I hate cardio...Tuesday, July 11


Good morning Ladies! I missed you guys yesterday!

Jana, how is your little one's eye doing? I hope it's not too bothersome for her.

Glad you got a new coffeepot Michele! The horror of losing a coffee pot!

Diane! The kitty is sooooooo adorable!

Hi August, Kate and Dana! How's things?

I'm trying to decide what rotation or workouts I want to do. I hate being undecided. I need to do cardio, but can't overdo it anymore with my knees not being 100%. I also can't go too heavy with weights for legs (which I never really did anyway because I'm afraid of bulking up more) I'm only 5'2 with hereditary "thunder thighs".

I don't look like my progress pics anymore. I gained almost 10 lbs. back since the fall because of my eating. When I lost all that weight I was eating no starchy carbs, minimal sugar, lots of protein, salad etc. So I'm back on that this week. With DH going, I'll be able to just cook for the boys and eat my own stuff again for 4 months which will help.

Think I'm going to do Butts and Guts again. It always brought me great results, especially when I was eating right. I'm off for a coffee and a look at the rotations YET AGAIN!

What's everyone up to today? Cardio I hope! lol.

I added 2 pics to my Recent photos album so you can all see how I've backslided since my initial weight loss.x(


Hi Haters!


I just wanted to say that I love your new pictures! I can tell you work it hard. Don't worry about a minor set back, you know your an ANIMAL and you can "bring it back to the table" anytime you want! I hear ya on the food. Everyone eats the same thing here for dinner or they don't eat. I usually just make grilled or baked meats and then have green beans. Sometimes brown rice or a sweet potatoe. My kids get their starchy carbs in during the daytime when I give them the option to eat what they want, but I don't buy anything bad so it is either...sandwiches, soups or baked fish, and they can have fries (which they stick in the oven) etc. and fruits, etc. I am not saying your doing anything wrong, but maybe you can just get everyone to eat what you make for dinner and let them decide during the day while you eat what you need...see if it works? Just a suggestion.

And for some reason, even though I am tall and lean, my thighs still have a tendency to bulk up too, but I don't really mind if they do if it is muscle, but I get what your saying. I have been going lighter with my weights for squats cuz I feel it in my glutes more when I can go down in a seated position. Instead of running, I have been riding my bike cuz my knees can act up if I push it too much with wrong combinations of running, static lunges, etc.

Anyhow, just wanted to chat with ya. Take care!

Good morning Kali and Char Char!

I have Total Body Sculpting on tap for today. I almost didn't make it through my cardio last night because of the heat and humidity. I can't take it, really. I think I need to make a serious effort to do my workouts in the morning before it heats up. I usually do late afternoon or evening work outs but it's too hot in the summer for that. I'm loving my new coffeemaker. It's a Cuisinart and I'm very happy with it :). Like Kali, I'm trying to get my eating back under control. I've gained some of my weight back, too, and I'm pretty unhappy about that. I fell off the bandwagon when we had all that fam damily visiting. I've gone back to keeping a fridge full of fresh cut veggies and fruits that I keep in airtight containers. I have sliced bell peppers, celery sticks, carrot sticks, cucumber spears, and radishes, and I take a few of each for lunch and for snacks during the day. I also have a lot of fresh berries and a container of melon balls. One of my snacks during the day has been celery stuffed with Laughing Cow brand cheese:9

Kali, people kind of check in here at different times. August is in Japan so she's on a totally different clock and she usually starts the thread while we are sleeping. I think you look great. We all backslide from time to time, the important thing is that you're doing something about it before it gets out of hand. You can still see your muscle definition, especially in your arms. You look fit and lovely. What DVD's are you using? I would love to know which rotation you choose. I'm struggling to pick one out. I'm an intermediate in terms of cardio but can do advanced weight work outs. I can't handle a lot of complex choreography. I have no clue how to put together a rotation and Cathe doesn't have one for intermediates.

Char Char, I don't see any bulkiness in you. You're very lean and muscular looking, but not in a bulky way. You look great and I LOVE your new avatar.

Okay, where are the rest of you lazy slugs--lol! I'm sure you're all doing your cardio, right?

ETA a hello to Kate. We must've been posting at the same time. Good luck with Imax 2:eek: (how do you do that--it would KILL me). I think it's really neat that that author sent you a thank you note. I'm enjoying my book, Artemisia, too.
I'm a tall pear. I have big hips, thighs etc. I hate hearing about how I can build my upper body. Well, I cannot. I cannot gain muscle most probably due to being tall. But, keep on truckin as they used to say when I was in junior high.
Diane, good for you on another cat. Love cats. Love cats, have five of them. The more the better. Of course, the cats don't agree but they are not paying for the litter.
About the book "The Coffee Trader" (once again, I don't know how to underline). I wrote him telling him how much I love his work and he wrote me a thank you. Even better reason to read his excellent work!
I have a full hour cardio day today, well unless I do Imax 2, that is only 50 mins but it it wears me out like an hour cardio usually does. I did Imax 2 on the last cardio days so I guess I should not do it today. Darn.
Okay, well I gotta run. Can't wait to do some cardio!
Good morning everyone,

It is still somewhat early here. Kali, Diane and I are in CST so we are 2 hours behind you guys and Kate is 3 hours behind you EST people! August, well who knows what time August is on..hehe...I know I have some one to talk to at night while I am doing homework!

So, PT day #2 and I got a new PT, sweet lady...but there were 2 other people in there with me and it was just too much. I could have done the same workout at home and think I am going to only go 1 or 2 days per week and save the $$. Not worth it. The muscle is slowly...I mean slowly building back up. The right leg is tiny from the muscle being cut and I think my DD has bigger quad muscles than me right now! haha!
I am so proud of my little DD she has been pulling herself up for about 3 weeks now and is standing while holding on to something! Going to be walking soon! She is so little compaired to other babies, but what she lacks in size she makes up for in personality. Not that I am partial..but my little DD is really cute! anyway....moving right along....

Michele-ohhh new coffee makers sounds soooo cool. I had to break down and get some today, but only drank 1/2 of it. I really am trying to kick the habit. Man, it is hard! I saw your post on LIS...

I am so glad to hear you got it done and felt good! Now what's on tap for today?? Did you ever decide on what new DVD to get? Once this knee gets back into it I am going to start the rotation Debbie posted. That rotation looks really good.

I have got to run you guys, I will be back in a bit. I just got home a few mins ago and need to tend to DD.

Hello to everyone..I will be back!
Ohhhhh! I didn't realize we were in different time zones! Gotchas now.

It's nice to hear about your DD janjan. I remember when my little guys started walking. It's hard to believe they are going into 3rd and 1st grade. Yikes.

Hi Michele! I'm going to the store later and am going to get a bunch of the good stuff to snack on. Glad you like the new pot. I decided to go with Butts and Guts rotation again. Just got done with Stepworks which is my FAVORITE cardio wo. It's already freaking humid here so I'm drenched. It does help to do it in the morning if you can get yourself to do it.

I can feel my knee a little bit. I'm sure I'll feel it more later. I started just using my step with no risers and I think that is saving me some unwanted pain. I know it takes away from the intensity, but my biggest fear is not being able to work out at all. That's why I'm down about gaining some back.

Thanks Charlotte. I have been working out religiously (thank goodness right)??? I just have to get the eating back in order. That is a wonderful idea about having everyone eat what I eat. I'm going to give it a try next week when DH leaves. You look amazing. Where the hec do bulk up???

Kate you have fun with that cardio ya hear? Do your cats all get along?

Off to have some eggwhites for breakfast and do a little cleaning and I'm off to soak up some sun.

Hi Diane, August and Dana and anyone else I missed!


Hey Michele - Is it the stainless steel looking coffee maker? If so, that is the same one that I have. I works well.

No workout for me today. I could just about die of tiredness. I don't know what possesses me to stay up late every night, I just hate going to sleep because it just means that I have to wake up and go to work. So I stay up late to have more free time, then end up being even more miserable at work the next day b/c I haven't worked out and I am tired.

DH is going out of town tonight for a business trip, should be back on Thursday. I hate when he is out of town.

Jana - DD sounds really cute. You need to start a picturetrail!!!
Now that I think about it, it is funny not knowing what some of y'all look like. I'm definitely have an image in my head of everyone, I wonder if it is at all accurate.
Janjan, I would love to see pics of your DD!! Good luck with your PT. You sound feisty so you must be coming along really well,

Kali, I'm going to have to take a look at that rotation. The only DVD's I have are Power Hour and all the Beginner/intermediate--that's why it's so hard for me to figure out a rotation. I guess I'm just going to have to start buying the series, one at a time, until I have enough to put something together.

Diane, I'm right there with you on the sleep thing. I went to bed around midnight last night which is early for me. I like to read and I have a hard time putting a book down if it's good. I love our new coffeemaker. I was planning to get the stainless model but when I got to the store I saw one in matt black and I loved the look. It has stainless buttons and knobs, and "cuisinart" is in stainless letters across the front. I was very happy with the way it functioned and our coffee tasted great this morning. I need to pay attention tomorrow to see if the "Auto Off" function is working. I set it to shut off automatically after 2 hours but I manually turned it off this morning before the time was up.

I don't have a camera so I can't post photo's (thank God--lol). I bear a striking resemblance to my dog--the one in my avatar and picture trail. I'm about 5'5". My eyes are different colors--1 blue and 1 green. I have naturally curly hair that is about shoulder length but it's so curly it curls up to my chin:eek: . It's dark brown and I have golden highlights. That's it--nothing too remarkable.
Michele - I think you may have the same one as me in black, programmable 12 cup with the little knobs that turn and flip switch? My Cuisinart makes a loud beeping noise when it does the auto off, same noise it does when it is done brewing. It even tells you when it needs to be cleaned, pretty cool.

It is funny how some people look like their pets. Or have a pet with the same sort of personality. I love daschunds, so if you had to be like a certain breed, that is a good one to be ;-)

Kali - I know what you mean about finding a rotation. I copied a bunch into a file and sometimes go through them just to torture myself a little more. I'm curious - when you stop eating starchy carbs and then start eating them again...do you have...um...achem...problems? Oh, and I looked at your new photos. You're totally cute! You've got some great arm definition going on, too! Plus, you know what works for you, so when you kick that into gear like you're doing now, I'll bet you'll be back to where you want to be in no time.

Michele - Oh, I'm glad you're enjoying your new coffee machine! Hey, did you figure out how to use your new phone?

Janjan - That must be so cool to watch your DD start to walk.

Hi, Charlotte, Kate and Diane!

Sorry to be so short - I'm beat!

Night night and see you in the morning...
I don't know how anyone follows a certain rotation. I wouldn't be able to do it. I don't know what I am doing until I go to the bookshelf and pull out some workouts.
Did you all notice how fast Miss Michele got bought that coffee maker? Caffeine addict!!!!! It's rehab for you. First you have to admit you are an addict. Okay, okay, I have to have my half cup too. I understand completely. Wow, can you imagine how big rehab would be if there were one for caffeine. There probably isn't one due to the size of the coffee lobby. Big business, that is what is it all about and well, that is fine with me.
Me too Kate. A half cup? That's it?? You have some WILL power Woman!
I used to do cardio in the AM and weights in the PM, whatever came to me. When I couldn't do 2 workouts a day anymore, I started doing rotations. I definatley do better with an outline to follow. In everything actually.

DH just found out he's leaving Saturday instead of Sunday. Saturday at 6:30 am he's catching a limo. I'm bummed. He's bummed. Just have to make the most of the time we have I guess.

August I never went back to eating white starches. Stayed with ww pasta, bread, rice etc. The eating of the crap at night is how I sabotaged myself! LOL!

Diane daschunds are soooo cute! We are thinking of getting one in the spring. Hope you're holding up ok!

Off to burn songs on DH's MP3 player for him.

Have a good afternoon ladies!


Afternoon ladies. I"m off work today with a sick baby. Around 5pm last night he felt warm, his temp was 102.5, gave him tylenol and it would go down but as soon as the tylenol wears off, it is back up again. I took him to the dr this am and basically he just has a viral-cold so he has to fight it on his own. Lots of fluids and rest. Well he certainly isn't resting. He is into everything!

Jan-Jan: You are so lucky that you don't have to put Marley in daycare yet. Hold off as long as you possibly can. I wish that I could've had a longer maternity leave. Gannon has been sick ever since I went back to work in March. Your DD sounds so cute. Gannon isn't walking yet. He is too darn heavy to stand. LOL. Sorry to hear that the PT sucked. I'm assuming if you keep up at it on your own you'll heal regardless of who is doing the therapy? I wouldn't waste the $$ either.

Michele: You crack me up. How can you say that you look like your dog??? I know what you mean about the humidity. I have to turn the a/c on in our bedroom about an hour before I plan to work out or I'm about ready to die.

August: How is your soap ball? LOL Haven't heard you mention "sticky rice" in a while? Speaking of sticky foods, I almost ordered a sticky bun for breakfast on my free day. But I opted for blueberry pancakes instead.

Kali: I am sorry that your DH has to leave for Iraq. I will be keeping him in my prayers. Don't beat yourself up over gaining a bit of weight. Like Michele said, you are doing something about it now before it gets out of hand. You will have no problem losing those pesky 10 lbs. I wanted to ask you, did you have any problems with all that flooding last week? My area didn't get hit but the surrounding areas were really, really bad. You should see the road where you go into the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, the road looks like it has a trench on either side.

Hi to Kate, Diane and Char-Char. :)

Want to hear something funny? This morning when I got up, I went to put in my contact lenses and I thought, uh-oh b/c my DH and I have the same color contact lense case. I usually put mine on the other side of the sink but for some reason I left it on his side. So DH wore my contact lenses today. My vision is about 2 levels worse then his so I don't know how the heck he is seeing today. I did try to call him on his cell to see if he wanted me to bring him his but he didn't answer - I found his cell in our downstairs bathroom.

Gabe is driving me CRAZY being home today. He is bugging me to go in the pool. (which I refuse to, there is no way I am putting on a bathing suit). He is blowing this stupid kazoo which is highly annoying and there is a "Fairly Odd Parents" marathon on Nick. I hope that I am able to go back to work tomorrow. His class is going skating so even if Gannon is sick, I still may take Gabe to daycare.

So my workout for today is going to be Chest/Triceps/Shoulders from Pure Strength. Right now I'm following the BFL 12-week exercise program. I do some of the exercises in the book and then I also sub with Cathe's DVD. For example, for my LB workout the other day, I used the leg press, leg extension and hamstring curl machines in the gym and also did the 23 min LB premix from Muscle Max. Thursday is my next LB workout and I"m thinking of using the machines in the gym and adding PLB.

Better get going for now. I"m going to attempt to get Gannon down for a nap since he is so grouchy.

Talk to you all later!:)
Oh Dana-Sorry to hear about Gannon.

Poor little guy. Big hugs for him! I hope he gets better soon.
My days of being at home with DD are coming to an end here real soon. We have a spot in daycare for October 1st, but DH just got a slammin comm check so if he gets another one I think I can get a little more time. At least until she is over 1 year and we are past cold and flu season. I will also be done with school (hopefully) next year and go back to work for more $$ with this MBA. DD has been a pill today, Ms. Cranky baby! Must be something in the air!
Poor Gabe does not get to go swimming! Mean mommie! haha! Just kidding!

It really sounds like you are doing great on your BFL. I am sending you good vibes every day and look forward to hearing how you are doing! Keep us updated.

Hope your little guy gets to feeling better soon, big, big, big hugs to him!

You hang in there too!!
Hi Dana and janjan!

Dana hope Gannon feels better fast! Poor little guy!
We live on a hill and weren't affected, but we are close it all.

DH isn't going. His bloodwork came back and his cholestoral (sp) is thru the roof and they won't let him go. I'm suprised he hasn't keeled over already.

So guess who's gonna be eating clean!! The WHOLE family!!
I'm just looking at it as he was not meant to go for some reason. Could be a blessing in disguise right?


Eating clean for my DH means his food groups junk, junk and more junk ,pizza, coke, ritz, mac and cheese, burgers, cookies, brownies...the list goes on and on. I try to "sneak" good food in, but he loads it down with butter.....

I think it is a blessing....its a sign....now whip him into eating shape! haha!
Man I wish I had some unhealthy food at home. I am still at work, so there is always the option of the vending machine. Donuts, candy bars, chips, I could go wild.

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