
I just completed all four weeks of meso one. My husband and I did it together most of the time (scheduling conflicts sometimes caused us to do the workouts at different times of the day). WE HAD A BALLL and worked hard! When I say that we worked hard, this is not an over statement!

I come from a power lifting background- (although for the past 6 months I was doing a undulating per iodization program). I worked hard! My body was use to longer rest periods and the shortened rest kicked my butt.

These are some of my observations:

1. Definitely take time and make the effort to take the one rep max test- your body will thank you
2. Use the appropriate weights based on your one rep max test
3. The few times that I felt that I could have gone up in weight, I rewound and did it again with more weight
4. Keep your rest periods to the prescribed time period
5. I discovered this by trial and error-In order to keep my rest periods short as required I had to be organized. I had two barbells. One straight and one EZ curl bar and I had them preloaded. My first set of dumbbells were out and ready to go.
6. I went over what exercises were required prior to starting the workout and had my target weight written on my workout cards
7. The production quality was superb
8. The sequencing of exercises was excellent and pushed the body parts being worked to the max.
9. It was obvious that sometimes (especially in the leg workouts)- that the men were not using 60- 70% of their one rep max. This bothered me a little, but my husband kept commenting- 5lbs, 10 lbs cannot be 60-70% of their one rep max! He felt that this would be a distraction for most men. I know that they probably had to film multiple session in one day and their muscles were tired, but maybe it would l have been better for them to rest and do their true weights.
10. You definitely need a week off. I am looking forward to next week off. My muscles were always a good sore following every workout.
11. MESO- Cycle TWO – Here we come

THANK YOU CATHE! Thank you Cathe! Thank You Cathe!

Thanks for your review, Regina! What results are you seeing or feeling, if any?
Hi Angela,

The immediate results that I can ascertain are:
My glutes are more defined and lifted! I think the slider exercise really hit the glutes hard.

My back and glutes always had DOMS.

My back is stronger and my back muscles are more defined for example- I started STS using 40 lb DB for lat rows. Today in week four I used 45 lb DB. I was also able to complete more pull-ups and chin-ups up in the 30 seconds allowed by week four. Also using the band for Y pulls and T pulls (in supersets) hit my back in ways that it was not accustomed to.

Also by week four - I was using more weight for triceps, biceps. I kept good notes on the workout cards and noted when I felt like I could increase weight and did so the next workout. If I felt like it was really easy even though by my one rep max test I was using the appropriate weight- I rewound and repeated the exercise. I used weights that I could complete the reps but I was at near failure with by the prescribed number of reps

I think that my chest responded the least. Most of the chest work was variations on push ups. My body was used to these type of push up. In Meso two- I think there is more traditional chest work- like bench presses

Also, the different speeds of lifting used throughout meso-cycle one forced my body to respond differently and challenged me.

If I use meso one as a bench mark then I know that by the end of all three meso cycles I will have great results.
It was obvious that sometimes (especially in the leg workouts)- that the men were not using 60- 70% of their one rep max. This bothered me a little, but my husband kept commenting- 5lbs, 10 lbs cannot be 60-70% of their one rep max! He felt that this would be a distraction for most men. I know that they probably had to film multiple session in one day and their muscles were tired, but maybe it would l have been better for them to rest and do their true weights.


This is bugging me too. It's obvious the guys are lifting lighter weights than Cathe and crew in most exercises. Otherwise, I'm very happy w/ this series.
Glad to here the review. I've got 1 more week and I hope to have some results that I can actually see or feel.

As for the guys lifting lighter, it could be that they are not used to some of the moves. If you go to a gym, you rarely see a guy doing lunges. They just do the traditional leg work, ie squats and such. So doing a new round of exercises that they are not accustom to, just using their body weight (which is usually heavier on men than on women) and a lighter weight may be what they were comfortable with. They also probably are not use to the balance factor that many of Cathe's exercises use. I personally don't even pay attention to what weight any of them are using. I'm too busy worrying about my own weights and whether I'm going to be able to complete my set. Thank goodness I don't have a camera on me.
I didn't notice what the guys were lifting for legs today, just the upper body routines when they were doing traditional arm exercises like tricep kickbacks, bicep curls, stuff like that. They were masters at push ups and pullups though.
See I told you I don't pay attention. I did legs today so that is the only one of the discs on my mind. Tomorrow, I afraid, doms for my back side, will be the only thing on my mind, LOL. I'll have to look more closely at the upper body discs.
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Well, we can commiserate together because I woke up this morning and my backside hasn't felt this bad in years!!! And I went light with the weights! Tell me Regina, should I expect this DOMS after every leg workout in Meso 1???
Nice rap up of Meso1! I was thinking we would start to hear from some people soon that have finished up with Meso1.

Can't wait to hear some reviews on Meso 2 :D. I'm moving into week 4 of Meso1, and pretty psyched for my rest week, this has been pretty intense, in a good way of course ;).
Well, we can commiserate together because I woke up this morning and my backside hasn't felt this bad in years!!! And I went light with the weights! Tell me Regina, should I expect this DOMS after every leg workout in Meso 1???

HI Leslie,

I had DOMS after every leg workout in Meso one (and so did my husband)!

Hi Everyone,
Just to add on to my previous observations and post- So that I was not always starting on the same side each week and could alternate which side had the longer rest- On the odd weeks (1 and 3), I would start the exercises using the same side that Cathe and the crew used. On the even weeks (2 and 4), I would start on the opposite side. Utilizing this method it was easy to remember which side to begin with.

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