes! And I think our bodies need more than just one day to adjust to them - especially kids' bodies. So I always change my clocks on Friday - just went around and did it now. I leave the main clock and DH's alarm clock with the accurate time, but all of my others (and I love clocks so I have a lot of them) have already been sprung ahead. I put a list of all my appointments or activites on the fridge with the DST - so I don't get confused. But then come Monday morning I'm not dragging. Actually even though it used to drive DH crazy, he reminded me this morning that I had to change all my clocks today. Anal - I know.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Maybe I'm anal, too because

I think that is an awesome idea. I think I will follow your advice & do that when I get home!
I agree that that is a great idea! It might really mess me up though with appointments, etc. I have always struggled enormously with Daylight Savings time and that's a great way to make it a little more bearable.
I agree, this is a supreme pain in the rear! A solution.... move here to beautiful Arizona! The spirit of the west is alive and well and we don't set our clocks back for no one!!!

Although it is a pain in the rear - I absolutely love having my waking time with the sun out.

Guess those of us from go ol' CA have a hard time living without the sunshine ;-)
I hate it too, but would get too confused if I did it in advance. I'm glad so many devices set themselves automatically, like the computers and the cable box. I thought it was decided to scrap DST? When does that start, or did they decide against it?

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