I just found out...


...that I'm PREGNANT!

I couldn't be happier! DH and I have been TTC for about 6 months, and I just knew something was going on last week...cuz I was acting strange (ie. grumpy, sleepy, crampy), and my 'friend' just wasn't coming! Christmas came early this year!

~Stacie :)
Congratulations! What wonderful news to get during the holiday season!

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Hey congrats! I'm going on 6 months myself, so throw some baby dust over here! I hope you have a great pregnancy!
Congratulations! That is wonderful news! :)

I am in my 5th month of pregnancy myself. It is an interesting, kinda scarey, nerve racking but WONDERFUL journey so far...I have been very lucky though-no morning sickness or anything! The worst thing that I suffer from is heart burn and I'm not complaining!

So were you given a due date yet?

Haven't been given a due date yet, but I see my doctor next week so we'll know then! I hope that I don't get the dreaded morning sickness, but I'm sure the little one will be so worth it if it does happen.

"I'm going on 6 months myself, so throw some baby dust over here!"

Toss, toss, toss, toss! Good Luck...I hope you get some great news soon!

Congrats!!!!!!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you steer clear of the nausea.

You can calculate your own EDD using Nagele's rule, which is most commonly used:
Take the first day of you LMP
Minus 3 months
Plus 7 days

If your cycles are irregular, adjust accordingly. Your doctor may use an obstetric calculator wheel, which vary from printing to pritnting so the date may differ slightly.

Best of luck to you!

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