well i binged again. i posted about a month ago on the same topic. for some reason i can't get out of this black or white thinking. i am so afraid to trust myself with intuitive eating. i have read the book and it just scares me. i feel like i will just blow up b/c i love junk food that much. i'm trying to think of what made me binge. my fiance' has been working a lot so i'm lonely. i added an extra day of cardio in as well which usually triggers a binge. my binge wasn't as bad as the last one though so thats good. i wanted to know if anyone has any tricks with the intuitive eating thing? i'm getting really annoyed with 6 meals a day but when i do 3 i don't feel well. i'm tired of counting calories and having to bring food with me everywhere i go. i'm tired of going to restaurants and not getting what i really want off the menu. i do love the way i look by eating the way i do but sometimes i wonder if 6 pack abs and size 2 jeans is worth the aggrevation. there was a time when i was normal and just ate and worked out. i don't know when all of that changed for me and i became so regimented. i just want to cry right now. i feel really lonely and defeated. i hate how much control food has on my life. its all i think about. i watch others who forget to eat or just order whatever they want without a care in the world. i'm honestly jealous. i have seen a therapist. i need to reread intuitive eating again. i hate the way i'm going to feel tomorrow: swollen, tired, bloated, fat. i even thought about this before eating this crap i ate. i know lots of people have cheat meals and this is basically what this was. it was about 1500cals extra for the day. i know its not the end of the world but i want to be normal and be able to eat a couple cookies and be content and not have to eat them all. or be able to have a slice of pizza and not five. i'm tired of measuring food, i'm tired of looking at how many grams of protein, carbs, and fat i'm eating. i'm just tired of it. sometimes i just don't want to care anymore. it is so exhausting and i know i could use the energy on other things. i'm constantly talking about food and exercise and judging others based on this. HELP ME. i can dish out the advice but there are times when i can't take my own.