I just signed up for a Triathlon!!!!!!!!

I've never done one and don't know much of what they consist of -- as far as how you go from swimming to biking...do you change clothes?? I'm a ball of nerves and excitement all at once. It is in 10 weeks and so I have some training to do -- right now I've been walking for a while then running with my dogs right away in the morning then I'll come home and after lunch do one of Cathe's videos then run on my elliptical for 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. I usually take the kids for a bike ride too, but that's more leisure and I realize I am going to have to ride a little harder than I am used to. I just needed to tell people who would understand (I don't have any "active" friends) and was hoping someone would like to share their advice or stories....
It's a 1/3 mile swim, 16 mile bike, and 3.3 mile run.
good for you!!! i have no advice or stories to share - my competitive experience consists of 5 mile runs, that's about it. that "size" triathlon sounds perfect for me though, i'd love that. lots of luck to you!

Go to your nearest huge bookstore and grab the latest issue of Her Sports Magazine. It has a training program, clothing tips and a full page of transition tips! Every issue has a lot of tri information! I think it would be the perfect mag for you!

I've heard great reviews of the book: Slow, Fat Triathlete (and I'm not implying that you are either slow or fat, I swear!!!!). It's apparently written for the "everyman" with lots of practical tips.

My first tri is coming up in less than 2 weeks - an Oly. I'll let you know how it goes!

There are lots of training plans out there - hit your nearest favorite bookstore and pick up a book or two and get started. 10 weeks is not a lot of time, so you'll need to get cracking ASAP! Focus on the sports - swim/bike/run, and make the rest of your training routine very efficient (i.e., a 20 minute Cathe UB premix is great, an hour+ workout is a waste of time - time better spent in the pool / on the bike / on the run...). It's a LOT of fun!!! Good luck!

I forgot to add...

You wear tri specific clothing that can go from pool to bike to run - they are very tight fitting, like a swim suit, with a VERY minimal chamois for the bike. They dry very quickly, so you won't be riding/running in wet clothes. If you need a wetsuit, you just wear the tri stuff under the wet suit. You can of course add an extra shirt or jacket if it's cold. But generally, the only things you change are your shoes.
No advice - just HUGE KUDOS to you! I've always wanted to try one but have been way too scared (and busy!). Best wishes!
That's awesome that you signed up for a triathlon! I did a spring version (similar to what you've signed up for) in 2004. I loved it & would love to do another if I can get my trigger points under control...or just get rid of them.
The tri that you signed up for should give you some pointers & maybe even a few practice sessions before the triathlon. You should definitely go see the bike & run route & if you can, ride the bike route before that day.
As far as changing...you wear your cycle/running gear into the water & prefeably have a wetsuit on over it. Once you come out of the water you run to the transition area to take your wet suit off & get your bike socks/shoes (if you wear socks) & helmet on. Then head out to the cycling portion of the tri. After the cycling is done you come back into the transition area & park your bike & get your running shoes on & head for the run. I wish you great health/fitness & training for your first tri! Enjoy!
Thank you for your wonderful advice. I did order a couple books thru Amazon.com. I am starting to feel very unprepared for this and very nervous. I have wanted to do one for a year or so and this was my motivation to quit drinking. Hopefully the books I ordered will help.
What is the name of this event? I would love to do something like this except I am not a very good swimmer.

That is awesome! Way to go. Keep us posted on your progress as the event approaches and of course the event itself! I have tons of respect for anyone who does things like this.
Thank you all for your support. I'm not a good swimmer or runner and I've never biked that far but I've needed something to focus on. It's called Hoot Lake Triathlon and it's in a relatively small town in Minnesota. I'm doing it so I can accomplish something. Thank you thank you thank you for the awesome link. I've never ran a 5K let alone do something like this so I'm VERY under-educated but I am super pumped and looking forward to it. My husband and I (and 3 girls) just built a new house and when the process started we turned to beer to relieve our stress so now when I feel stressed I drink (I was one of those who would have a beer after I worked out -- good hydration I know). So, I have to focus on something to stay out of the beer and so even if I come in dead last if I can go 10 weeks without drinking I will be a champ!!!!!
BTW, the tri community is VERY VERY VERY welcoming and typically LOVE beginners. Don't worry about anything like that - prepare the best you can, and HAVE FUN!!!!! You gotta start somewhere. :)
That's awesome that you have signed up. I attempted a sprint triathlon last fall, but underestimated my swimming abilities in open water. I did get to do the bike and run and had a great time. The other triathletes were very encouraging.

Last weekend, I was on a triathlon relay, and participated in the 25 mile bike ride part. It was a blast and our team won (.9 mile swim, 25 mile bike, and 6 mile run). I had a fantastic time! Wish I could swim better and then I'd be tempted to do one again.

Best of luck to you.


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