I have to ask.....


Is anyone who ordered the DVDs also ordering the VHS tapes in order to get them earlier and then selling the VHS tapes later? Is anyone doing this or at least thinking about it? I have to admit I have thought about it. I probably will not do it, but it is definitely tempting. Please tell me I'm not the only one who is crazy.

I just caved and bought one

Kelley, I certainly am not going to tell you you're crazy;-).

When the CTX set came out on DVD & VHS, I bought both. I didn't with this set because I feel pretty confident that the ship dates will be close....HOWEVER;-)..hehee, I do have all the DVD's on order and I just ordered Bootcamp on VHS for that small hurdle. I'm not one to sell tapes..so I'll either just keep it (hey, it will have a different cover!) or I'll end up giving it to an unsuspecting friend who is unaware of Cathe workouts...I'll make a better friend..or an enemy, depending on how they make it through the workout! LOL.

RE: Don't tempt me . . .

I just cajoled DH into letting me replace my numerous Cathe videos with her DVD counterparts, to the tune of over $230.00, AND a 5-disc programmable DVD player.

In order to do what you're suggesting, Kelly - and a fine idea it is, I might add - I'd have to bribe him with some obscure sexual practice that involves green Jell-O and possible loss of consciousness.

Hmmmmm . . . lemme give it some more thought . . .

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Don't tempt me . . .


Thanks for letting me start my day off with a good, hardy laugh!
I love your sense of humor.
RE: Don't tempt me . . .

Annette! Annette! Annette!

Girl, you crack me up.

RE: Don't tempt me . . .

OH Annette honey what kinda cases are you workin on in that paralegal job of yours girl??????
RE: Don't tempt me . . .

Annette that is funny. I do have to say I'm having a hard time not ordering at least one of the VHS tapes.
RE: Don't tempt me . . .

I too got a kick out of your methods. But seriously, thanks for the tip. I was trying to figure out how to cajole my own DH into a new 5-disc player and ALL of the Cathe DVD's, plus the wedding tape! I think you just may be onto something.... :)
RE: Don't tempt me . . .

What's so hilarious about Annette's convincing technique is, it would probably work on most men. :)
RE: Kath115:

Especially if they know they're not missing a football game.

Annette Big-Bag-O-Tricks Aquajock
RE: Kath115:

>Especially if they know they're not
>missing a football game.
>Annette Big-Bag-O-Tricks Aquajock

I love your sense of humor, twisted as it is! I find myself searching the messages just to read your replies! Keep the humour flying!
RE: punky3333

Thanks from your Twisted Sister A-jock! You can't be a criminal prosecution paralegal, reading thousands of police reports each year, and not pick up a few little tricks . . . or a fairly warped but strangely uplifting view on life!

BTW, Ann was right: purple Jell-O DOES work better. But save that for when you want a new car.

I am just now catching up on this thread and about to die laughing. The comment about "save that one for a new car" nearly gave me a "Depends Moment". :-wow Thank you for a perfect topper to an already fabulous day, gals! Lisa

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