I Have Met the Enemy...

I love Alton, too, but I never catch his show anymore. When's it on? I try to avoid that station as much as possible and limit my viewing to a couple of hours on Saturday.

I love Giada. She has a passion for Italian food and so do I. I agree she's perky and smilie, but she seems genuine. I have her cookbook and use it a lot. I've been really happy with the recipes I've tried thus far and it's very user friendly.

Me too Michelle. Giada is definitely my favorite Food Network chef right now. My kids love the lemon spaghetti (I use tomato paste instead of the olive oil, and whole wheat angel hair instead of spaghetti, but the lemon is what really adds kick to the pasta). Also,DH and I enjoyed her chicken parmesan (minus butter, and with less cheese of course :)) I made her cioppino for Christmas dinner (I also used a little of Gourmet's cippino recipe, but it was mostly Giada's recipe), and it was great.

Okay, now I'm hungry! :9

She may not have ever been to cooking school but she makes practical yet tasty food that every day busy people, like me, can cook in a relatively short period of time. If you take 60 minutes to cook her recipes perhaps because you are an inexperienced cook, disorganized, you like to sample the ingredients, or lack adequate space and utensils in your kitchen. I have had difficulty getting some of the recipes done in 30 minutes but with practice the time is drastically reduced. Perhaps you are like me and need the "Kitchen Accomplished" crew to visit your house. :)
OK, I found Paula Deen last year and I absolutely LOVE her. She made bacon wrapped breadsticks and I just sat there watching in awe. She is so, so, naughty!

I love food network!

I would agree with you. I love Rachel! I don't own any of her cookbooks but I've printed off several from the website. I'm a fairly accomplished cook---been at it a looong time, and I would say it takes me about 40 minutes to cook up one of her recipes. The increased time is usually because I don't prep my produce when I bring it home from the store so I have to do it as I'm ready to use it.

Ha Sparrow!! Paula doesn't just use a stick of butter...it's usually a whole pound of butter per recipe!!

I would like for Mario or Bobby to be my personal chefs for a month so I could cook with them, but my all-time favorite FoodNetwork cook is Ina Garten. Her cookbooks are great. Uncomplicated food that tastes good every time.

I would Ina to be my next door neighbor. :D :D :D :D
>Ha Sparrow!! Paula doesn't just use a stick of butter...it's
>usually a whole pound of butter per recipe!!


I saw a special on Paula Deen the other night - Chefology - and someone asked one of her sons what his mom's favorite dessert is, and he said: "Butter. Fried butter with sour cream." :D


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I'm a Rachael Ray fanatic, foodwise. Her perkiness sometimes gets on my nerves, like in 40 dollars a day, is there any food she doesn't find soooo awesome?? LOL. I have yet to make other recipes from the Foodnetwork yet. I did make an All American Chili from Cooking Light last night that was fab!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

>I would Ina to be my next door neighbor. :D :D :D :D

Me too! I love Ina Garten. I have one of her cookbooks and I've printed several of her recipes from the website. Great tasting and always easy to do.

Another comment now that I've read all the relies...

Giada would be okay but I'm just NOT into all the cleavage she exposes. There is a time and a place and to me...a cooking show is not the place for boobs. Seems she focusing more on her male audience. But...to each their own style. :eek:

I did not like Rachel Ray in the beginning simply because she was waaay too perky for me and that just made me think she was an idiot. But...then I read her bio somewhere and I was impressed at how she has made her career what it is through hard work. She can still get on my nerves at times and I don't watch her shows that often but at least I do respect her cooking now.
"Butter. Fried butter with sour cream."

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO at that!

And Boybert...so agree on the 'awsomeness' of every food Rachel eats! lol

One thing about Rachel Ray though...what a find she was for the FoodNetwork because she has to be the most photogenic person they have. She could be holding a plate of rotted moldy sprouted potatoes but she'd do it looking so cute!
I LOVE the Contessa!!! I want to live her life - the house, the garden, the apt in Paris. Where do I sign up? Her books (I have all 4) and recipes are awesome. Simple, straight-forward and tasty.

I like Giada (and agree with the cleavage comment).

HATE Rachel Ray - her food doesn't even look that good, and the idea that it can be done in 30 minutes is sheer folly - she barely makes it sometimes. Also hate that Semi-Homemade chick. yuck.

I enjoy Mario but would never eat most of what he cooks. Too heavy and too much on the offal. Love Bobby's stuff - looks great - still need to go to his restuarants.

Boybert - I know the chili of which you speak - that's one of my favorite recipes. Yum!!
LOL 40something, it would be a lot more interesting a show if you didn't know already every food from every restaurant was to die for.

NY25 the chili is FAB!!! I think it's the best in terms of flavor and heartiness.

My SIL thinks it's hard to concentrate on what Giada's is talking about when her kahoongas are always staring you in the face ;) Then I had to go check THAT out. Oy.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"


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