Hi, these have been sent. PLEASE email me at [email protected] if you don't get them or can't open them.
Kimba, I sent yours out weeks ago, (Feb. 18). I checked my records because I thought I remembered your email address. I'm sorry you didn't get them, I have resent them just now. The most problems I've had getting these to people is hotmail. I don't know why, but hotmail often won't accept the email, or if it does, you can't open them.
There are other ways to try though, so please let me know if there are any problems.
The best way to reach me is to email me, however please put something in the subject line to indicate you are from the forum. If I don't know who an email is from, I delete it!
Hi starlight6,
I emailed you to forward another copy of the rotations to my work email address. You are great to be doing this! Thanks.

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