I just wanted to say


New Member
Cathe you are great! I have worked out with you since the early 90's 6 days a week. I love your music, your choreography, your cardio challenges, your strength tapes. I am 47 years old, daughter, wife, mom, mother-in-law, and grandma. I have 6 children and only one is as hooked on working out with you as I am. She lives in AZ, and I in CA. In fact my 4 year old granddaughter proudly told her freind when your tape was playing that the token 40+ lady on the strength series is her grandma. She apparently thinks it is me on the video. It is so fun whenever we get together, we have a blast working out with you! You are inspiring and motivating. Do you get the picture? We want to go on a road trip soooo bad and hope to someday. This has been a long time goal for us. I am so glad you have taught me to kick box! Oh my goodness, that has been sooo much fun!!!! I have to say, I have noticed a difference in my body since the 8 recent tapes. I think I am little more solid. FUN! FUN! FUN!

I have one request/complaint/suggestion, whatever you want to call it. In your earlier videos you used the Lord's name but then you did not for several videos. I was cool with that. However, in the recent eight you started again. This may not even bother some, but I am going ask if you could please not use His name like that on your videos? I find it offensive and it may be for others as well. The other question is are your videos closed captioned? I can get a devise that will edit out all bad language and the Lords name in vane in all TV viewing and tapes if there is closed caption in the computer. Does anyone want to second this request, please do?

Keep up the awesome job Cathe, I really don't know where I would be if I didn't get my daily fix of exercise. I own every tape except your first one! The only person I cross train with is Kari Anderson, but you by far are the challenge of all challenges. I am hooked! Once a day keeps the doctor away, at least most of the time:) After all, I am closer to 50 than to 40, and I really did have 6 children and adopted numerous others. Thanks for your time and keep up the good work and your amaze me on how you keep your body so in shape!
Yes, I will second the request. But, I do LOVE the videos. I do not know what I would do without them.


Some suggestions:
1. Wear ear plugs
2. Get over it
3. Don't use the videos
It's great to have choices, isn't it??
God Bless America!
First, I am a Christian. Second I am not trying to attack anyone, These are just my thoughts. I do agree that taking the Lord's name in vain is not appropriate. But, I think we all have things we are working on or struggling with. It does say in the Bible that before you critize someone for the speck in their eye to look to the plank in your own eye. What Cathe does is not for us to judge that is for the lord. I have plenty of things that I am continually working on and I thank the Lord everyday for his grace to get me through. We all fall short of his grace.

Critiquing people only causes resentment. Praying for people is more effective.

I haven't played the tapes to know what she said, but these are my thoughts, thanks for reading.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

P.s. Cathe I hope you don't mind my bluntness.
I am sorry I opened up such a bucket of worms. I am the last to judge anyone. It was just a request to Cathe. It won't make or break her. I stated before, I love to workout with her, I own all of her tapes. I just asked if anyone wanted to second the request. As far as I am concerned, the webmaster can remove my letter as I never meant to offend or cause contention. I really am not a bad person. There is no implication that I think any less of Cathe and I will continue to endorse her workouts and over look the "word" if she chooses to use it. I just requested, that is all. I am sorry.
It is late, I hope everyone had a Happy Thankgiving.
RE: I have something to say.

I see both points of view here. And this has the potenial to become a sticky thread. Let's NOT let that happen ok? I, personally am not offened by taking the Lord's name, in fact I'm guilty of it quite often. But one post in response to the first caused a stir. With being in America we DO have choices, however, all the firstwas doing was seeing if this was a choice that was avalible to her. Remember people, In God We Trust and Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We have freedom of speech and freedom of religon. You both are right: we can either buyearplugs getover it, not do the videos, or ask if there is a device to block it out. Neither one is wrong so let's leave it at that. We have choices and we don't have to see eye to eye, but we can try to see where the other person is coming from and even if we don't agree, we can respect each other's point of view.
OK, I'm done now. I hope I didn't offened anyone.

RE: I have something to say.

I was going to ask something, but forget it, I don't want to continue this thread!
RE: I have something to say.

Thanks Aimee, that is really what it was all about. I personally used to use the Lords name that way and 27 years ago made a decision not to. I do understand where people are coming from when it does not bother them. Again I was just asking Cathe if that could be avoided in the next videos. I really don't think it will change any of her following and there are some that would appreciate it. The devise I mentioned is pretty cool and because I also don't do any R-rated movies,or even PG13's. I think I am going to get it to attach to my TV anyway. Thanks for your words and the time you took to write. Have a great day! Sue
RE: Wendy,

You got my curiosity up. May I email you? Mine only works if I email someone first and then you respond to it. I'd love to hear what your question is. Let me know.


Sure, you can email me! It's not that interesting of a question, though ( :) ) so I'll just go ahead and post it:
What is Cathe saying? Is it just "Oh, my God" or what? I probably just don't notice it because I couldn't care less about that kind of stuff :) Whatever it is she says, it obviously doesn't offend me! Thanks--you can respond either by email or just post, whichever you want !
RE: I have something to say.

Hi Everyone! I respect everyones opinion on this issue. I obviously don't mean to offend anyone when I say "oh my G--". It just sort of comes out v-e-r-y occasionally. But I certainly don't want anyone to feel bad. While I'll certainly try not to say this in future videos, I'm happy to know that you'll understand that it is not intentional if it slips out.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday yesterday. Who's having turkey tonight;-)?
RE: ME!!

And I had it for lunch too;-)! We'll be eating turkey for a long time to come! Turkey salad, turkey pot pie, hot turkey sandwhiches...... He he he!
RE: I have something to say.

I am sorry Sue I didn't mean for my post to sound they way people are reading it. I definitely don't think your a bad person. I am not very good at putting things on paper because they sound more harsh, than what I mean the words to be or it is taken the wrong way. I wasn't directing my thoughts to you, that is why I said I wasn't trying to attack anyone. I was trying to say that maybe she was working on it.

I think that I will keep my posts to myself, because I don't want to cause trouble on this site. I like this site and all of you, no matter what are differences.

Good Luck to You All,

Sorry to you to Cathe I didn't mean to cause such a stir.
RE: Nik13

Don't quit posting!! What makes this site great is that, while we all have different viewpoints, we can still talk and learn from each other! That's what it's all about!! We get to know one another and our thoughts. We are our own little community!! Don't "move away" because of one "bad day". I honestly feel that you all are my friends and my support system. If everybody thought and acted and looked alike, this world would be one dull place!! Please reconsider, I know you addressed this to Sue, but I have to try to talk you out of it.


That was nicely said, and did not sound as if you were attacking anyone. I agree that sometimes things on paper don't sound the way you want them to. I also agree with Aimee, though, and would urge you not to stop posting. :)

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