I just bought Rhythmic Step off eBay


I just picked up a copy of Rhythmic Step VHS off eBay. It was at a Buy I Now price of 13.99 so I snatched it. I would rather have the DVD but I've already got the other two w/o's on the DVD on VHS, so I just got the VHS and at a good price, especially since you can't get it at any price on the Cathe site.

There has been so much good talk about this w/o. I am excited!!
That's great Jane, you will really like this workout. It is jam packed with choreography. I remember when I first got it being astonished at how bang on Cathe's cuing is. I could hardly believe that I was on the same side of the board. I have it on VHS and have changed my workout space and only have a DVD player so it's been out of my rotation for a while. Now I'm missing it:( but I'm very happy for you:) !!

Take Care
LOL that's the worst part of ebay- I know I'm bidding against you guys! I stop bidding if I've hit someone's high bid, because I don't want to make them more expensive than they already are for someone on these boards!

I just snatched a $15 buy it now of High Step Challenge- I'm so amazed!! I think I found it right after she posted it. I feel so lucky! Of course, I haven't done the workout yet... LOL

Amy, that is how I buy a lot of my eBay w/o's, Buy It Now. Sometimes you get lucky. The bidding can get ridiculously high sometimes so it's not worth it. Great price for HSC!!
A few months ago I got the Slow and Heavy workouts on DVD at a 'buy it now' price of $20 (and low shipping/handling to boot). If I was quick enough I could've gotten Pure Strength for the same price but someone beat me to it. I think the guy who listed them didn't know how much they were worth. Every now and then you'll find a real deal on eBay, but lots of times people bid up Cathe workouts up to the retail price. To me it's not worth the risk to pay retail on eBay when you can buy new with a warranty from SNM.

Enjoy RS when you get it. Make sure you give yourself a time or two to learn it because it's got some choreo going on!

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