I have my husbands old barbel/dumbels but it is too hard to change the weights, what would you all d

You all helped me a lot in another posting and I am checking out all I need to get started. I have a 5, 10 and 15 lb pair of weighs and only one 20 and 25 lb weight as well. My husband has a barbell with various weights and a dumbell with various weights, the problem is that it is very time consuming to take off and on the weights if I need to change. What should I do? Buy a match to the 20 and 25 lb that I am missing and then do the dumbell at 30 and the barbel at 25 (50 total)? What does everyone else do? Thanks! You all were so helpful!!
Walmart has a cheap (about $30) barbell that has a quick change grip like Cathe uses. Is your DHs a screw-on type? If so that really does take lots of time to change the weight. I'd go with the Walmart one.
My barbell is old too. It had the screw on end cap. I got the clips at Dick's, for a couple dollars. It really helped. Melissa
Try Play It Again Sports, it is a consignment shop for both new and used sporting equipment. I think old weights are 40 cents a pound and they will accept trades. Also Power Sports has barbells as well. Annette
RE: I have my husbands old barbel/dumbels but it is too...

Can you use the clips with an old bar? I have the screw on type too but if I can just buy the new collars & make my existing bar easier to change (for less expense), that would be the way to go!

Thanks in advance,
RE: I have my husbands old barbel/dumbels but it is too...

Yes. My barbell is at least 20 years old. I took one of the plates to Dick's Sporting Goods and they gave me the right size clips. I think they were olny $2.99. Melissa

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