I just did my 1st Cathe workout since having my twins.....


...AND IT FELT SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!! I did 10-10-10. I used to do it all the time and with Cathe's perfect cueing I only messed up a couple of times! That is after more than a year!

During my pregnancy I was not on bedrest per se, but was told to rest as much as possible, stay off my feet, don't go shopping, etc. Well that doesn't sit well with an exercise enthusiast! But I did it, and I had my twin boys in July, full-term and perfect.

I have just been waiting to have the time to work out again - I have a 4 yr old son and 3 yr old daughter in addition to my 5 month old twins. As of last week the babies are going down around 7:00 along with the older kids. So the evening has freed up some. I have been waiting a long time for this!

We re-did our basement into a playroom, and in the process my workout space went away. We put the DVD player upstairs during my pregancy, seeing as I couldn't workout anyway so we just watched movies on it! My workout space will come back with a new dvd player, my husband promises. But tonight I couldn't stand it any longer. My husband went out with a friend (yes I do let him out!), I finished wrapping presents, I did not feel like doing the treadmill, so I got out my step(from under a ton of things in the garage), and my CTX, and I did 10-10-10!!! I did not even clean the living room first. I just threw the toys and mess onto the couch(so not like me). I had to improvise since there is not much room here. I am so happy. It was hard and I had to modify but boy do I feel good.

Sorry this post is so long. But I am so excited, and I just had to share, and I knew no one else would understand except the people here! I hope tomorrow I won't be in pain while we're celebrating xmas at my parents' house! But if I am I will love it anyway.

I can't wait to re-learn all my Cathe DVD's, and then I'll be wanting all the new ones! Now on to showering and cleaning up the living room.
Happy holidays to all.
RE: I just did my 1st Cathe workout since having my twi...

Candice~What a cute story! I had to laugh about you throwing the toys on the couch. :7 Hey, when you find the time to workout, you don't want to waste ANY time, right? I used to love 10-10-10. (One of my favs til the new series came out.) I am so glad you had fun and you are right...a lil' soreness will feel good. Happy to have you back and congratulations on the birth of your twins! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I just did my 1st Cathe workout since having my twi...

Yay, Candice! I admire mothers of twins just a little bit more than mothers of singles because I am a mother of singles and was always amazed that one tiny human could demand so much attention. I can't imagine two at once! Plus you other two are young as well! You go, girl! Don't you just love how exercise gives we outnumbered moms the energy to go the distance with our active younguns!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi

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