I HATE when my thumbs hurt-Fri March 9


Morning all you haters. Yes, my thumb hurts. It has a crack on the tip from all the cold, dry weather and it is amazing to me how much it affects my life. Really, it's hard to do anything without yelping in pain. I'm trying to remember how much thumb work is included in Drill Max, my planned workout for today. Not much, I hope.

Corrie, do you rent to the guy downstairs, or do you both rent from someone else? I remember living below a family with 2 little kids. It was amazing how loud it was when they ran across the room. But we realized they were little kids. Kids gotta run, right?

Jen, I'm glad to see you got a workout done. Yeah PS is a great stress reliever too.

Terri, have you spoken to the lawyer yet?

August, are you working out-of-apartment-and-in-clothes again today? Hope Chedd doesn't invite the Roach family over for a party in your absence.

Michele, what's up for today? Your DH is going to be away again soon, isn't he? Think you'll get to a workout today?

Howdy to Kara, Shelley, Diane, Deb, Mariah, Arista, Dana and any others. I'll check back later.
Morning all. I'm at work and I've got NOTHING to do. NOTHING! I have oh, 8 more hours of this boredom.

Robin - when I read the title, I thought you were doing some crazy workout like lifting weights w/your thumbs. You silly girl. Ouch! Have you put anything on it? I've been using Neutrogena lotion (which is the consistency of vaseline w/out the greasiness) and it has worked wonders. Aquaphor works great too.

Cora - were you swimming outdoors? Is it that warm where you live? It was 6 here this am!!!! I'm so sorry that you have such insensitive neighbors. I can't believe what they complained about. Flushing the toilet??? Come on. When I used to live in a 1/2 double house, my neighbors were really loud. They had 3 teenagers. I remember that they were banging so loud, a shelf on my wall fell down, landed on my tartwarmer (which was on) and hot wax flew everywhere. Yes I was pissed but I certainly did not go over there complaining. When I would have the baby monitor plugged in, occasionally it would pick up phone conversations. The one that I thought was a quiet, polite teenage boy was having an x-rated conversation w/his girlfriend and then discussing the posibility of picking up a STD - everytime I see him, I still think about that conversation. Have a great time with your hubby this weekend.

What is everyone up to this weekend? Nothing here - at least not that I know of.

My brother just e-mailed me and he is going to Iceland in July. I know nothing about Iceland so I'm going to have to check it out. The only thing I even recall about Iceland is one of the contestants from last season's RockStar SuperNova was from there. LOL.

I'll BBL. Have a great day everyone! :+
Good morning Haters!

I'm supposed to get together with a friend for lunch today but I'm not sure if that's going to work out with this mouth;( . I don't think I told y'all about my mouth, did I? I have a weird condition that flares up every now and then called lichen planus, and I'm in the midst of a major flare up right now. It'll be fine, but I need to use a steroid gel in my mouth a couple times a day until it calms down. Needless to say, my mouth is a little tender at the moment making it difficult to enjoy a nice lunch out;(. It seems every time I plan a lunch date something comes up. x(

Robin, get some POLYsporin for your thumb. That stuff heals up fissures and dry cracked skin like nobody's business. Make sure you use POLYsporin and NOT neosporin. I agree with Dana that Aquaphor is a great lotion to use all the time. I'm pretty sure you only need to use your middle finger in Drill Max}( :p

Dana, I would hate being stuck at work if I wasn't busy. Can't you leave if they don't need you? How are you feeling today? --I was LMAO about the tea story. Your kids are a riot! --I live in constant fear that one of my neighbors has a baby monitor:eek: :7 -- WTH is a tart warmer? --What will your brother be doing in Icland? Is this a business trip or for pleasure?

Corrie, I'm sorry about your neighbors. It seems to me that they could be a little more understanding of your situation. You have to let your kids run and play. That's what kids do! And since you're paying the most to live there I think your needs trump theirs. I'm so sorry your DH is sick. I hope you can reschedule your trip.

August, I've been thinking...do you have "people" -- secretary or agent or someone you could pay to wait in the donut line for you? It sounds like that's what you going to have to do if you want a donut in Tokyo -- LMAO! Have you figured out yet that Jen is the good angel and the rest of us are little devils? Jen keeps trying to avert your attention away from donuts, and the rest of us are like "go get a donut"! LMAO!

Jen, I have a couple of the Powerstrike w/o's, thanks to a kind and lovely and generous friend, but I'm such a dork that I'm embarrassed to use them even in the privacy of my own home--lol! I tried them a couple of times but I just can't GET IT. Maybe I need to practice a little more.

Terri, thanks for posting that bar recipe. It really looks yummy! I saw your post in the rotations forum. Boy I don't know, but if you're having good results I'd stick with it for another week and see how you fare. Would you be doing exactly the same workouts again or switching them up slightly? I would maybe use last week as a template but incorporate some different w/o's.

Kara, you win the prize for the most original use of barley -- lol! Seriously, I would like the recipe. When will you be finished with school? I don't know how you manage school, marriage, and parenting all at once. My hat's off to you, and I'm mighty thankful that when you have time to blow you've chosen us to blow it on us:+

Shelley, MSY, Diane, Mariah, Arista, and anyone I may have missed, I'll be looking for you:*

I have to skedaddle for now but I'll BBL.
Bored here. Yes I could leave if I wanted to but then I would have to use a vacation day. I did make myself a dr appt to get this cold checked out.

Michele - you poor thing. I hope your mouth feels better soon. Maybe you'll feel better and still be able to meet your friend for lunch.

This is a tart warmer: http://www.irvins.com/product_detai...esults.asp?category=11%5F4&top_category_id=11

I just checked out a travel thingy on Iceland and it is beautiful. All of their foods are organic, unpolluted water, fresh air. Now I want to go. And I didn't realize, it is only a 4.5 hour flight from Boston.

OK, I"m gonna go have some yogurt.
Good morning Haters

Thanks for the words of sympathy.

The boys downstairs and we upstairs both rent from another (lovely) lady who live down in California. My husband and I DID live in basement suites for about 10 years, and also know what it is like to live under kids, so I know we are probably pretty noisy. HOWEVER, the girls don't get up before 7am and the first little while is wake-up, cuddle, eat-breakfast time which does not include any yelling or running, so I think the boys should be getting enough beauty sleep. Pretty much, I think the one fellow is being a b****y drama queen because he is having some relationship troubles. He was supposed to be moving out, but keeps coming back, but that is another story all together ;)

Anywhooo, I am feeling much better today thanks to all the FRIENDS I am making on this forum - you guys are so awesome! I have felt so isolated since moving to Nelson (just over a year ago) - I wish I would have discovered Cathe and you guys earlier.

Robin - thanks for the gentle reminder of how loud little kids are. I know we are *ahem* a LITTLE loud sometimes. I will try to remember the next time I get hate mail from my friends}:)). Don't do the Push Pull upper body today - you'd have to use your thumbs for the Fonzie moves LOL

Dana - brrrrr, NO WAY JOSE! I don't think there are very many places in Canada you can swim outdoors in March. We aren't as miserably cold in BC as, say, ONTARIO (sorry Shelley), but there is still some snow on the ground. I live in a pretty mountain town that is a tourist haven - we have access to sooo much outdoor recreation: hiking, world famous mountain biking, skiing, and fishing. The town has embraced it's heritage and restored much of the original buildings, so it's really pretty here. In keeping with the theme, the town has tried to hide most of the chain stores and kept the downtown core as it was with locally owned businesses. I think everyone should come and visit this summer!!!


LOL at your tartwarmer story - it is soooo fun sharing a home isn't it?

Michele - DH is feeling better this morning!!! Yahooooo - we are going away. (I can finally get away from these horrible noisy children;)) LOL about the tartwarmer. I was wondering the same thing, but was imagining something naughty...}).

OK, I need to get ready for my trip and grab another cup of joe.

Oh, forgot, don't know if I will work out today, did my weekly weigh in and did not gain a pound!!! (even after consuming a bottle of Kaluha.) Dropped half an inch off my waist. Gained some on my thighs and biceps (started doing the body blast series last week and can really feel the muscle gains already.)

Hope everyone has a great weekend filled with fun.

Hi to everyone I missed (lots of you, I know.)


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.

Hi ladies -

Another crazy day at work! I am thinking now about telling work a couple weeks earlier just so that maybe people will give me a break (though I doubt it will be much of a break). Then tonight DH and I are going to a Rockets game with some clients. We will have seat on the floor, as well as be able to go up to the company suite with a bunch of yummy food. These things are usually fun since there is free alcohol and food, but probably will be boring without alcohol. I would rather just go home and go to bed.

This weekend we are traveling to San Antonio again to see DH's college friend and his wife. We are excited to tell them about the pregnancy. They are wanting to have kids soon too, so should be fun. We are going to a Spurs game with them, so I will be totally sick of basketball by the end of the weekend.

I told my friends at lunch yesterday and they are excited. They already knew but it was fun to finally talk about it. None of these girls are married or even near the point of settling down, so they were a little freaked out that there was a baby inside me. But they are excited. It is funny because one of the friends actually saw me and DH at the OB/GYN on Wednesday, so they already totally knew before I told them. How random that we had an appt with the same doctor on the same day?
Happy lunch time haters!

I didn't do my usual workout this AM b/c I was on call last night and didn't get any sleep. I'll see how I feel tonight. I just got BM2, Drill Max and B&G in the mail yesterday. I can't wait to try them! I also can't wait to hear about the new series Cathe is going to be doing. I realzed recently that I have been doing alot of step and need some non-step aerobics. I like hi/lo and have considered buying Amy Bento's hi/lo extreme. We'll see.

Robin - Hope you had fun with Drill Max. How many calories do you burn with it? Sorry you have to work this weekend.:-(

Corrie - Enjoy your trip with your DH! I can't even remember what that's like. I hope you have a great time.

Michele - Which rotation are you doing? Do you find rotations helpfull? I have never done one. Maybe I'll take Robin's advice and try Nov'06

Jen - What is Powerstrike? I have never heard of it.

Deb - Are you going through peri-menopausal syndrome? I'm sorry - some women find it really miserable.

Terri - How had you 2 workouts a day been going? I tried to do that for a while, but realized there are only about three days out of the week I can do 2 a day.

Dana - I'm sorry you are bored at work, but on the upside, it gives you time to read all the postings!:7

See you guys later!
Good afternoon all!

I haven't done my workout yet and I'm thinking I should start again from scratch next Monday. I really can't catch up at this point. I might hop on my elliptical for a little cardio I can do AND enjoy.

Dana, I'm not even going to tell you what I thought a tart warmer was:eek: -- LMAO!

Corrie, I'm so glad you and your DH will be able to take that trip after all. You deserve it after so much time apart.

Diane, I'm so glad you've started to tell people at work. How much longer do you plan to work? --Have fun this weekend. Let us know how your friends react.

MSY, don't feel bad about missing a workout after you've been on call. My goodness, you're juggling quite a load between your job and your babies!

I'm doing Cathe's March rotation. I was excited about it because it's designed for the intermediate exerciser, and that's how I would classify myself in terms of Cathe's cardio. I have trouble with step workouts. Aside from the fact that it irritates my left hip, I'm also a natural born klutz;) :7 . The only cardio I truly enjoy is my elliptical paired with Cardio Coach audio workouts. I have never followed a rotation from beginning to end before and obviously, I'm not getting off to a great start this time around, either;(.

The Powerstrikes are kickboxing workouts and they're wildly popular. The production quality leaves a lot to be desired but most people can overlook that because the workouts themselves are excellent.

Deb, I went through menopause a long time ago and yes, it can make you feel rotten!

I'm in the midst of doing laundry and then it's off to the grocery store to find something I can gum down ;( . I'm thinking about making a pot of soup.
Will this day ever end???? I am bored to death. I have 40 minutes to go.

Michele - sorry to hear you are still in pain. But a pot of soup does sound good. Get your mind out of the gutter?!?!?! What the heck did you think a tart was?

Hi MSY. Don't sweat not getting the w/o in. You are one busy

Cora - I checked out the link you posted. What a quaint little town. What do you do for fun there?

Hi Diane. See you could've told your friends sooner - they already knew. :)

Oh, I went to the dr this am and I've got a sinus infection. I'm on an antibiotic so this better clear up soon. I'm not going to even attempt to workout tonight.

Sure is quiet in here today.

If I don't check back in tonight, have a great weekend all.
Evening, haters!

Robin: I get those cracks too and they are so painful. Like Dana, I swear by Neutrogena handcream. Love that stuff. Haven't tried the polysporin, but that sounds good. Have you ever tried a Mary Kay Satin Hands treatment? It's wonderful to help relieve dry hands. Bliss products also have something similar that's just as nice. Basically it's a pre-moisturizer, cleanser, scrub and then hand cream. The meeting with the attorney was changed to Tuesday.

Dana: Did you survive work? Not much going on for the weekend; just putsy stuff like laundry, maybe some work stuff. If it's nice, I want to be outside - spring is in the air, birds are chirping and the snow is melting. Where are you that it was 6 this morning? I have to laugh at your posts as your work day progresses...or doesn't progress. Get better and have a relaxing weekend.

Michele: Is your condition where you get red blotches on your tongue? My girlfriend from high school used to have that problem (she may still) and tomatoes would make it worse.
<I'm pretty sure you only need to use your middle finger in Drill Max> HAH!! LOL!!! :)Love it! I've already switched the workouts a bit. I did GS C&T and all I can say is my middle finger got the most workout! I died just completing the pushup superset. I have to admit the only way I could complete it was on my knees. Even then, by the time I got to set 10 and lower I was shaking like a leaf. I can hardly feel myself typing this.

Corrie: 7 a.m. is not all THAT early - it's not like it's 5:00 a.m. or something. Where did you move from? Your town sounds absolutely lovely! Maybe we'll have to plan a family vacation there - how far is it from Winnipeg? And how did you discover Cathe? Have you been working out with her for a long time? It took me years before I even LOOKED at the forum, let alone post anything. Congrats on losing an inch off the waist!

Diane: I'll check to see if the Rockets game is on t.v. tonight. I'll watch just to see if I can recognize you from your photo.

MSY: It's so fun when those new workouts come! Jen sent me Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme, which I did this morning. The music is really my favorite part of the entire workout. I'm also considering purchasing more of her workouts. It's hard to replace Cathe because she's so good in everything: timing, going to the beat of the music, form, production, etc. OOH...if you've never tried or heard of Powerstrike, it's AWESOME. Jen, of course, led me on to this as well. Unlike Amy, Ilaria is VERY perfect in her form. I love it when she's says, "C'mon!" in her heavy accent. I don't know if there's a video clip of it though. And I was very concerned about the quality of the production and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. I know Jen would HIGHLY recommend these as well. Two-a-days get to be a bit tiresome. I just finished the first half of the rotation, the heavy lifting and I'm thoroughly exhausted. The second half is lighter weight/high rep portion.

BBL - I've got to shower and get my p.j's on. I'll be on the couch very early tonight.

Evening haters, I got next to zero sleep last night, not sure why but I tossed & turned all night so I am already looking forward to bed, eating an early dinner & going to curl up in bed so I can get up early tomorrow & hopefully enjoy some nice weather.

Well I've decided that I am going to focus more on cardio & non-weight lower body work, I swear my thighs keep getting bigger & it is muscle, not fat so that is good but I want them thinner. So, instead of B&G tonight I did KPC kicking/punching combos, the 2nd half of Legs & glutes(the half that doesn't use the high step) and then the floor glute work from B&G, I think it was about 80 minutes total.

Robin- Ouch, that thumb sounds like it hurts really bad. Did you get Drill Max in today? That is what I am doing tomorrow.

Dana- Wow that is awesome about your brother, what is going to do in Iceland? Sounds like you need to get some rest this weekend & get over that sinus infection, take it easy!

Michele- Sorry you are having mouth problems, I know that has to be so painful. You should get out the Powerstrikes & give them a try again, I just love the first one.

MSY- Do a search on the open forum for powerstrike & you should find all the information about how to order them, they are really good kickboxing workouts, I am drenched in sweat when I am done!

I am not very chatty tonight, I have been so busy at work & not getting sleep last night did me in. My brain & body feel like mush.

Corrie, Diane, Kara, Terri, Arista, Mariah, Shelley, Deb- Wow, we sure have gained a nice crowd in hatersville!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday evening, BBL.

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