I hate cardio...Tuesday, July 11

Good morning! (Over here, anyway LOL)

Kali - I see. You gave up white starches. I know there are people who completely stop eating starches, and I always wonder what the heck happens if they have some kind of starchy cheat meal or something. I imagine a huge slip into pizza night or something would become near deadly LOL. Your DH won't be leaving because of high cholesterol? Well that's the first time I heard something "good" come out of high cholesterol! So I guess you'll have to hang out together a bit longer. Bonus!

Dana - I put my travel soap pebbles into my travel soap case LOL. I looked a bit on the internet but all I could find was how to make homemade soap, and I sure to heck ain't THAT desperate! Blueberry pancakes, ooh, that sounds great. It would be a hard choice between that and a sticky bun, but you couldn't have gone wrong either way. That is SO funny about the contact lenses. Your DH must be thinking he didn't sleep very well last night LOL! LMAO about the kazoo!

Janjan - I love all the new little emoticons you've been using. You studying?

Well, I had my steel-cut oats and now will digest before performing beloved cardio. As you well know, I usually have my pancake after cardio, but it's so hot here and I'm so hooked on my new and improved smoothie, that I just can't help myself. :p
Yes something good out of high cholesterol! He is already "gung ho" about cooking "MY" kind of meals!!

Yes August, I gave up white starch.
But pizza doesn't fall under that category in my vocabulary. If you google or search "Old Forge Style Pizza", that's where I come from. A tiny little town in Northeast PA. I come from a little, (I mean short thunder thighed) HUGE (in bred I believe) family, from Old Forge. Pizza is a staple.
DH busts me cause we can't drive thru town without seeing a relation of mine.
Pizza?? Oh no. Maybe in moderation, but NEVER off the menu! LOL!

I'm off of whites, too, and only eat them in the most desperate of situations, and even then, as little as humanly possible LOL.

Pizza used to be one of my staples, too, though I'm not from your town :7 . How funny that you have relations all over the place! Sounds like a bizarre movie!

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