I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series...


and am wondering how many of you have this tape and how you like it. I bought it because of Cathe using the pyramid system. How do you all use this tape? One tape upper body, next day lower body and then recycle? I'd love to read all your comments.

By the way I'm new to the forum and look forward to getting to know everyone one and learning lots of cardio and weight workout wisdom.

RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

Hi Lisa! Welcome to the forum! I really love the pyramid workouts. Did you purchase videos or DVD's? There are so many ways to use these workouts. You can alternate them. You can do Pyramid Up or Pyramid Down if you have the DVD's. You can do one body part a day. Really, once you begin playing around with the options to fit your needs and your schedule you will be surprised at what you can come up with. Have fun! Are the pyramid workouts the only Cathe workouts you own? If they are, it won't be long until you purchase more I'm sure! Talk to you later!
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

Thank you gogigi for the warm welcome. This is my very first Cathe tape, actually I bought the DVD, and can't wait to get it in the mail. I am hoping it will arrive by the end of this week. I have been using The Firm videos, but was looking for something that seems more challenging "without" the cardio. My cardio comes from running 5 miles per day.

I hope I like this video enough to keep purchasing more ;)

RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

Hi Lisa and welcome. The Volume 3 is great. Get ready to be sore the next day after you do this workout}(. It is an awsome workout. When I first did this workout I was so sore the whole week, but now after doing this for a few monthes, it is much better. Sometimes I like to do the premix up only or down only. There is so many options with the dvd. I remember when only got maybe 3 of Cathe's workout, got them, love them, now I own everyone of them. She is a great instructor and alot of fun:). Let us know how you like your new dvd. Talk to ya soon.
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

Hi Barbara,

I can't wait to try this tape. This weekend I added some heavier weights to my collection in anticipation of my new DVD! I really hope there is a great bi and tri section to this tape. I was at my aunt's house the other day, she just turned 84, and she flung her arm to make a jesture and her skin under her arm swung around and almost hit my uncle. It definitely "was not" a pretty sight :eek: I am 39 and am pretty firm, however, I want to tighten up even more after seeing that :7

RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

Hi Lisa,

The bi and tri is an awsome workout. You really get the burned}(. When she is doing the bi workout she says "im having an out of body experience" and boy does she mean it}(. Your going to love this workout:7. Let us know when you do the workout. P.S. next you have to check out ME, that is also an awsome workout!
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

I love the pyramid workouts. I really enjoy the premix alot too so don't just do the two workouts separately. The premix does a pyramid up for both the upper and lower body and is awesome. There are alot of variations you can do with this dvd. Also, her stability ball lower body workout - AWESOME and effective. My hamstrings and gluteals love to hate it.
Hi Lisa - Yipeeee another Cahte Addict and Welcome to our family!!! Be prepared - you will be sore!! I love the pyramids - I feel so wonderful afterward. And please don't fret if you're not lifting like the gals on the workout - you will! I've increased slowly and it shows. Quick note - Cathe's PLB - knocked out my daughter - she was sore for days - so be forewarned! LOL.


Take care,


RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

> When she is doing the bi workout she says "im having
>an out of body experience" and boy does she mean it}(.

Actually, Cathe misspeaks and says she's having an "outer body experience" (which is also possible at that point of the workout!;-)
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

>Thank you gogigi for the warm welcome. This is my very first
>Cathe tape, actually I bought the DVD, and can't wait to get
>it in the mail. I am hoping it will arrive by the end of this
>week. I have been using The Firm videos, but was looking for
>something that seems more challenging "without" the cardio.

Lisa, You'll love the Pyramids! And since you'll have it on DVD, you'll have some great options. Since you're coming from the Firm, I suggest maybe working up to the full pyramids. There is a "full body" workout option (a great workout, that has 3 sets of step-ups), which is a pyramid-up-only workout for the whole body, excluding abs. The pyramid-up-only premixes for PUB and PLB are also some great shorter workouts. So far, I've used the full workouts, PUB up-only, and the full body pyramid-up-only combo. They're all fantastic workouts. By going heavy in the pyramid-up-only upper body, I felt as if I had gotten almost the same effect as with the full pyramid.
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

>> When she is doing the bi workout she says "im having

>Actually, Cathe misspeaks and says she's having an "outer body
>experience" (which is also possible at that point of the
>workout!;-) ( Wow, I never knew she said that, I have a hearing problem, so I can't really hear some of the things she says but it is an out of body experience;-)
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

You guys are GREAT and are sharing so much information - Thank You. I ordered the DVD Saturday evening and IT IS HERE!!! I am sooooooo excited. However, I am getting ready to go to a business meeting and won't get back until late tonight, so I won't even be able to preview the tape ;( I am so bummed out! I can't believe it got here already and I can't even do it tonight - ARGH! On the other hand, I know what I will be doing tomorrow night!

Thanks Everyone!

PS: I'll let everyone know how sore I am Thursday :)
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

One question, Barbara or anyone else for that matter, what is ME? I am a little confused with the abbreviations, however, I'm a quick learner ;-)

RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

Hi Lisa, sorry I didn't explain myself, it is Muscle Endurance, it is on the Volume 2 of the Intensity Series. Please let us know how you like the Volume 3.
RE: I just purchased Volume 3 of the Intensity Series.....

"ME" is Muscle Endurance. It is the name of one of her Intensity Series ("IS") workouts.

Get used to it....we abbreviate just about everything around here! :) he he he

Welcome to the forums...you will be owning most, if not all, of Cathe workouts soon enough...:+ ;-) :+

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
Hi Lisa!

I wanted to join the group and say WELCOME! Great to have you here! Isn't it the pits to get your tape and not be able to do it? You are in for a real treat tomorrow. Can't wait to hear back from you. You best be cleaning out an area in your workout room that will hold lots of tapes/DVD's because THIS is only the beginning. Have fun and again, WELCOME! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Lisa!

Well, I got a chance to do the WHOLE tape and all I can say is OUCH! This is a remarkable, tough workout. I "know" that by doing this regularly I will see remarkable results. I love, love, love the ab section with the stability ball. I am sooooooo gad I bought this tape. I also love the "many" ways that this tape can be used. It's a definite keeper :)

RE: Hi Lisa!

Hi Lisa, isn't it a great workout! I love the abs too! I did tone up doing this a few months ago. I think if I remember I was doing the pub 2 times a week, then sometimes switching off with Muscle Endurance. Now Im doing more of a strength & Endurance each 1 time a week. Have fun;-)
RE: Hi Lisa!

I think what I am going to do with this tape is break it down to start. I will do upper body 2 times per week and lower body 2 times per week, giving me 3 complete rest days from weights. I will do abs every other day though. When I am less sore :7 I will add another upper body and another lower body per week.


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