I hate kickboxing!

First, if you don't like it, don't do it! I HATE running, so I don't do it!

But, as to why you hate kickboxing so much...could it be form issue?
Are you not comfortable with some of the moves? Or do they feel wrong when you're doing them? Just a thought?

Running doesn't feel comfortable to me at all. I just hurt after I finish with it more than I feel like I've had a good workout.
I think maybe I will give 4DS kickbox a try before finally rejecting (that's it - done with it) the workout.

I just feel 'cheated' by my body because all the Cathe workouts are awesome so I just don't get why I don't enjoy kickbox - I may seek help from a hypnotist - why not if it helps.

As for "issues" - I don't think I do have any known issues. Yes, last year I hurt my knee and have to be careful about how I use my legs but my dislike to kickbox started from Billy Blank Tae Bo days - that was ... what like in mid to late 90s?

I will give 4DS workout #3 a try (I have been dreading it!!) and then maybe take the advise from everyone. It's true - I don't "have to" like it. And if I don't like it I don't "have to" do it. There is plenty more from Cathe and other trainers that I absolutely love and can enjoy.

I will sell it if I don't like. Always that option! Start saving $$ for STS - yay!!

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