I Hate Cardio MOST of the time but not always 8/28

Miss Lee

I thought that would get your attention--lol!!:p :7

I really do LOVE my elliptical trainer. I was going to do step today but I think I need a little Coach Sean action. I have the worst case of DOMS ever! I did ME Saturday and my chest and arms have got it BAAAAD. I was going to do a GS today but I think I better take another day of rest.

Diane, I looked at 3 different bookstores yesterday and could not find that book. I'm mostly curious about the food. Could you post a sample menu--not recipes--just what you would basically eat in a day's time. No rush on that, just whenever you have time.

Kate, are you killing yourself with cardioooo? I swear, you ARE the work out queen of the forums. I seriously doubt anyone can top what you do in a day.

Janjan, Dana, August--I miss you:* :* :*
I think I am going to go and sleep in a hotel tonight. I cannot take another night of a screaming child! Ohhhhh...it SUCKS!!! Not to mention I have no idea why in the He** she is doing this. Night starts off ok, and then right about 11 PM it starts up all night long. I rock her, I swing her, I put her in her crib, rub her head, back...NOTHING...she will sleep for a about an hour and then bam back up again and again and again. We have a Dr's apt today at 3, so we need to get to the bottom of this before I loose my mind. Work starts on the 8th for me and if I don't get some sleep I might as well forget being productive. God this sucks. I am so tired. Not to mention to bad part just when I feel like I she might go back to sleep, and I try to relax she wakes back up. I am out of my mind!

Between this and the knee I think I am going to go and check into the looney bin, might get some sleep and some PT there.

Michele-it must be my eyes playing tricks on me, but did you say you LOVE your machine? Yeah, I MUST be loosing it.....

Diane-How are you? I am interested in your new book you got, share some details. Ok, wait I got it, I will drop DD off for the night at your house and you can stay up with her all night that way when you have a baby you will be ready for the all-nighters...ahhh...sounds perfect, what do you say?

Kate-all I want to know is what is the high today in Cali, just rub it in, I am living in a sauna right now and it is not fun.

Ok, I am off for some breakfast.

BBin a bit
Janjan, I'm sorry about your DD. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have your sleep constantly interrupted. Oh! Wait a minute! I can too imagine that--lol! We had the whole beeper thing going on this weekend. DH's beeper went off every few minutes all night long last night. I felt so sorry for him. He worked 12 or 14 hour days all weekend, got no sleep (and neither did I), then had to go into to work bright and early. He won't get a break until this weekend. He's beat and I worry myself sick about him. He's too old for this.

I'll say a prayer for your DD that she starts to sleep through the night. Hopefully your pediatrician will have some suggestions for you. Don't ask me---I don't no nothin bout babies:eek: --And good luck with your job! When do you start?

Katiepoo--where are you?
Hi Ladies -

Michele - I don't have the book with me, so going from memory here so hopefully I am right. He recommends 5 meals a day (3 larger meals and 2 snacks) that have about a balance of 55% healthy carbs (whole grains, fruits and veggies), 30% lean protein (you know the usual, chicken, lean beef, fish, but also some recipes include veggie meats (e.g. veggie pepperoni pizza on no-flour bread)) and 15% healthy fats. So here is a sample menu if I can remember:

Breakfast: steel cut oats or rolled oats with skim milk and some berries, or Kashi Go Lean! cereal with skim milk and some berries on top, or a smoothie with berries and whey powder etc. Gives some good breakfast recipes for french toast and breakfast burritos.

Snack: ff cottage cheese and a peach, or plain yogurt and an apple (has some really yummy sounding recipes, like one where you core an apple, put in some plain yogurt, apple pie spice and splenda and microwave for a few minutes, sounds yummy).

Lunch: recommends soups and salads (with olive oil based dressing). If having a sandwich, use no-flour breads, like Ezekiels and lean meats with ff cheese, mustard and tomato. Had some good recipes for wraps with no-flour tortillas, lettuce wraps, and soups).

Snack: Turkey jerky with some fruit, or slice of veggie salami and ff cheese on top of a wheat cake (like a rice cake but with wheat, I will have to look for these).

Dinner: generally says a lean protein for about 1/3 of meal, and then healthy carbs, like brocolli and quinoa, or side salad and a veggie, or wild rice and a veggie. He has a few recipes that sounded good, but there wasn't a lot of quantity of recipes.

The diet is really flexible, no counting of carbs or calories or anything like that. Just trying to go for balanced meals with lean proteins, healthy carbs and fats, and fiber. He just gives a list of lean proteins, says to consult the glycemic index to find healthy carbs that you like and make up your own stuff. So may be too basic for some of you that already eat healthy, but for me it was different. I eat whole wheat bread and tortillas, but never tried no-flour breads. I also eat too many sandwiches for lunch (and of course restaurants don't have ff cheese and no-flour bread) so I need to stick more with salads and get a different dressing. I also need to incorporate snacks. So I am going to try it, along with the workout, for the 5 weeks starting next week and just continue with my usual diet and exercise until then.
Thanks, Diane! I'd say that looks reasonable and I'm sure you'll do very well with it.

August (just in case you're peeking in), guess what I'm reading? Yep, BFFM!! Now don't fall over, OK? I've only had the book for about 6 months. Actually, I couldn't remember where I put it after I removed it from my car where it sat for about 4 months--lol! I started with the section on cardio and weight training. I'll probably just read the book from back to front.

Kate, where are you, our rock, our shining example of cardio perfection?
I told my mom about the Five Factor Fitness book and she is going to try the program too! I am so excited. I may have said this before, but my mom is in the obese category and has high cholestrol. When I told her about the book, she said that my step-dad and her had been talking about starting an exercise program, so she seems like she is ready to commit to it to some extent. One of the main problems has always been that my step-dad doesn't want to participate in any diet or exercise program (even though he is very overweight and has a huge beer belly). He eats the most horrible food, it is really unreal. So if he is not bringing that stuff in the house, it will be a lot easier for both of them. I'm so excited I really hope they stick to it or at the very least start eating a little healthier.
if I am a rock, then rocks have become soggy. Yikes, I have been bad. I really meant to to everything I wanted like clean the house. Oh sure. Now that the kids are in school, you would think I would have the time. Sure, I do, but I don't have the desire. I should be someone else.
hahahahah Years ago, I was taking muscle relaxers cuz I had a miserable spasm in my shoulder. Well, nothing in moderation for me. I took too many. But............they worked so well when it came to cleaning the house. I was cleaning the fridge with q-tips. Hhahahahhaahahahahha. Sure wish I could get some more. OUch, my shoulder hurts. Only once per week, that is all I need to clean the house spit-spot. Cancel that, no one read this.
Boring meeting for the parents of fifth grade tonight. They want a check for $300.00 tonight. the year is going to cost $700.00. Ouch, but they have two overnight trips. A two night in October and a four night in May. Love the over-nighters!
And Michele, you cannot go on telling us you love cardio. Who do you think you are talking to? Remember where you are posting!
I did 45 mins of KPC, KPC abs, GSLegs floor work and then I walked the dog for 40 mins. Wait, I did 30 push ups. Gotta post!

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